Health Benefits of Tulsi (Holy Basil): Uses and Remedies

Tulsi - a holy plant of India

tulsi image

It is loaded with both medicinal and spiritual properties. It is considered sacred by Hindus, thus, they worship it. In Ayurveda, the oldest medicinal system of the country India, the Tulsi is known as the ‘Mother Medicine of Nature’ and ‘Queen of Herbs’. This is because this small plant has some mind-blowing health-beneficial properties possessed in it. Many Indians have grown Tulsi in their home as well. 

Despite the traditional significance of Tulsi, it also plays a great role in Ayurveda. It is therefore recognized as a medicinal herb. It is a popular herb known for the fact that it can cure various diseases and illnesses. After a detailed study, it was found that it helps treat respiratory, digestive, and skin diseases. In addition, it has been proven that tulsi benefits various infections and disorders of the liver and the management of diabetes and cholesterol. 

In this modern lifestyle, a very unhealthy environment prevails around us. Thus, the rate of development of diseases and various disorders has increased in past years, raising concern worldwide. When in doubt, about how to treat your health conditions, what’s better than switching to an ancient old pathy that provides us with effective and natural treatment? The herbal remedies and Ayurvedic medicines have enormous benefits. It starts with providing relief from disturbing symptoms, attacking the true root cause, and boosting the body's immune power. 

In India, our grandparents or parents taught us to adopt a habit of chewing fresh raw 4-5 leaves of the tulsi plant every day to prevent diseases like the common cold and fever. There are many beneficial reasons that lie behind this teaching. We will learn about them further in the blog.

Tulsi Synonyms

  • Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi scientific name)

  • Holy basil

  • Devdundubhi

  • Vrinda

  • Gauri

  • Sulbha

  • Tulas

  • Thai basil

  • Kala tulsi

  • Shree tulsi

  • Sacred basil, and many more.

Nutritional Value of Tulsi 


Value (Serving per 100gm)

(% of daily required intake)



Total fats

0.6g (0%)

Saturated fats 

0g (0%)


0g (0%)

Total Carbohydrates 


Dietary fibre 

1.6g (6%)




3.2g (6%)


4mg (0%)


295mg (8%)







Vitamin B6


Vitamin C


Vitamin D



Tulsi Uses and Benefits

Let’s dig deeper into the medicinal benefits of Tulsi following how it can be used at home for effective results. 

Tulsi Benefits for Health

The benefits of Tulsi are versatile. It has been used for thousands of years in India and Nepal for medicinal purposes. It can be consumed orally or applied topically to attain the advantages. 

Tulsi for Fever & Common cold

Is your parent's first preference tulsi when any of your family members are suffering from mild fever or common cold? Well, this is an age-old tradition in Indian families to treat common infections with home remedies. These mainly include the usage of medicinal herbs. 

The immune power of the body can be enhanced. The immunomodulatory and antimicrobial properties of tulsi, help it to fight against pathogens causing infection like the common cold. 

On the other hand, the diaphoretic and antipyretic qualities of tulsi hold the power to induce sweating and bring high body temperature to normal levels. 


The main doshas involved in Swasa roga are Vata and Kapha dosha. The mucus membranes of bronchial tubes are usually inflamed in asthma patients, that is where tulsi anti-inflammatory helps. It also acts as an expectorant that expels the excess mucus from the lungs. 

The vitiated ‘Vata’ combines with deranged ‘Kapha dosha’ in the lungs. This further causes obstruction in the respiratory passage. Thus, resulting in gasping and difficulty breathing. 

Tulsi and Honey benefits in balancing this obstruction. The juice of tulsi leaves mixed with one teaspoon of honey works well. 

Stress & Blood Pressure 

Tulsi has some very calming effects on the mind. The eugenol and ursolic acid it contains reduces the cortisol levels, i.e., the stress hormones in the body. It acts as a natural mood booster that helps one to cure depression and anxiety. Therefore, overall balancing the doshas of the body and the mind can help you with stress, fear, insomnia, and irritation. 

With more harmony and balance to mind, and reduced inflammation and stress, it becomes easier for one to manage their blood pressure levels. 


Madumeh (Ayurvedic name for diabetes) is due to aggravated Vata and impaired digestion. This leads to buildup of toxins in the pancreatic cells. Therefore, tulsi might be helpful in managing diabetes and its further complications. 

In studies, it was suggested that the hypoglycemic effects of tulsi have the power to decrease the levels of blood glucose. This is done by increasing insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, the antioxidant properties help protect the pancreatic cells, thus, reducing the further complications. 

Liver disease

The aggravated Pitta dosha and poor Pachak Agni (digestive fire) are the main causes of liver disorders. Basically, this affects the liver functioning and later vitiates other doshas as well. That is where tulsi plays a role. It improves pachak agni and prevents toxin-induced damage to the liver cells due to its rejuvenating properties. 

Tulsi may also be helpful in managing viral hepatitis. All the health-beneficial properties it includes can fight off the bacteria, thus, protecting the liver cells from damage. Thus, restoring a healthy liver functioning. 

Heart disease

Along with a stressful life, the increased levels of cholesterol and blood pressure can put heart health at risk. However, due to the vata balancing properties, tulsi can manage stress levels (as read above). This way it is also helpful in managing cholesterol levels, thus, altogether preventing heart diseases.  

Tulsi also has antioxidant properties that can prevent cardiac lipid peroxidation. This lowers the risk of heart disease and promotes healthy heart functioning. 


Tulsi is full of nutrients including vitamin C and zinc. Thus, it acts as a natural immunity booster. This will help you to keep infections at bay. It has immense antiviral properties which will naturally kill pathogens present in the body and boost the immune system. Therefore, tulsi for immunity is an effective decision. Consuming a few fresh leaves of tulsi will slowly improve your body’s defense mechanism system. 

Tulsi Benefits for Skin 

Struggling with acne, skin infections, dark spots, or poor texture of skin? Tulsi, this wonder herb can help you cure such skin problems either when consumed orally or applied topically. It might sound unreal but regular usage of tulsi paste with other effective herbs and spices can treat your blemishes, pigmentation, and premature ageing. Thus, leaving an even tone smooth skin with improved texture. 

Tulsi benefits for Hair 

Holy basil can be applied to your hair for multiple reasons. These may include, preventing hair fall, reducing greying of your hair, keeping it thick and black, reducing dandruff, or helping prevent dry scalp. Its usage will simply make your hair look better in all ways. 

Tulsi also strengthens the roots of our hair, preventing hair loss. The antifungal properties present in it helps with the prevention of development of fungus and dandruff. 

Insect bites & Blood Purification

Ever dealt with insect bites and never found an instant home remedy to calm the irritation? Now you found the answer to it - Holy Basil leaves. Apart from simply repelling insects the extracts of tulsi leaves can be applied to insect bites and stings to ease the pain. 

This will help reduce redness and swelling, thus, resulting in decreased irritation to a great extent. Moreover, its daily consumption can help purify the blood, reflecting healthy skin outside. Green tulsi tea benefits will work wonders by flushing out toxins and cleansing the digestive system. 

Oral & Dental Health 

Sometimes tulsi is often used for making herbal toothpaste. This is because it is simply amazing for teeth and gum due to its strengthening properties. Additionally, it can also treat mouth ulcers. Therefore, providing comprehensive oral health care. 

That is not it! Despite the above list, Tulsi holds many other advantages for the health of mankind. At home, you can try various tulsi remedies that will prove to be useful. These may include: 

Home Remedies with Tulsi 

Here are some ways in which tulsi can be used and its benefits can be attained at home easily. 

  • Chewing freshly washed raw tulsi leaves

  • Make tulsi tea by boiling 2 cups of water. Adding fresh 4-5 tulsi leaves. Reduce the heat to low and let leaves steep for 5 mins. Once the quantity of water is left to half, strain it, and enjoy it lukewarm. Add honey and black pepper for extra healing. 

  • Give Tulsi Chutney a try. Simply grind tulsi leaves with coconut, ginger, chillies, and fried gram. 

  • Chopped tulsi leaves can be used for garnishing salads and vegetable dishes. 

  • Tulsi water is an easier option than tulsi tea. Just boil tulsi leaves in water, strain, and sip on it. 

Recommended Dosage & Side Effects of Tulsi 

The history of tulsi use in Ayurveda implies the fact that it is safe to consume in the long run and has no major side effects on the body. Even the daily consumption of tulsi leaves might be safe as well. However, more study and research are ongoing on this matter. 

When to avoid Tulsi?: 

  • When pregnant or breastfeeding 

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Hypothyroidism patients 

  • When consuming certain medications like blood thinners 

Some possible side effects: 

  • Nausea and Diarrhea

  • Slow blood clotting; increased risk of bleeding during or after surgery

  • Decrease thyroid hormone levels

  • Lower blood sugar levels

  • Lower sperm count

  • Allergic reaction

Recommended dosage

  • Tulsi leaves: 5-6 fresh leaves

  • Tulsi capsules: 1-2 capsules

  • Tulsi powder: ¼-½ teaspoon

  • Tulsi tablet: 1-2 tablets

  • Tulsi drops: 1-2 drops in 1 glass of water

The Bottom Line 

The queen of herbs offers numerous health benefits as shared above in the blog. However, more research is required in this field to further investigate more benefits. It is advisable for each individual who is planning to add tulsi to their routine to first consult an expert. The correct way must be suggested by a professional only. No doubt herbs are super useful for mankind but they have their pros and cons. Thus, expert advice is necessary.

Article By:

Dr. Sharda Ayurveda

At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.