Atopic Dermatitis Treatment in Ayurveda
What is Atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis is a sub-type of Eczema, which is an intolerable skin disorder. It makes the skin of the patient itchy, patchy, dry, and inflamed. Scaly patches start to appear on the various parts of the skin such as flexes of elbows, the back region of the knees, and the front area of the neck.
Under Atopic dermatitis, the skin starts to lose its barrier ability from external foreign and harmful substances followed by a weakened immune system.
In Ayurveda, this ailment is recognized as “Vicharchika” which falls under the category of highly discomforting and painful “Kushta Roga.” In such a condition, the toxins do not get eliminated from the body which leads to skin-related issues such as patches, rashes, itchiness, and inflammation.
Who is more prone to Atopic dermatitis?
Atopic dermatitis can occur in any person irrespective of age & gender. However, it is generally seen that kids experience this type of dermatitis the most. In certain cases, it could be genetic also.
People who have a weak immunity system, or are allergic to certain environmental factors such as dust, fume, mites, pollen, fumes, fur, or pet dander are more prone to get this skin disorder. Whereas people who smoke & drink or consume excess non-vegetarian food are at double risk to get atopic dermatitis.
Atopic Dermatitis Symptoms
There could be a list of symptoms of atopic dermatitis that may vary from patient to patient. However, some of the common symptoms that are seen among patients with this type of skin condition are as follows:
Extreme skin itchiness is observed under this skin disorder. Such itchiness becomes intolerable with sweating.
The skin tends to lose its moisture and start becoming dry and rough.
Dark brown, ashen gray, or red-colored rashes are another significant symptom. The patient also experiences a burning sensation on such rashes.
In Eczema, toxins do not get eliminated from the body, which in the long run causes issues such as skin inflammation and patches on the skin.
Dermatitis makes the skin dry, scaly, and patchy. Fluids or sometimes even blood start draining out of such skin when scratching or rubbing is done.
Atopic Dermatitis Causes
There exists no single-specific cause responsible for the occurrence of atopic dermatitis. In fact, there are a number of causative factors that support the development of this skin-ailment, such as:
These allergens may be in the form of pet dander, fume, gas, pollen, skin flakes, and mold. Coming in contact with these substances triggers eczema symptoms.
Poor immunity
The weak immune system acts as one of the prominent factors responsible for atopic dermatitis. When the internal system is not capable enough to fight against foreign harmful substances, then such skin disorders are likely to emerge.
Unhealthy diet
Consumption of Junk, oily, processed, stale, uncooked, and even over-cooked food is detrimental to the skin as well as overall health. These foods increase the likelihood of skin ailments.
Excessive smoking and alcohol
Some of the significant contributors to eczema are excessive smoking and liquor consumption. It dries out the skin, makes it dehydrated, and more prone to skin issues such as acne, wrinkles, and inflammation.
Non-vegetarian food
Foods including eggs, meat, fish, or any other type of poultry or seafood contain harmful substances that enhance the levels of toxins inside the body and adversely affect the skin, digestive system as well as other internal organs of the body.
Excessive stress can also be responsible for this type of ailment. Hormone cortisol gets imbalanced through distress that in turn leads to eczema flare-ups.
Atopic Dermatitis Ayurvedic treatment
Ayurveda holds momentous healing through which relief can be ensured against this discomforting skin disease. It extracts the benefits of natural substances such as herbs, spices, diet alteration, yoga, and meditation. The aim of Ayurveda is to end the ground causes of these diseases and prohibit their recurrence. Ayurvedic treatment for Atopic Dermatitis mainly consists of the following measures:
Opting for a natural herb remedy for Eczema is best under the condition of atopic dermatitis. Herbs could be in any form like spices, leaves, flowers, seeds, herbal pastes, roots, or plant bark. Because of their healing and antibacterial effects, these herbs serve as a base to keep the skin healthy and disease-free.
One can consume the herbs by adding them to their daily meals, or along with lukewarm milk, and water to prevent skin ailments and boost immunity power.
The food we consume has a direct reflection on our skin. Therefore, taking a wholesome diet consisting of vitamins, nutrients, fiber, minerals, and other rejuvenating substances is very necessary.
Ayurveda emphasizes regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables whether in the form of salads, soups, juices, or cooked meals. For Atopic dermatitis water-rich fruits and vegetables are considered to be the best.
Panchakarma is a prominent branch of Ayurveda that can be used as an Atopic dermatitis Alternative treatment. Panchakarma involves rejuvenation therapies through which the toxins lying beneath the skin are eliminated and skin health & glory is achieved.
Additionally, it also settles the aggravated Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha primordially responsible for skin problems.
Yoga promotes an ideal balance between physical & mental health. On one side, it calms the mind and on the other, it provides strength to the body to fight against foreign harmful substances.
Yoga flushes the toxins throughout the body and maintains proper blood circulation which ultimately results in healthy and glowing skin. Natural cleansing of the skin is done through yoga as it opens up the skin's pores and aids in skin regeneration.
1. Can Ayurveda cure atopic dermatitis?
Yes! The condition of Atopic dermatitis is completely manageable following an effective Eczema Ayurvedic treatment that emphasizes certain dietary precautions, intake of Ayurvedic herbs as well as practicing yoga and meditation.
2. What is the Ayurvedic name for atopic dermatitis?
In Ayurveda, the condition of Atopic dermatitis comes under the category of “Vicharchika” which is one of the most discomforting and painful “Kushta Roga.”
3. What herbs help with atopic dermatitis?
Haridra (turmeric), Nimba (Neem), Chandana (Sandalwood), Tulsi (Basil), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Manjishta (Indian madder), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), and Kumari (Aloe-vera) are certain herbs that are considered as best for Atopic dermatitis.
4. What should we eat in Ayurveda for eczema?
Under the condition of Atopic dermatitis, it is advised to take a proper and healthy diet consisting of fresh fruits & vegetables such as apples, cherries, blueberries, avocados, kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and herbs like Haldi, Neem, Tulsi, or Shatavari and soaked almonds, pecans, brazil & walnuts.
5. Which dosha is responsible for eczema?
The variation of Pitta Dosha is predominantly responsible for the occurrence of Atopic dermatitis. However, the Kapha Dosha and Vata Dosha aggravation co-currently can also contribute to such development.
6. Is atopic dermatitis allergy or autoimmune?
Atopic dermatitis is not an auto-immune disease itself. It could be caused by environmental factors and allergens such as cold & dry weather, dust mites, fur, pollen, or allergic reactions to dairy products, non-vegetarian foods, peanuts, wheat, or certain types of fabrics.