Rheumatoid arthritis (Amavata) is an intolerable joint disease that is becoming very common these days. In the year 2019, around 18 million people worldwide were suffering from it, Says- WHO (World Health Organization). Although RA can affect both genders, still it is witnessed among women more as compared to men.
Modern science says this disease is incurable and lifetime medication dependency is the only way to tackle the condition. However, the view-points of the specialists at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda are quite contradictory. They say this joint disease can be managed completely if all necessary dietary precautions, lifestyle changes, and timely medication are followed.
With this philosophy, we have successfully treated 7lakh+ RA patients who had earlier lost all hope of getting any better. If you are also looking for an effective treatment option to heal your Amavata, commonly called- rheumatoid arthritis, we are always there to help you.
What is Rheumatoid arthritis?
RA- an intolerable joint disorder that is mainly caused by the auto-immune response of the body. Normal body functioning involves that your antibodies are built by your immune system to prevent and protect your system against harmful substances. But under RA conditions, such antibodies function the exact opposite and start attacking healthy cells of the body.
When such malfunction prevails for a long period, it starts affecting multiple organs of the body, especially the small joints. It causes extreme inflammation, redness, and pain in these joints. Sometimes, even the patient becomes unable to walk or sit properly.
How many types of RA are there?
RA which itself is one of the 100+ types of arthritis can be further classified into 3 categories. Such classification of rheumatoid arthritis types is merely based on the age factor and the presence of certain antibodies in the body.
Seropositive RA
If you are experiencing RA symptoms such as joint pain, redness, inflammation, and morning stiffness, and after going for medical tests such as Anti-CCP ((Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody), and RF (Rheumatoid arthritis), you get positive results, then it means you have Seropositive Rheumatoid arthritis. This type of RA is more common than seronegative RA and mainly affects the adults.
Seronegative RA
Unlike the Seropositive type, this type of RA does not indicate the presence of harmful antibodies (Anti-CCP, and RF) in the body. You can experience RA symptoms but still, your medical reports/ and tests will show negative results. This type of RA is comparatively rare as compared to seropositive one.
Juvenile RA
It is also known as JIA, which stands for Juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Quite contrary to the above-stated two types, it is not witnessed among adults. This type of RA mainly affects the kids who are 16 years old, or younger. Although, it is a chronic, progressive, and intolerable condition, that may last for several months or years. In certain cases, the kids may also outgrow JIA but the chances are very rare.
Depending upon the type of RA you are dealing with, treatment duration, and medication are advised for each patient which may vary depending on the intensity, and chronicity of this auto-immune condition.
Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis on Young Age People
Rheumatoid arthritis affects young adults in multiple and all-adverse ways. Not only their physical health but also their mental health can be affected by this joint disorder. It includes:
Restricted movements:
Once affected by rheumatoid arthritis, there is no easy coming back. The condition starts affecting your routine life, and work. It may even make you unable to perform the routine chores of your life like walking, sitting, or lying down. Your joints will be stiff, red, and immobile, and you will feel pain whenever you move them.
As a result, youngsters who were supposed to be 24x7 active and energetic become puppets who can’t move on their own.
Poor mental health:
The studies have shown a direct linkage between rheumatoid arthritis and neurological conditions such as hypertension, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Once detected with RA, there can be a vicious circle and the youngsters will be bothered with some sort of pain, and discomfort 24*7.
Compromised digestion
In Ayurveda, we believe that good digestion is the basic need of the body. It is essential not only for the healthy maintenance of the body but also for a complete rejuvenation. But during RA, the harmful toxins that were supposed to be eliminated throughout the body, start accumulating in the digestive system. As a result, multiple diseases start to arise. Additionally, youngsters who are habitual of eating junk, oily, fried, and processed food items consume such dead foods and add fuel to such fire, eventually reducing the quality of their own lives.
Permanent joint damage or deformity is also possible during this auto-immune condition. The joints may start growing in an undesired manner and cause a complete disfiguration with time. We have seen many young adults, who are living with swan-neck, deformed toes, and a hump on the back due to rheumatoid arthritis.
Premature aging
Yet another crucial indication that is seen among youngsters today is that they look more mature than their actual age. The skin sagging, wrinkles, and dry-loose skin make them look terrifying even at such a young age of 20’s or 30’s. Such premature aging is generally a response to the inflammatory state of rheumatoid arthritis or any other similar auto-immune condition.
Dear youngsters, you are meant to be the future of the country, and not to spend your whole life on a bed while sobbing in pain. Get in action, keep your body active, and live the life, you always wished for.
If suffering from RA, or any other auto-immune, or chronic condition, feel free to reach out to us. We will ensure you an effective, and root-cause-based treatment, followed by Ayurvedic remedies, and herbal medications.
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