Urinary infections are usually a very uncomfortable topic, and people are not able to share their problems. This is to inform the public in general that these are normal health issues and that neglecting or suppressing them can cause hazardous diseases.
This blog explains interstitial cystitis, which is a common type of urinary infection affecting the masses. Interstitial Cystitis what is it?
Interstitial cystitis is a urinary problem in which the bladder (the organ that holds the urine) begins to misfunction and there is a constant urge to pee or urinate. The bladder, kidney, pelvis, ureters, and urethra are a part of the urination system which helps in passing urine out of the body. Kidneys filter the blood and the liquid form of waste is generated. This waste then passes through the ureters and reaches the bladder. When the bladder signals the brain, it causes an urge to pee.
However, during interstitial cystitis, the nerve sending the signal to the brain begins to malfunction and there is a constant urge to pee, which is usually in tiny quantities. Interstitial cystitis is a subtype of Cystitis.
What is Cystitis?
Cystitis is a painful and annoying urinary tract infection. It can become a serious health concern if the infection spreads to the kidneys. The bladder and other urinary organs can become inflamed (swollen) and there can be pain in the pelvis region or abdominal area. The patient might have immense pain while discharging the urine. The urine can also be foamy and smelly. Cystitis is more common in women as compared to men because women have a shorter urethra. So if bacteria enters the anus, it can easily reach the bladder due to its proximity.
Apart from bacteria, there can also be other factors that can cause Cystitis. On this basis, it is divided into two types, i.e.
Bacterial Cystitis
It is a type of cystitis that is mainly caused by bacterial infection. If some of the bacterial agents enter the urethra and reach the bladder, they begin to multiply. The body does not kill this bacteria and it slowly keeps on increasing. The urine may become dark and foamy and there can be a burning sensation after urine. Unhygienic habits and poor sanitation can be the main causes of bacteria entering the body. If not treated in time, this infection can cause serious damage to the body.
Non- Bacterial Cystitis
This type of cystitis is caused by various reasons other than a bladder infection. It is also known as non-infectious cystitis.
Interstitial cystitis
As stated above it affects the bladder and causes a malfunctioning of the nerve. The brain gets confused and there is a constant urge to pee.
Chemicals-induced cystitis
Chemicals found in sanitary products like soap, creams, or sprays can be a cause of cystitis or allergy-like reaction. People with high sensitivity are much more vulnerable to it.
Medicine-related cystitis
Some medicines can be harsh on the body and can put pressure on the urinary system of the body. The level of toxins may rise in the body and can cause medicine-related cystitis.
Cystitis because of other conditions
Health conditions, such as diabetes, kidney stones, an enlarged prostate or spinal cord injury can be a cause of interstitial cystitis.
In this blog, we will discuss in detail about Interstitial Cystitis (IC).
Interstitial Cystitis Causes
- Presence of harmful substances in the urine which can damage the bladder.
- It can also be caused by an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system begins to attack the body.
- An injury or defect of the bladder due to various reasons like ulcers can also cause pain and over time it may result in interstitial cystitis.
- The neurons and nerves that carry urinary signals may become hypersensitive. It will cause pain in situations where the pain is not normal like if the urine is filling it can cause pain in bladder.
- Weak bladder tissue can also make it sensitive and cause pain and irritation, especially when urine passes through it.
So these are some of the potential factors that can result in interstitial cystitis. However, how does a person know that they are suffering from a casual pain or IC? They can check for the below-stated symptoms of interstitial cystitis:
- Are you having an urge to urinate constantly?
- Are you experiencing pain after intercourse?
- Do you get uneasy if you have some sugary drinks?
- Does exercising make the pain in the pelvic region worse?
- Is there an urgent need to pass urine day and night?
- Is urine coming in minimal quantities?
- Do you have pain but no urinary infection?
If these questions are a YES, then there is a high probability that you are suffering from Interstitial Cystitis symptoms. It can become the reason for a serious illness. So a person must consult a healthcare professional at the earliest.
So now you must focus on the type of treatment you would like to opt for.
The best way to treat the symptoms is Ayurveda. Nature-based treatment will make the body strong from the inside and heal the root cause (strota) of the disease (vyadhi).
In Ayurvedic texts urinary tract infection is known as “Mutrakrichcha”. The imbalance of Vata Dosha and Pitta Dosha is the primary factor leading to this complication. The heat levels in the body begin to rise and the digestive fire (jattharagni) begins to malfunction. These factors can cause the formation of cystitis in the urinary tract.
Interstitial Cystitis Treatment
Interstitial Cystitis treatment in Ayurveda is best for getting rid of complications. It includes herbal remedies, certain dietary precautions, yoga, and meditation. Food is the most important component as we become what we eat.
So it is very important to focus on your meals when it's time to heal.
Interstitial Cystitis Diet must include these foods
- Bananas
- Melons
- Blueberries
- Water-melon
- Mango
- Avocado
- Broccoli
- Beetroot
- Cucumber
- Spinach
So these are some water-rich foods that are a must for IC patients. Apart from food, they should drink plenty of water.
Foods that IC patients need to avoid
- Non - vegetarian food
- Processed foods
- Frozen foods
- Spicy foods
- Highly acidic foods
- Sugary foods
These are some of the most important food tips that IC patients must keep in mind.
Apart from food, Herbal medicines, and lifestyle are a major part of Ayurvedic treatment. It focuses on making the body stronger from the inside. The damaged tissues will start repairing themselves and will become stronger. Ayurvedic treatment has been used for many years and it not only heals the disease but also increases the disease-fighting capacity of the body.
However, it can be challenging to find a reliable Ayurvedic practitioner. So try to check for healing stories or the information of doctors. For instance, you can visit the website of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda and see the results yourself. They provide both online and offline services.
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