Manage your Cervical Spondylitis with Ayurvedic Treatment

By Dr Mukesh Sharda In Joint Pain

What is Cervical Spondylitis?

Cervical Spondylosis is mainly the degeneration of bones and disks in the neck. Through this, a variety of diseases emerges, including herniated disks and as disc shrinks bone spurs occur which means extra growth from the ends of bones. It is common and worsens with age. It can lead to neck pain, stiffness of the neck.

Due to ageing, changes in your spine are considered normal. The spine likely begins this wearing-down process with age. Most people above 60 yrs of age have evidence of cervical spondylosis and osteoarthritis which can be seen in reports of neck X-Ray. Large number of these people experience no symptoms initially. When symptoms occur, nonsurgical treatments are usually effective.

 According to Ayurveda, cervical spondylosis is similar to  Greeva Stambha, which is a disorder of Vata Dosha. Vyana Vayu mainly is responsible for the movements of the body.

Causes of Cervical Spondylitis

As people age, the structures that make up the backbone and neck gradually develop wear and tear. These causes includes:

Bone Spurs: Bony overgrowths are the result of the body trying to grow extra bone for making the spine stronger. However, the extra bone can press on delicate nerve areas of the spine, such as the spinal cord and spinal nerves which results in pain.

Dehydrated Discs: Spinal bones have discs between them, which are thick, padlike cushions between vertebrae that absorb the shock of lifting, twisting, and other activities. The gel-like material inside these discs can dry out with ageing. This causes your spinal bones to rub together more, which can be painful.

Herniated Disks: Spinal discs can develop cracks due to which leakage of the internal cushioning fluid can take place. This material can press the spinal cord and nerves roots, resulting in symptoms such as numbness of the arm and pain that radiates down an arm.

Stiff Ligaments: Ligaments play an important role for the body. The cords that connect your spinal bones to each other can become even stiffer over time with age, which affects your neck movement and makes the neck less flexible.

Occupational Factor : Some occupations or hobbies involve repetitive movements of the neck and heavy weight lifting. Sedentary lifestyle is common these days. This is responsible for  putting extra pressure on the spine,and resulting in early wear and tear of the bones of the neck.

Symptoms of Cervical Spondylitis

Commonly cervical spondylosis begins with no symptoms at all, gradually symptoms start developing such as stiffness in neck and pain in neck. Sometimes, cervical spondylosis may result in a narrowing of the space needed by the spinal cord and the nerve roots that originate at the spinal cord and pass from the spine to the rest of your body. If the spinal cord or nerve roots pinched, you may experience:

Tingling Sensation, numbness and a feeling of  weakness in the neck which travels to arms, hands, legs or feet.

  • Lack of coordination of muscles and bones and difficulty in walking.
  • Loss of bladder control or bowel control.
  • Headaches.
  • A feeling of grinding when you move your neck.
  • Stiffness in the neck.
  • Trouble maintaining your balance.

Ayurvedic Management for Cervical Spondylitis

According to Ayurveda, the symptoms of cervical spondylosis are due to Vata Dosha. Whereas, there are several cervical spondylosis treatments in Ayurveda that have treated the condition naturally.

Ayurveda uses medicines and Panchakarma therapies like Basti and medicated enema that can improve the symptoms of cervical spondylosis. These procedures may run depending on how well the individual body responds to the treatment.

Ayurveda helps in  bringing harmony and balance of the doshas in the human body. Imbalance in the vata is considered as the main cause of any kind of irregularity in the body’s vital functions affecting the daily routines.


Ayurvedic Medicines for Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Pain Ayurvedic Treatment can be done with a wide range of herbs. These Ayurvedic herbs manage vata dosha very well. They help in reducing inflammation and pain. When kapha is alleviated, stiffness will be reduced automatically. Ayurvedic medicines such as :  

Shallaki (Boswellia Serrata): It has anti-inflammatory properties and prevents swelling of joints, and prevents breakdown of cartilage.

Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) :   Its oil is of great use as it helps to reduce bone and joint pain.

Guggulu(Commiphora mukul):  It lubricates and rejuvenates the tissues within and around the joints, helping to promote comfortable movement within these small spaces.

Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia): The stem of Guduchi helps in inflammation and cervical spondylosis. It also helps in reducing joint pain and many other symptoms associated with arthritis.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Ashwagandha has anti-arthritic properties and  helps in relieving pain by soothing the nervous system.

Shunthi (Ginger): It helps in relieving swelling, pain in joints, stiffness, rheumatoid arthritis and in cervical spondylosis.

Panchakarma Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis

For treating cervical spondylosis,  ayurvedic treatment includes the following:

Abhyanga swedam: It is a traditional Ayurvedic body massage using individual, seasonal and medicated oils further followed by herbal steam bath (sweda) and scrub. Sweda helps to open the pores of skin and release the toxins through them.

Elakizhi: It Helps in improving muscle strength as well as slow downs the process of ageing. It relieves body pain and stiffness and well as reduces soreness from muscles and joints.It increases circulation of blood.

