Introduction: My Journey to Pain-Free Living
Back pain brings a lot of obstacles in life and in chronic conditions, it may restrict you from moving. Over more untreated years, back pain may turn you bedridden.
People handle back pain with painkillers, ointments, and other therapies. Willingly or unwillingly, painkillers invite several other health problems. These side treatments relieve you for a couple of hours, maybe months but not lifetime. As a result, one might lose the job, disabled from doing the daily chores, unable to play favorite sport, or be disabled from doing basic things. Would you like to spend a life in pain or get dependent on others for small things? We assume the answer is No.
The solution to this might be behind the clouds for the majority but let us make you aware it's simple and easy- Ayurveda. The holistic approach followed by our ancestors still holds strong positive results in terms of balancing health. The methods being followed in this are all nature-based, which leaves no scope for any disease to recur. Similarly, back pain can be managed by following Ayurveda and its principles. Let us discover more about back pain and see how some of our patients have healthy smiles after the treatment.
Here are the real stories of patients who successfully recovered from long-term back pain and now live a healthy, happy life.
About Dr. Sharda Ayurveda
We, the team of Dr Sharda Ayurveda proudly confess the healing of our patients from several chronic issues. Not one, two or ten, we are professionally working on the treatment of 50+ chronic diseases which include respiratory, joints, digestive, skin, endocrine, and many more.
Expanding our branches in different states of India, we also provide treatment globally in Canada, America, Australia, UAE, etc. Looking at the global acceptance of Ayurveda, we feel proud to provide our service through online mode as well. Almost 15,00,000 patients have recovered to their healthy state of life and thank us for treating them with no side effects.
Back Pain Causes & Symptoms
Back pain is one of the common issues with no gender-specific or age limits.
Have you ever thought why our grandparents or great-grandparents were so fit and if they had any disease it was after their 70s? It was because of the way they lived, the food they ate, and the activities they performed.
Today’s generation, on the opposite side, has a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diets, and almost nil physical activities. Almost all the health issues we face today are invited by us and back pain is one among them.
The main causes of back pain are:
- Muscle strain
- Arthritis- mainly Osteoarthritis
- Disc Bulging
- Osteoporosis
- Inflammation of the spine- Ankylosing Spondylosis
- Ligament sprain
- Injuries like fracture
- Spinal stenosis
- Sciatica
The key symptoms of back pain include:
- Dull pain in the back
- Constant sharp pain that starts from the back to the leg
- Pain in back while sitting, standing, or moving
- Reduced motion and low flexibility of spine
The back pain lasting for more than 3 months could be an indication of some serious condition. The symptoms in such cases are:
- Loss of control in bladder or bowel movement
- Numbness, weakness, or tingling sensation in single or both legs
- Constant pain that increases overnight
- Weight loss with unknown reason
- Fever
Success Stories: How I Overcome Chronic Back Pain
Many people trust Ayurveda as they get positive results after undertaking the treatment. Maybe trust or a try, discovering the Ayurvedic treatment and looking at its positive effects, amaze them about how just little changes create remarkable effects on health. Discovering the power of Ayurveda, our patients suggest everyone to undergo this treatment and see the magical effects it has. People suffering from years and years of back pain recover at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda within a span of a few months depending on their condition. Here are some of the real-life experiences that our patients share:
Real-life testimonials and experiences
Success story 1
Meet Mrs. Shipra Gupta. A teacher, mother, and a housewife, who balances her professional and personal life equally. Her story of recovery from back pain is really inspirational for the sufferers out there. Fed up with changing doctors and her inability to perform daily work, the home and work environment got really worse. After trusting Dr. Sharda Ayurveda’s treatment, Shipra got relief in 6 months.
This is how Mrs. Shipra Gupta healed from chronic back pain. She further describes that “adopting the Ayurvedic treatment was the best choice of her life. I followed all the measures like taking timely medicines and performing the exercises suggested by the doctors. I never thought that my 7 years of back pain would go away so easily with Ayurveda. I am happy and thankful to Dr. Sharda Ayurveda.”
