Giloy - Benefits, Nutrition Value, Uses & Precautions

Have you heard of Giloy during the COVID era? Well, that was the time when the hype of Giloy benefits was back among humans. Giloy plant is not just a normal bush rather it is considered one of the best medicines in Ayurveda. From a normal fever to serious health concerns like Asthma & Diabetes, Giloy can help manage them easily.


Tinospora Cordifolia / Giloy






Loamy and sandy soil rich in organic matter




5-10 hrs of full sunlight per day





Other Names for Giloy

In different regions, Giloy is called by its different unique names. Here’s a list of synonyms of Giloy- 

  1. Tinospora cordifolia
  2. Amrita 
  3. Guduchi
  4. Gulancha
  5. Gilo
  6. Gado, Galo, Gulo, Gulwel
  7. Madhparni
  8. Somvalli
  9. Chinnaruha
  10. Chakra lakshanika
  11. Rasayani
  12. Vatsadani
  13. Jwarari
  14. Devnirmita
  15. Bahuchinna

Giloy tree is a heart-shaped plant and each part has some effective medicinal properties to offer for the human body. 

The stem of the giloy uses to treat skin disorders, respiratory tract infections, & high blood sugar. It can be chewed directly or a juice can be made.

Its roots have anti-ulcer and anti-stress properties. Whereas, the dry bark of giloy has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and anti-leprotic properties. Therefore, the whole plant has something to offer to the medicinal system in order to help treat various illnesses or health disorders.

Nutrient Component



4.13 gm

Vitamin C

4.44 mg


16.19 gm


3.12 gm

Health Benefits of Giloy

Giloy can effortlessly cope with our daily concerns. Wanna know which ones are those? Let’s explore Giloy benefits for health.

Boosts immunity

Giloy is renowned for its immunomodulatory properties that strengthen the body’s natural defense system. Also, it is an antipyretic herb, which means it can be used to prevent or reduce the risk of fever. Regular intake of Giloy juice benefits in improving immunity. This is beneficial for dengue patients as it increases the count of platelets and reduces the risk of complications in dengue fever. For better results, you can boil Giloy juice with fresh tulsi leaves and drink it lukewarm.

Fights Fever

Fever is when body temperature rises from a normal bar. This mainly happens when pathogens enter the body and start attacking our healthy cells. Fever is a way of our body to indicate, it's fighting those pathogens. However, to fight them, the body requires strong immune power and that's where Giloy helps! Hence, Giloy helps for fight fever.

Improves digestion

It is the stem of the Giloy that improves the digestive process of the body. The Giloy uses additionally includes, relief from constipation, acidity, gas, and bloating. For people with weak digestion, this is the game changer for you! In Ayurveda, weak agni (digestive fire) is known to cause many bothersome diseases. Therefore, manage the cause on time so that there is no way you have to suffer in the future. 


Giloy’s antioxidant effects protect the cells from damage and also help boost immunity. It benefits the body by flushing out free radicals and toxins from the liver and kidneys. 

It is an excellent herb for those with excessive screen time and face skin or hair-related issues. 

Reduce Stress

Giloy tea is one popular tea that calms the nervous system and helps manage stress. This happens as Giloy induces adaptogenic properties. This property is super beneficial for the body to adapt to stress and maintain a correct balance between mind and body. 

Adding Giloy tea to your everyday morning or evening routine promotes relaxation, reduces mental tension, and improves your mental health. In short, you must give it a shot!

Some More Benefits

Improved Hair Health

Giloy benefits for hair health include anti-dandruff, repairing, and hair-growth qualities. In short, rather than switching on expensive shampoos or chemical products, opt for herbs that are rich in beneficial properties. They will provide results for the long term.


The anti-inflammatory property of Giloy is beneficial in reducing inflammation in the body. This includes joints, muscles, gut, urinary tract, and many more. This will automatically relieve joint pain, muscle soreness, and other digestive issues. Keeping this in mind, it is sometimes recommended during the treatment of arthritis.

Urinary problems

It is true that Giloy uses are marked very beneficial for urinary problems as well, especially Urinary Tract Infections. The anti-microbial properties in it work to fight all the bacteria. This way it leaves you with a healthy urinary tract. To obtain this benefit you can either opt for Giloy stem powder or just Giloy juice after consulting the doctor. 

