Having clear, glowing, and beautiful skin is everyone’s dream. But is your skin losing its natural color, tone, or pigmentation lately? Then this could be a sign of the early stages of vitiligo. Let’s understand this wide concept of Vitiligo in simple terms.
Basically, vitiligo is a skin condition in which small white spots on skin start to appear. This happens because the skin of those particular regions loses its pigmentation. This is how vitiligo starts. The main reason behind this is, when the cells that produce pigment in our skin, called melanocytes, stop working or get destroyed. As a result, white spots on skin appear on different parts of the body, including the skin, hair, and sometimes even on the inside of the mouth and nose. The condition can affect people of any age, gender, or ethnic background, but it is more noticeable in those with darker skin.
The exact cause of vitiligo is still not well understood, but it is believed to be an auto-immune disorder. Usually, the immune system attacks pathogens in order to protect our body from foreign particles, but in auto-immune disorder, the immune system starts to mistakenly attack the healthy cells of our skin (i.e. melanocytes). Thus, causing the skin to lose its pigmentation. This can start at any age but shows up before the age of 30.
The condition is not painful or contagious, but living with vitiligo can be challenging physically as well as emotionally. The visible changes in skin color can affect a person's self-esteem and emotional well-being. Therefore, treating vitiligo is really necessary.
Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo aims to restore the skin color or even out the skin tone in a natural manner. While it is said that there is no cure for vitiligo, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda has already healed thousands of such cases and improved their quality of life.
Food and Skin Disease Connection
If you are among those people who spend a lot of time worrying about their skin and how to make it healthy, then you must understand the connection between food and skin. Healthy skin is far beyond what we put on it. You should also pay careful attention to what goes in your body through the choices of foods and drinks you make! Let us acknowledge more about this connection between diet and skin diseases.
The connection between diet and skin diseases is pretty interesting. What you eat can actually have a big impact on your skin's health. For instance, certain foods such as lots of fruits and vegetables might help clear your skin and keep it glowing, while others like sugar, refined carbs, or dairy products in some cases could trigger problems like acne, eczema, or vitiligo.
Although vitiligo is said to be an autoimmune disorder, there are certain foods for vitiligo to avoid that will be explained briefly in this blog. As they could trigger the condition and make it worse.
If you are trying to find a solution for clear and glowing skin, it is crucial for you to look after your food choices. For an expert consultation, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda's doctors can provide personalized guidelines according to your skin type.
Worst combinations of food for vitiligo to avoid
Vitiligo is a condition where the skin loses its pigment, creating white spots on skin. The exact cause of vitiligo isn't fully understood but maintaining a good digestive system is thought to be important while treating vitiligo. When your digestive system is not working well, it might stress your body and make the skin conditions more awful. So, avoiding the food combinations that can upset your stomach is a good idea. Here’s the list of the 7 worst combinations of food for vitiligo to avoid that can upset your metabolism, worsening those small white spots on skin:
- Milk and Fish
- Fruit and Dairy
- Tomatoes and Starchy food
- Lemon and Milk
- Cucumber and Milk
- Yogurt and Fish
- Beans and Cheese
General Vitiligo Tips to follow
Sun Protection
Always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. This will help you protect your skin from sunburn. This will also reduce the contrast between your normal skin and depigmented patches.
Another way by which you can protect your skin from the sun is by wearing protective clothing. For instance, long sleeves, hats, and sunglasses.
Skincare Routine
A vitiligo skin-friendly skincare routine is a must! Also, following this routine consistently will provide you with positive outcomes.
Moisturize your skin twice a day. Keeping your skin hydrated will improve its overall appearance. Make sure to use only gentle products. Use mild soaps and other products in order to avoid any irritation to the skin.
Healthy Diet
As discussed above, diet and skin diseases have a direct relation between them. Eating a diet rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins will support your overall skin health. However, remember to avoid the food items listed above as they will aggravate the skin disease.
Stress Management
Stress can trigger and worsen your recent condition. So, try to manage your stress by following mind relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or spending some time in nature.
Physical activity will also prove to be an effective idea as it boosts your mood.
Medical Check-ups
When you notice the initial signs of vitiligo, make sure to visit a dermatologist. They will analyze your skin type and offer you a suitable treatment for treating vitiligo. Also, try to keep in touch with your doctor to monitor the condition regularly and adjust the treatment as necessary.
Stay Positive
Remember, vitiligo does not define you! Embrace your unique appearance and never lose your self-esteem. Keep a positive outlook towards your skin condition. By keeping a positive mindset, it will help you cope better with the situation.
Avoid Skin Trauma
Be gentle with your skin! Avoid those activities that can lead to cuts or bruises as these can sometimes trigger new patches.
Know your Triggers
Sometimes things like stress, skin injury, or certain chemicals do not suit your skin and can trigger or worsen vitiligo. Knowing what affects your skin will help you avoid these triggers and keep your skin healthy.
Living with vitiligo can be a challenging situation. But with the right care and mindset, you can manage it effectively. Remember, it's important to consult with your healthcare professionals for personalized treatment options or before following any advice for treating vitiligo.
Vitiligo FAQs
What stops vitiligo from spreading?
Try to protect your skin from the sun, avoid cuts and burns, support your immune system with a healthy lifestyle, take care of your mental health, and learn more about vitiligo to prevent it from getting worse.
Can vitiligo reverse itself?
Sometimes, the patches can go away on their own but when this does not happen, an effective treatment for vitiligo may help with healing. This might include eating a healthy diet and maintaining hydration, limiting sun exposure, reducing stress, and avoiding wrong food combinations.
Which fruit is good for vitiligo?
A variety of fruits are suggested for vitiligo patients. This includes Bananas, apples, berries (e.g. blueberries, strawberries), citrus fruits (e.g. oranges, grapefruits)
Vitiligo starting stage?
The main symptom of vitiligo is loss of skin’s natural color, called depigmentation. It often starts with a pale patch of skin that turns completely white with time. The center of a patch may be white, with paler skin around it.
Is vitiligo contagious?
No, Vitiligo is not a contagious disease. It does not spread from person to person through physical contact.
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