Success story 2
Know one of our patients, Mrs. Nisha who works 9-7 to run a family. She experienced chronic back pain for 4-5 years due to which she had to leave her job. Everything seemed to be shattered due to this but after meeting us the dust of obstacles cleared up. She continued the treatment for almost 6 months and said goodbye to her chronic back pain.
Here’s what Mrs. Nisha says about the Ayurvedic treatment for back pain. “My friend's suggestion for taking Ayurvedic treatment from Dr. Sharda Ayurveda was like a miracle for me. After 6 months of medicine, I am fit and able to handle my family and job easily. I never thought that I could continue my professional life after developing back pain. But Dr. Sharda Ayurveda made it possible and I am very thankful.”
Success story 3
Discovering the powers of Ayurveda, Mrs. Paramjeet Kaur visited us with back pain issues. She was distressed and unhappy as everything seemed to slip out of hand. Unable to do her daily routine work as a mother and housewife, it was a situation of tension for her. She incorporated all our said measures like diet plans, lifestyle changes, Ayurvedic medicines, and exercises. This adult lady was happy to recover and today suggests everyone to follow Ayurveda.
What Mrs. Paramjeet Kaur said about Ayurvedic treatment with Dr. Sharda Ayurveda: “ Being a housewife, the sole responsibility of the family is on my shoulders. After having chronic back pain my house environment turned toxic. I was unable to take care of my family. After seeking treatment and avoiding all the junk food, the Ayurvedic medicines had a very good effect on my back pain. I am fit and happy now.”
Success story 4
Mr. Rajat Kumar had back pain due to a sedentary lifestyle. He works for a 9-5 job where almost 8-9 hours are spent sitting on a chair. His back pain troubled him in every aspect of life for about 4 years. Ayurveda has brought him back to a healthy life where no pain can stop him from performing his job. A proud patient who can easily enjoy life with family and friends and thanks from the core of his heart to Dr. Sharda Ayurveda.
The man shared his experience of Ayurvedic treatment at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda. “Battling with back pain for 4 years made my life very difficult. I got to know about Dr. Sharda Ayurveda through social media and was astonished to know that people recovered from their 10-15 years old chronic diseases. There I decided to take the treatment and was very happy with the way my back pain vanished. I am fit and fine and can handle my sitting job easily.”
Success story 5
This patient had the most chronic back pain that lasted for 20 years. Mr. Gurmit Singh developed back pain from kidney stones. He recovered from kidney stones, but the back pain issue started which stopped him from doing his business and resulted in immobility. He is the sole earner of his family and the situation came where one meal was difficult to arrange. He took many medicines but nothing gave him relief. Moreover, problems like constipation, piles, excessive body heat, and pain in legs, kidneys, and feet began to disturb him as the side effects of medicines. After knowing about Dr. Sharda Ayurveda, he took the treatment for 1 year. This Ayurvedic treatment healed him from all the health problems he was suffering. With the thought of no chance of surviving, today Gurmit Singh is healthy and happy.
Proudly sharing his struggle with 20-year-old back pain here’s what Mr. Gurmit Singh says. “I left my hope to survive as back pain brought various other problems with it. My business went into loss and I was worried about my family. I got to know about Dr. Sharda Ayurveda from the newspaper vendor and went there. The treatment was a miracle to me. Along with relief from back pain, other problems also vanished. I am healthy, happy, and thankful to Dr. Sharda Ayurveda.”
To sum up, back pain is discomforting, but what's more disturbing is tolerating it and not seeking proper treatment. There are many cases where the last option suggested is surgery. When different treatment methods have no effects the Ayurvedic treatment at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda is considered best for back pain. We provide individualized treatments where our doctors hear your concerns with the utmost patience. After going through all the medical history and tests if required, our experts provide you with Ayurvedic medicines, diet plans, exercise, and meditation. With the regular implementation of these measures, you can overcome back pain and other health problems. So, if you are also undergoing such issues, our doors are always open with caring hands. We proudly aim to stand and treat you for a healthy living.Article By: