Terms & Condition

The following terms and conditions will be deemed to have been accepted by the user on the usage of the website www.drshardaayurveda.com. You are requested to read them carefully before you use the services of the site and the mobile application, referred to as ‘digital assets’.
Dr. Sharda Ayurveda, with its registered head office on Ground floor 562-L, Opposite Suman Hospital, Model Town, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, 141002, has the ultimate right to make changes to these terms & conditions and digital assets related thereto at any time without prior information to the customers of the services.


Intellectual Property Rights

Dr. Sharda Ayurveda owns all the Intellectual property rights to and into the digital assets including title, and interest in and to copyright, related rights, patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, trade secrets, and inventions (both patentable and not), goodwill, source code, meta tags, databases, text, content, designs, graphics, icons, and hyperlinks. Thereby, you agree and admit that you shall not copy, reproduce, or distribute any of the mentioned content from the website without acquiring prior authorization from Dr. Sharda Ayurveda.


User Security

With the registration to the digital assets you can have accessibility to the prices, and product details, and may place your appointments/orders electronically. You are advised to use such digital assets in a safe and secure manner as we will not be held liable for any damage, or loss caused by any unauthorized account access through your actions which could be negligence towards not logging out of the account, or sharing your account password.


Usage Restrictions:

You are not authorized to use the digital assets for any of the below-mentioned intents, hereby you agree to this;
  • Support, or contribute to any unlawful, unethical, harassing, vulgar, illegal, abusive, immoral, libelous, obscene, or other objectionable instance, or material.
  • Breach, or break any of the applicable laws, and encourage a criminal offense, civil liability, offense, or breach of any law, regulation, or ethical code of conduct.
  • Making, storing, or transferring any soft copies of data/materials secured by copyright without any authorization of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda.
  • Supporting any activity that results in any sort of manipulation, defaming, or hacking of the website.
  • Involve in any kind of fraudulent, immoral, offensive, or unlawful action, covering but not confining to any prohibited activities specified in the Information Technology Act, 2000.
  • Any activity which results in manipulation, defacement, hijacking, hacking, etc., of the Website.
  • The usage of digital assets, and services to gain unauthorized access, and violate the security of any system, or computer network, including cracking passwords, security encryption codes, or personal information.


    The necessary freight, handling, and shipping charges will be charged by the firm along with the international payment gateway charges and all required statutory taxes applicable.


    Limitation Of Liability

    During any course of action, we will be no liable for any kind of damage, or loss involving direct incidental, consequential damages, corruption/loss of information that may happen due to your inability to use our digital assets.



    The users agree to indemnify, safeguard, and hold Dr. Sharda Ayurveda, and the owners harmless from, and prevent all possible losses, damages, and expenditures covering attorney charges due to, or related to misuse of the content/services from the end of users of digital assets.


    Governing Law:

    The laws of India shall apply and courts in Ludhiana, Punjab shall have full jurisdiction in the respect of all the terms, and conditions of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda. The firm has the full right to make changes to the terms and associated digital assets thereto at any point in time and without any preliminary notice.



    We, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda also publish notices of a general nature that are available for all visitors and customers in newspapers or other digital platforms. No matter whether these notices are served individually to each visitor, or not, all of such notices shall deemed to be of equal effects.
    In instances, that involve hand delivery, telex, cable, or electronic communication, the notices/alerting guidelines will be supposed to be served 7 days immediately following the posting or upon receipt, as the case may be.



    Dr. Sharda Ayurveda with its reserved rights can change such mentioned terms, conditions, and guidelines, as well as notices, and services associated with the digital assets being offered, covering but not confining to the changes only.
    It is the duty of the user to regularly review these terms, and conditions, where continuity with the usage of digital assets shall constitute an acceptance of the changes made.


    Termination/Access Restriction

    Dr. Sharda Ayurveda holds the ultimate right in its sole discretion, to terminate any of your access to the digital assets and services associated thereto and part of, without any notice, and any course of time.


    Input From Your End

    Dr. Sharda Ayurveda claims no sort of ownership about the materials you deliver, post, publish, tag, or submit to any of our digital assets, and its related services. However, by doing so you grant us, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda, and the team/firm/branches the use of your submissions (Feedback, Suggestions, Registration data) with a direct connection with the several operations of the businesses.
    Additionally, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda has the full authority and right to store, record, use, transfer, or compile user-aggregated data not restricted by any applicable law.


    Product/Service Associated Information

    All the published information (with and without any advice, or suggestions) about the services on this website is just meant for general educational purposes and does not comprise any recommendation to buy any products/services by Dr. Sharda Ayurveda, or any others.
    Your actions, followed by your decisions should solely be dependent on your own evaluation and testing of the services/treatments of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda. With proper medical care and expertise, ensuring your comfort, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda will try their level best to ensure accuracy and desired results but in no instance, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda will be liable for any loss/damage caused to you as a result of information obtained through this website.
    The duty to verify the completeness, accuracy, usefulness, and suitability of any of the mentioned guidelines, recommendations, remedies, suggestions, and options on the website is completely yours.


    Security Proceedings

    Dr. Sharda Ayurveda fully complies with all the required/necessary security practices and procedures in order to protect the sensitive and personal information, and data gathered. There would be interval audits to make sure all these security conducts are in the right place and well-followed.


    Contact & Support

    For any of your queries, you can contact the team of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda by dialing no. 98760-35500, or you may write us at info@drshardaayurveda.com. One of our customer support executives will get in contact with you as soon as possible.


    Dr. Sharda Ayurveda reserves the right to modify, alter, or change these aforesaid terms and conditions at any time interval. All such changes shall become effective immediately upon posting to the website once. To be aware of all such alterations/changes, stay tuned and go through our terms & conditions on a periodic time interval.