7 Ayurvedic Herbs To Treat Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

Leucorrhoea is a condition where women experience excessive, thick, whitish, yellowish, or light greenish discharge from their vagina. However, the production and release of white discharge is a normal female-body function that aids in the natural lubrication of the body. But if such discharge is in excess or causes pain and itching, it could be a sign of leucorrhea.

Generally, women experience excessive white discharge during pregnancy due to high estrogen levels or during first menstruation as a sign of puberty. A clinical test can be done to determine the exact condition and commencement of a suitable treatment option. One of the most efficient treatments is Ayurveda, a 5000+ years old healing approach, where the term Shweta Pradara is used to denote this health concern.

Choosing white discharge Ayurvedic Treatment can be an efficient option for women who are dealing with this concern. It is a natural way of ensuring relief where herbal remedies, dietary precautions, and meditative therapies are incorporated into routine life to make it healthy and disease-free.

In this blog, we will be covering the 7 best herbs for leucorrhoea treatment at home. Not only the names but also the benefits and how to use these herbs will also be shared. But before jumping directly to them, let’s have a look at the significance of these herbs in curing leucorrhea.

Role of Ayurvedic herbs

When we say herbs, the first thing that might strike your mind could be tree roots and kadhas, that are bitter and hard to find. But that’s not the truth. The concept of herbs is not confined to bitter kadhas or roots, but common kitchen findings like spices, natural flavorings, and garden findings- plants, stems, and flowers—also form a crucial part of it.

Easy to avail of and use, yet extremely powerful, these tiny herbs have been used for healing purposes by our forefathers. Recognizing the godsends of these herbs, several other medication treatments have also incorporated herbs into your healing specimens and procedures. Whether it is allopathy, homeopathy, Ayurveda, or Unani, Herbs constitute a crucial component.

Now without brushing up more, let’s come to the edge of the circle, which is 7 amazing herbs to be utilized as Ayurvedic medicine for leucorrhoea.


1. Lodhra (Symplocos)

    Lodhra, loaded with innumerable medicinal properties, is a potent herb that can be utilized for boosting female health. With several properties, such as analgesic, antibiotic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory, it can be considered a panacea for treating the problem of white discharge.

    Mode of consumption:

      1. Make a fine powder by grinding Lodhra roots.
      2. Take 1/2 to 1 spoonful of it with lukewarm water. Otherwise, you may also take it with rice water.
      3. Take it twice a day.


      1. Regulates menstruation
      2. Heals acne, pimples, and ulcers
      3. Balance hormonal fluctuations


    2. Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica)

    Also known as Amla, the herb contains a list of healing traits that if utilized in a satisfactory manner, can serve as leukorrhea treatment at home. It is an exceptional source of vitamin C, through which the immune system of the body can be strengthened naturally.

    The seeds of amla are a rich source of healthy antioxidants and nutrients that help extensively during leucorrhoea white discharge treatment. Full of antimicrobial qualities, these tiny seeds help ward off vaginal infections and regulate the flow of discharge.

    Mode of consumption:

      1. Take 1-2 tsp. of amla powdered seeds.
      2. Mix them in one glass of lukewarm water.
      3. Drink the mixture on an empty stomach every morning.

    (You may also add a bit of honey for taste purposes, however it's optional. You can also skip it)


      1. Boost the immunity of your system.
      2. Combat infections and ensure relief.
      3. Reduces inflammation, redness, and itching.


    3. Fenugreek Seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

    Fenugreek, your common kitchen find holds huge potency for the treatment of leucorrhea. The regular consumption of these tiny seeds can help immensely to maintain the pH level in the vagina along with estrogen levels. Apart from these, it is also good for your heart health, and blood sugar levels.

    Mode of consumption:

      1. Drench 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water at night.
      2. After soaking overnight, strain it the next morning.
      3. Your herbal drink is ready. Sip this every morning on an empty stomach.