Nasyam: Nasyam helps to lubricate the nasal passage, clean out mucus and sinuses as well as improves voice, mental clarity and vision. Ayurvedic therapy believes that the nose is the pathway to our brain. Hence, Nasya can be considered as an effective management of cervical spondylosis.

Shirovasti or Shirodhara: Shirodhara is a relaxed and therapeutic head massage that offers immense physical and mental benefits. It is mainly pouring medicated oil over the forehead. This is the best ayurvedic treatment for cervical pain.

Sarvangadhara: Sarvangadhara is the best ayurvedic treatment of neck pain and back pain. It is dependent on the patient's type of Dosha, especially internal body type. It is useful against degenerative diseases such as Arthritis and cervical spondylosis, muscular pain and joint stiffness.

Greeva basti: Greeva basti is the most popular treatment in ayurveda which resembles medicated oils poured for a fixed duration of time. It helps in relieving sprains and strains and also relieves headache, neck pain.

Navara kizhi: It is the best ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis and it helps in preventing the degeneration of joint tissues and muscles. It provides a feeling of lightness in the joints, soft tissues, and muscles. It strengthens the nerves, relieving arthritis and curing neurological complaints.

Pizhichil: Pizhichil word means “to squeeze.” By combining oil and heat therapy, Pizhichil is used to enhance blood circulation and at the same time it releases toxins from the body. It leads to muscle development and quick healing of fractured bones.

All treatment therapies are managed to depend upon the condition of the patient and severity of the disease.

Home Remedies for Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylitis Ayurvedic Treatment includes the following home remedies :

Regular Exercise

Exercising regularly can give immense benefit in the treatment of neck pain and spine. Do neck and back exercises for about 10 minutes twice a day preferably once in the morning and once in evening. This can help in relieving the pain.

Hot and Cold Compresses

Another way of pain-relieving is alternating hot and cold compresses on the affected area. Hot compresses will improve blood circulation, However, Cold compresses will help in the reduction of swelling and inflammation.

Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt baths can also ease the symptoms related to cervical spondylosis. Mainly magnesium in Epsom salt can regulate pH levels in the body and can reduce inflammation and neck pain and shoulders.


Ginger is one of the effective home remedies in the treatment of cervical spondylosis and this herb is found in every household. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce any inflammation in the neck and increase blood circulation of the body.

Sesame seeds

According to research, Sesame seed is found to be one of the most effective Home Remedies for Cervical Spondylosis. It contains various minerals such as copper, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. Sesame seed oil helps in reducing pain.


From ancient times, turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce any swelling in the neck region. Turmeric also improves the circulation of blood which results in a reduction of stiffness in muscles. It can be taken with warm milk.


Garlic possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to ease any inflammation or pain in the neck. Garlic proves to be beneficial from ancient times in getting muscles flexible. Peel a few cloves of garlic, crush them then consume it empty stomach.

Yoga and Diet

Ayurvedic treatment for Shoulder and Neck Pain includes Diet and Yoga.

Diet for Cervical Spondylitis Patients

It plays a crucial part in decreasing the problem of Cervical Spondylosis. Meals  must be divided in 4 parts a day which includes raw vegetables, salad of steamed vegetables, whole-wheat bread sprouts and milk. Intake of Multivitamins, vitamin D, vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium proteins are of great use. Consuming lemon juice mixed with salt at least 2-3 times a day.

Avoiding oily, spicy, salty foods is necessary. Drinking fruit juice and various vegetarian soups in the routine diet is beneficial.

Yoga for Cervical Spondylitis Patients

Yoga is one of the most holistic solutions for relief from Cervical Spondylosis. These yoga asanas systematically strengthen the body's flexibility especially flexibility of the entire vertebral column by releasing the compression of the spinal nerves, which has a direct impact on relieving neck and back pain, helping to release stress and strain, and activating the nervous system and these yoga poses are as follows:

  • Surya Namaskara
  • Cat Pose (Bidalasana)
  • Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)
  • Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
  • Cobra or Snake Pose (Bhujangasana)
  • Baby/ Infant Pose (Balasana)
  • Half Boat Pose (Nowgasana)

Apart from this you can also perform mild exercises which will loosen the stiffed muscles of neck and shoulder.


Research reveals that practicing yoga and proper dietary patterns in daily routine could do wonders in minimising Cervical spondylosis. Several natural herbs enhance flexibility and movement of joints. Panchakarma methods help to relieve pain, inflammation of muscles and ligaments and to improve the flexibility of neck bone joints. Therefore, in this way cervical spondylosis can be managed with Ayurvedic Treatment naturally. If you want to live a healthy life which is free from pain and discomfort, then choose us and consult our Ayurvedic Doctor Online  Don't forget we are here for you and so is Ayurveda!

Article By:

Dr Mukesh Sharda

Dr. Mukesh Sharda (BAMS, Ph.D.) founder Dr. Sharda Ayurveda is a worldwide renowned Ayurvedic doctor withholding more than 15+years of experience in treating autoimmune disease patients. The root cause treatment and its effectiveness make this clinic stand out from others. Dr. Mukesh Sharda is serving mankind through its various widespread branches in India and globally through telephonic and video consultations.