Manages Weight

As we read above, weak digestion is the start of many problems as learned from Ayurveda. Therefore, weight gain is one of them. But Giloy can manage it without you even stressing about it. It will boost your metabolism game and help you achieve your desired healthy weight.


Giloy Benefits For Female

Giloy, also known as Tinospora Cordifolia a powerhouse herb for a female’s overall health. Like, an imbalance of hormones in women can lead to various issues, such as fatigue, irregular periods, and emotional imbalance. It provides several benefits for women’s health. Giloy's benefits for females include regulating hormone levels, enhancing immunity, and reducing stress. Regular use of Giloy can help promote better hormonal health and support female fertility.

Giloy Benefits For Male

Giloy benefits to male by enhancing their overall vitality and energy levels. The benefits of Giloy in reducing stress, boosting mental clarity and focus. In addition to this, giloy regulates blood sugar and promotes a healthy metabolism which can benefit men’s cardiovascular health. It also supports muscle recovery and reduces joint pain, making it a versatile herb for male well-being.

Traditionally, giloy is used to treat

Despite the above-mentioned daily health problems, the benefits of giloy for the management of chronic diseases are also amazing. Isn't it shocking, how one herb holds such deep qualities? Well, worldwide there are another 50,000+ species that are used for their therapeutic properties. 


When uric acid in the body exceeds its normal limit, it causes gout emergence. Also, this condition is considered as a type of arthritis. Therefore, it will lead to certain joint pain & swelling. But the antiarthritic properties of Giloy will relieve these symptoms including inflammation. 

Chronic Fever

Be it chikungunya, dengue fever, or just plain fever - Giloy works as a superfood. In our childhood, we must have heard of it as a quick remedy from our grandparents or boosting the immune system and fighting pathogens, all these amazing qualities of Giloy will manage chronic fever.

Skin problems  

Giloy for skin nourishing? Yes, that’s correct. Regular consumption of Giloy tea will never let you stress over acne again. Also, it will fight off eczema and other skin conditions, giving you a clear and radiant complexion. The Giloy benefits for skin are truly remarkable—it balances hormones, detoxifies your body, and boosts the immune system. Whether you're struggling with dullness, breakouts, or uneven skin tone, Giloy can be your go-to remedy for a naturally flawless glow. 


Drinking Giloy juice will soothe all your gut health problems including constipation. But this is only possible if you top it with a healthy diet otherwise alone juice won’t work. 

This is also beneficial for those who are suffering from piles. However, before consuming ask your doctor if it works well with your current medications. 

Liver diseases

In Ayurveda, guduchi (Giloy) has been known for its detoxifying properties for years. This regenerates healthy liver cells with which the functioning of the liver is enhanced. According to the research, it is known to have all those qualities that help manage fatty liver. However, its overconsumption can be harmful. So, consume in moderation.


Research suggests that guduchi have hypoglycemic properties. This property is known to balance glucose levels in the body by lowering blood sugar. Giloy tea is a great simple, quick, and easy remedy for diabetic patients. It may improve insulin sensitivity. Moreover, it manages stress levels as well, which is said to be a major trigger of diabetes.


If you are wondering is Giloy good for asthma patients? Well, then the answer is yes. Its anti-inflammatory properties clear the air passage, thus, considering it to be beneficial for asthma patients. Plus, it manages cough and asthma symptoms equally well.

High cholesterol

By improving the metabolism, fixing gut health, and removing toxins that lead to high cholesterol, Guduchi is known to manage this condition well. It also contains alkaline compounds that lower the count of bad cholesterol i.e. LDL.

Precautions While Consuming Giloy

You might wonder what to worry about when giloy has many astounding properties. Well, in that case, we must not forget ‘Too much of everything is bad’. This applies even to beneficial things and medicinal herbs are a part of them.

The main precautions that one must keep in mind are- 

  • Only consume herbs after consulting an expert.
  • Make sure you tell the doctor the truth about your past medical history and current medications (if any).
  • Only consume the amount advised by an expert i.e. always within the dosage recommendation.
  • Herbs like Giloy are more effective when the diet is correct. So never miss out on healthy meals.


While ending the blog, one thing we get to know is Ayurveda understands the correct importance of nature. Which plant holds medicinal properties and for what illness, Ayurveda knows it all! Therefore, we must trust Ayurveda and allow our body to heal naturally. 

Giloy is just one part of it, there are yet several other herbs and spices that hold amazing benefits for us.

Article By:

Dr. Sharda Ayurveda

At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.