      1. Strengthens reproductive system
      2. Works as a natural immunity booster
      3. Restores hormonal balance


    4. Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

      More than religious uses, Tulsi can also be utilized for a number of medicinal values. Fully loaded with healthy antioxidants and anti-biotic, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, the usage of tulsi serves as a natural treatment for leucorrhoea.

      Mode of consumption:

        1. Grind some tulsi leaves into one glass of water.
        2. Add some honey to it.
        3. Drink it twice a day and see the results yourself.


        1. Regulates hormonal fluctuations
        2. Calms the mind & reduces stress
        3. Promotes healthy menstruation


      5. Mustak (Cyperus rotundus)

        One of the best herbs for leucorrhoea management and enhancing female health is Mustak, also called motha, or magarmotha. Blessed with innumerable analgesic, anti-bacterial, and swelling-relieving properties, the usage of this herb offers a gentle and effective measure to cope with the problem of white discharge/ leucorrhoea.

        Mode of consumption:

          1. Dried up Mustak roots in sunlight.
          2. Now, make a fine powder of these dried roots using a grinder/mixer.
          3. Take ½ to 1 tablespoon of this herbal powder daily with lukewarm water after having meals.


          1. Eases menstrual cramps, and mood swings.
          2. Improves lactation & quality of breast milk. (Best for breast-feeding mothers)
          3. Being hepatoprotective also improves the functioning of the liver.


        6. Shunti (Zingiber officinale Rosc)

          In addition to improving digestion, Mulethi (dried ginger) is also extremely helpful for reproductive health. Those who are dealing with any sort of hormonal imbalances, or diseases such as leucorrhoea, PCOD, PCOS, or hot flashes, can surely rely upon the usage of this herb.

          Mode of consumption:

            1. Cut ginger into small pieces and dry them under sunlight.
            2. Now grind these dried slices to make a powdered form.
            3. Consume 1 tsp. of it daily with lukewarm water.


              1. Works as a natural immunity booster of the body.
              2. Aids detoxification process by eliminating unwanted toxins throughout the system.
              3. Relieves pain, swelling, and redness caused.


            7. Coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum)

              Coriander seeds, the common kitchen find, can also help you immensely to deal with the problem of white discharge. The inclusion of these miniature seeds in your routine meals helps with the proper maintenance of hormonal balance and the proper flow of blood throughout the whole system.

              Mode of consumption:

                1. Add a handful of coriander seeds to one cup of water.
                2. Boil it until the water remains to the half.
                3. Strain the seeds and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.


                1. Regulates menstrual cycle.
                2. Improves gut health, and enables a strong digestion.
                3. Manages blood sugar levels- a crucial aspect for diabetes patients.


              Benefits Of Incorporating Herbs Into Routine Life

              In addition to serving as a natural treatment for Leucorrhea, the inclusion of herbs in our daily lives can help us in a number of ways. Some of these benefits are as follows:

                • Easy to use and find: Being basic ingredients of our daily meals, most of the herbs can easily be found either in your kitchen, or garden. In addition to easy accessibility, the usage of these herbs is also very easy, which also works as a plus point.
                • No-Side Effects: Being derived from nature in the form of seeds, flowers, stems, roots, and leaves, these herbs provide a safe approach toward healing. Anyone irrespective of age, gender, and race, can use these herbs without any fear of side effects.
                • Permanent results: Unlike other measures, these herbs get into the root causes of your health concerns and ensure the elimination of them. Rather than reducing the pain for a limited period, these nature-gifted herbs emphasize long-term relief for all.


              Remember, white discharge is normal but if it is in excess, then you must surely consult a healthcare professional about the dosage and usage of these best herbs for leucorrhoea. At our clinic, our Ayurvedic experts offer a holistic treatment procedure followed by herbal remedies and dietary precautions that suit and heal our body in the best possible way.

              Article By:

              Dr Sharda Ayurveda

              At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.

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