A Guide on Cure for Guttate Psoriasis with Ayurveda

Guttate Psoriasis, a skin disease that often appears without warning, is the second most common condition after plaque psoriasis. Less than 30% of psoriasis cases are Guttate Psoriasis. This name comes from the Latin word ‘guttate’ meaning ‘drop’ and the Greek word ‘psora’ meaning ‘itch’. Hence, indicating its itchy red/pink tear drop-like patches on the skin. It is usually found in children and adults under the age of 30. 

The majority of people mistake it for plaque psoriasis. Therefore, here we are sharing a beginner’s guide about cure for guttate psoriasis with you all for a better understanding. However, before trying any remedy make sure to talk to your doctor first. Also, home remedies are not the major treatment for any disease, rather they just help you manage the symptoms and provide you with much-needed relief. 


What Does Guttate Psoriasis Look Like?

People often wonder what signs guttate psoriasis shows. So, here’s a list of a few common symptoms of guttate psoriasis: 

    • Pinkish-red rain drops-like spots on any part of the body
    • Small spots may be covered with silver, flaky skin called scales
    • Itching 


Why Does it Happen? 

In guttate psoriasis, in addition to strep throat, the following factors may trigger an attack: 

    • Bacteria or viral infection including Upper respiratory infection
    • Injury to the skin, including cuts, burns, and insect bites
    • Stress
    • Sunburn
    • Excessive consumption of alcohol
    • Genetics
    • Sinusitis
    • Flu
    • Tonsillitis
    • Certain medicines like those used to treat malaria and certain heart conditions 


Stages of Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate Psoriasis is usually seen in people under the age of 30 (especially in children). This is classified into 3 different stages on the basis of how severe the condition is. So, here are the 3 Guttate Psoriasis stages

    • Mild - In the mild stage, the spots cover only 3% of your body's skin.
    • Moderate - The moderate stage appears when the lesions cover about 3-10% of your skin.
    • Severe - Lesions cover 10% or more of your body. In extreme cases, it could also cover your entire body.

How is it Diagnosed?

Guttate psoriasis symptoms start with small tear-drop reddish-pink patches on the skin. It mainly occurs on the arms, legs, or torso of the body. To identify the difference between plaque psoriasis (most common type) and guttate psoriasis, take a look at the information below!


Guttate Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis

Triggering event 

Bacterial Infections such as strep throat. 

Triggers vary from person to person. 


Small red-pink patches, less than 10mm wide. 

Large red patches, often scaly. 


Usually lasts a few weeks. 



Mainly on the torso, arms, and legs. Can appear anywhere as well. 

Most common areas are elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. Can appear anywhere as well. 

 After you notice such signs of guttate psoriasis, consult with your professional doctor. They will look at your skin and diagnose it on the basis of how the spots look. The test to confirm the diagnosis may include:

    • Skin biopsy
    • Throat culture
    • Blood tests

Guttate Psoriasis Complications

Guttate Psoriasis can lead to various other chronic complications if not managed properly on time. These complications can further affect both physical health as well as one’s quality of life. Below given are some of the possible complications associated with Guttate Psoriasis: 

    • Chronic Plaque Psoriasis

    Sometimes Guttate Psoriasis can evolve into chronic plaque psoriasis. This is characterized by larger and thicker plaques that continue to grow over time.

      • Infections 

    In Guttate Psoriasis, the affected skin area is more prone to infections. Especially if they are scratched or not properly taken care of. 

      • Psoriatic arthritis

    Some individuals with guttate psoriasis may develop psoriatic arthritis. It is an inflammatory joint disease that can lead to joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. Thus, resulting in joint damage if left untreated.

      • Emotional and Psychological Impact

    The visible nature of guttate psoriasis can lead to embarrassment, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. This emotional burden can significantly impact your quality of life.

      • Metabolic syndrome

    People with psoriasis are at an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, which includes a cluster of conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and disrupted levels of cholesterol.

      • Cardiovascular disease

    There is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in guttate psoriasis due to chronic inflammation and other risk factors like metabolic syndrome.

      • Eye problem

    Psoriasis can sometimes lead to eye issues, including conjunctivitis (pink eye), uveitis (inflammation of the uvea), and blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids).

      • Impact on daily life 

    The itching, pain, and discomfort caused by guttate psoriasis can interfere with one’s daily activities like sleep and work. Thus, affecting their overall productivity and well-being.

    It is important for individuals to work closely with their healthcare provider for regular monitoring of the condition. This will help manage your disease effectively and minimize the risk of the above-mentioned complications. 


    Guttate Psoriasis Treatment using Ayurveda

    Lifestyle changes and management

    If it is your first outbreak, then there is no need for major guttate psoriasis treatment, unless it is a severe case. It is because guttate psoriasis usually fades away on its own within a few weeks. But one thing that should be taken proper care of is not to leave the crack open if scratched, as it could otherwise lead to other infections.

    Below mentioned are the few lifestyle management tips in order to keep the elevation of symptoms at bay.

      • Don’t run from Sunlight! Spend a short span of time under sunlight every day as this may help reduce the severity of your guttate symptoms. However, due to an increased risk of cancer, this should be done only after the guidance of your healthcare expert.
      • Exercise at least 5 days a week. Try to stay consistent with your routine. It has been studied in 2020 that there is a link between psoriasis and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. So, keep up with your workout regime with full motivation. This will also help you strengthen your muscles and tissues, in addition to regulating a healthy body’s metabolic functions.
      • Try to avoid certain soaps that contain fragrances or chemicals that can irritate your skin.
      • Salty Bath! Soaking your body in a bath with Epsom or Dead Sea salts will reduce the inflammation, remove dead skin cells, provide hydrations, and soothe your skin.


          Stress Management

          There are several factors that can trigger guttate psoriasis, out of which stress is one of its main causes. With more stress, the condition can worsen, thus causing more stress to the individual about their appearance. It goes like an infinite loop if not managed with proper mind-relaxing techniques such as beneficial yoga poses like Nadi Shuddi Pranayam, short sessions of meditation, or deep breathing.

          Usually, we ignore our mental health, unaware of the fact that it can adversely affect our overall well-being. So, it is always advised by an expert to take care of your physical as well as mental and emotional health. A balanced harmony is crucial and should be promoted for a healthy life.

          Diet and Nutrition

          Well, there is no direct link between diet and guttate psoriasis. However, a healthy and correct diet may help lessen the effects of guttate psoriasis. Here’s a list of items to be avoided or included in one’s diet, if struggling with guttate symptoms.

          Food to Add
            1. Fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables
            2. Nuts and seeds
            3. Olive oil
            4. Whole grains
            5. Legumes (beans and lentils)
            6. Plant-based protein
            Food to Avoid
              1. Sugar
              2. Gluten
              3. Processed food items
              4. Full-fat dairy products
              5. Excess Alcohol
              6. Smoke


              Ayurvedic Ointments

              Every remedy does not suit everyone. So it is always suggested to first do a patch test and watch how your skin reacts to it. However, some ointments that have been studied to be an effective cure for guttate psoriasis include:

              Coconut Oil

              While coconut oil can not reverse excess skin cell production, it can provide moisture and temporary relief. But don’t expect it to be your only treatment as Psoriasis is more than just the skin.
              Coconut oil is mainly beneficially used as a moisturizer on flaky, itchy, and cracking skin in guttate psoriasis.

              Usage: For children, adding coconut oil to a warm bath can soothe the skin. Gently pat dry the skin after the bath. It is a good alternative to traditional oatmeal baths.
              For adults, Apply coconut oil to scaly areas of your body right after a warm shower when your skin is still damp.

              Aloe Vera Gel

              Aloe vera gel is filled with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic (anti-itching), and wound-healing properties. In 2019, an analysis was conducted to study how effective aloe vera is in managing the symptoms of psoriasis. In one study, it reduced symptoms in 72.5% of patients.

              Usage: First take a patch test. If irritation occurs within 48 hours of exposure, it is best to avoid it.
              On the contrary, after you know that aloe does not have any negative side effects, gently rub a small amount on your skin, covering the affected areas from psoriasis.


              Light Therapy

              Light therapy is well-known for improving the symptoms of psoriasis. It works by reducing the skin inflammation and slowing down the excess production of skin cells (cause of psoriasis).
              It is of 2 types:

                1. UVB
                2. PUVA

              Out of these two, the most common for psoriasis patients is UVB.

              UVB is an effective for guttate psoriasis. This phototherapy treatment involves exposing the skin under an artificial UVB light source. So as it penetrates deep into the skin and slows the growth of affected skin cells.

              One thing you need to learn is, Light therapy does not cure psoriasis but it can help manage the symptoms and improve your quality of life. Also, it is mainly recommended for people with moderate to severe psoriasis i.e. whose symptoms are not responding to creams and lotions.
              Here’s a list of benefits of light therapy:

                1. Slowing the overgrowth of skin cells
                2. Suppressing the immune system
                3. Reduce inflammation
                4. Allowing the skin to heal naturally
                5. Relieving the itch


              Self-care Tips

              With being consistent with your treatment, some additional self-care tips are also advised that help in fast recovery.

                1. Moisture regularly
                2. Bathe with care
                3. Avoid skin injuries
                4. Manage stress
                5. Stay hydrated
                6. Avoid alcohol
                7. Wear comfortable clothes
                8. Stay consistent with your treatment



              In conclusion, Skin diseases are more than just physical appearance! It can deeply affect one’s mental health and self-esteem. While guttate psoriasis can be persistent and sometimes frustrating, there are multiple ways to manage it. By blending Ayurveda with supportive self-care strategies, individuals can find a balanced and effective way to cope with their symptoms and maintain a better quality of life.

              Article By:

              Dr Sharda Ayurveda

              At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.

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