Often the name of Bakuchi is discussed when it comes to listing the best herbs available for enhancing skin health. But let us tell you that the benefits of this herb are not only confined to skin glory enhancement. In reality, it is no less than a wonder herb that can contribute to the overall health and well-being of your mind, body, and soul.
Today’s blog contains everything about the Bakuchi plant. Starting from what is bakuchi to cover all of its benefits, history, uses, possible side-effects, and so on, we have written. So stay tuned and continue reading to have full detailed information.
History of Bakuchi
The scientific name of bakuchi is Psoralea corylifolia. But in India, we normally call it bakuchi and sometimes babchi. For thousands of years, it has been used by our ancestors to treat their wounds, stop bleeding, nourish skin, improve digestion, and boost optimal health of the body.
To this day, because of its healthy compounds and mind-body-benefitting traits, the herb Bakuchi has been used by individuals all over the world. In fact, in certain home remedies and Ayurvedic medicines, it has been used as a necessary prime ingredient.
Health benefits of Bakuchi
All the parts of this plant are helpful including the stem, leaves, flowers, roots, and seeds in different ways for different health conditions. Below are some possible health benefits that you can expect through the use of this herbal plant:
For the skin:
Bakuchi contains several auto-inflammatory effects through which you can enhance the health and glory of your skin. While making your skin bright, the usage of Bakuchi also keeps several skin conditions such as pigmentation, rashes, patches, itching, boils, eczema, and vitiligo miles away.
If you have sensitive skin, then bakuchi paste or oil is the perfect solution for you over all other chemical-based products and creams. Firstly, it will cause no harm to your skin and also, within a few days, you can notice a renewed energy and light in your skin. Additionally, the bakuchi benefits for skin also include slowing down skin aging and fading wrinkles.
For the digestion:
The Babchi plant has been used frequently for treating multiple digestive disorders. It has a very ushna (hot) potency which keeps the digestive fire lightened and gut healthy.
Once gets inside your body in an appropriate quantity, it starts to rejuvenate the system and eliminate all the ama (harmful toxins). Furthermore, it’s anti-flatulent property prevents the formation of gas and unwanted farts.
Due to its digestion-improving qualities and marvellous healing properties, the herb has been used in multiple medicines that are often advised to patients dealing with constipation, bloating, diarrhea, flatulence, ulcers, indigestion, and gastritis.
For the joints:
Bakuchi, also called babchi, also shows promising results for the betterment of joint health and bone wellness. The paste of this herb can be applied to the wounds for a speedy recovery and immediate relief.
As already mentioned, it also contains an anti-inflammatory nature, thus helping reduce joint inflammation. If you have any kind of arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis, then the herb can be a life-savior for you.
Well, not just arthritis alone, but even if you are having any mild backache or muscle pain, the use of bakuchi oil or herbal paste is beneficial equivalently.
For hair:
The dream of having shiny, glossy, and healthy hair can be turned into reality with the use of this amazing herb, called bakuchi. The soothing and healing effects of bakuchi oil improve the texture of the hair and make it strong from its roots.
Individuals who have undergone the massing of the scalp with bakuchi oil have shown a significant reduction in hair loss and dandruff. The study has confirmed that it stimulates the production of melanin which is a compound responsible for nurturing and nourishing skin and hair. Additionally, it can also reduce the premature greying of your hair.
For mental wellness:
For multiple issues such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks, sleeping differences, insomnia, etc, the herb can be used without a second thought. The stress-relieving properties and mind-calming nature of bakuchi make it a primary ingredient in Ayurvedic medicines used for cognitive wellness.
It is believed that bakuchi share a direct relation with happy hormones, which is why any consumption or even normal massage of this herb, provides a sense of relief and relaxation.
For heart health:
To boost cardiovascular health, this herb can help a lot. Via delivering therapeutic effects it improves the functioning of your heart and enables healthy pumping.
The individuals who want to reduce the risk of heart attacks, stroke, blood clots, or atherosclerosis. The usual consumption of this herb has also helped reduce high blood pressure among the folks.
For respiratory system:
Bakuchi is also loaded with several compounds that help your respiratory system in a wonderful way. Firstly, it reduces any blockage in your respiratory system and furthermore contributes to the flawless passing of the air through to the lungs.
Starting from a normal cold or cough to severe respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, or laryngitis, the herb always shows effective results, if you utilize it in a proper manner.
So that was all?
No! No! No! In fact, the benefits of Bakuchi are so vast that a single blog/article seems not enough to cover it the whole. But let us conclude it in a brief by mentioning some of its secondary benefits:
- Prevents ulcers
- Supports weight management
- Reduces the risk of cancer
- Treats worm infestation
- Improves reproductive health
- Contributes to tridosha balance
- Boosts circulatory health
- Alleviate stress and mental discomfort
Dosage of Bakuchi
The advent of today’s developed era has resulted in bakuchi in multiple forms readily available. You can either have bakuchi seeds or leaves in an extract form.
Otherwise, tablets or capsules of bakuchi seed can also be availed from the market, you can also try them. Take it as per the guidance of an Ayurvedic expert or healthcare professional, who can suggest its satisfactory dosage as per your prevailing medical condition and body constitution.
Most of the time ¼ to ½ bakuchi powder two times a day or 1-2 capsules of bakuchi are advised to the patients along with some honey and lukewarm water. However, the dosage can vary depending on your medical condition.
Necessary Precautions for bakuchi
Besides just taking the herb in a satisfactory manner, you have to be careful about certain other things also. There are some instances or circumstances, where the consumption of bakuchi is not advised for the patients. It mainly includes:
- During Pregnancy
- During Breastfeeding
- During severe renal concerns
At the end of the day, we look at the healing wonders of Bakuchi and consider it a panacea for both acute and chronic health conditions. Starting from the basics which are to say, keep the body in a good state, to cure multiple intense conditions like asthma, vitiligo, stroke, osteoarthritis, ulcerative colitis, etc, this herb always shows promising results.
Just try it once and notice the results yourself within a few days/week or even before. To kick start your healing journey or want to gain more meaningful insights for the betterment of your mind and body, feel free to consult the experts at our hospital- Dr. Sharda Ayurveda.
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