The religious sayings signify that the counts of your breaths are finite by the almighty God.
Then how can someone afford to waste a life that is blessed once?
Not as per religions but according to all modern sciences and realms, breathing is the base of living. It is something that differentiates between living and dead.
Acknowledging the relevance of breathing, it should be our duty as well as a right to breathe healthy, and fresh.
But due to increased pollution, sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy choices, and distress, several breathing issues are becoming common. One of these issues is- Asthma, an insufferable respiratory disorder.
But all the people who are on the path of Ayurveda have nothing to do with these health worries as Ayurveda is their saviour. In this blog, we will provide you with detailed information about the whole concept of asthma along with its symptoms and causes. However, our main topic of discussion will revolve around the ideal diet for asthma patients according to Ayurveda.
What is Asthma?
In simple terms, it is a respiratory disorder that makes our airways narrow, inflamed, and irritated. The upper respiratory system tends to malfunction and starts causing problems such as excessive mucus production, difficulty breathing, chest pain, coughing, and wheezing.
In Ayurveda, it is called “Swasa Roga” caused by the aggravation of Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha in the body. In this condition, the toxins start accumulating inside the body and block the flow of Prana (life force) in the respiratory system. Opting for Asthma treatment in Ayurveda is a wise action as it is based on herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and breathing exercises for boosting lung health as well as the overall strength of the body.
How diet and asthma are interlinked?
In Ayurveda, “Ahara” acts as fuel for our body engine that keeps it smooth-functioning. The food you consume delivers a direct reflection both outside and within your body.
You can only dream of a sound mind and body if your diet is not satisfactory. Foods such as junk, oily, processed, stale, under-cooked, overcooked, frozen, and non-vegetarian have several adverse effects on health. Apart from physical pain, they can also give rise to physiological difficulties such as anxiety, irritation, depression, and panic attacks.
Particularly, talking about asthma and diet, where the smooth functioning of the lungs can be disturbed by unhealthy dietary choices. Such food intake adds to the complications of asthma by making the food pipe and air passages inflamed and irritated. Acknowledging the significance of diet for asthma patients, Ayurveda majorly focuses on certain dietary precautions and adjustments for getting rid of this respiratory disorder.
Foods that help control Asthma!
You don’t have to eat each food item one by one to know whether it is good for you or not.
We have already done the calculations for you.
There are a number of foods that are considered helpful for asthmatics. Being rich in healthy antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, & anti-bacterial properties these foods fight against bacterial infections in the respiratory system and also reduce excessive mucus production, swelling of air passages, and other asthma symptoms. These include
Vitamin D Rich foods
Studies have proven Vitamin D a helpful source for reducing the number of asthma attacks. It acts as a powerful immune stimulator and encourages antimicrobial defenses in the body. Below are some Ayurveda suggested sources through which you can meet the requirement for Vitamin D for an enhanced respiratory system.
- Mushroom
- Spinach
- Kale
- Soybeans
- Orange
- Oatmeal
- Guduchi
- Almonds
One of the prime sources of Vitamin D is sunlight. Just simply relax under sunlight with bare clothes during Brahma Muhrata (early morning) for a better respiratory system as well as for overall health.
Foods loaded with Vitamin C
Asthma complications can be decreased to a great extent by adding adequate amounts of Vitamin C in your regular diet. Below are some vegetarian sources through which you can get Vitamin C.
- Broccoli
- Tomatoes
- Bell peppers
- Strawberries
- Lemon
- Oranges
- Kiwi
- Indian gooseberry (Amla)
Foods enriched in Vitamin E
It has been seen that there is a deficiency of Vitamin E in most asthmatic patients. To fulfill this insufficiency, and get rid of asthma symptoms, it is advised to take a diet rich in Vitamin E. The foods that one can opt for to get Vitamin E in enough quantity are.
- Avocado
- Grapes
- Apricots
- Spinach
- Taro roots
- Beetroot
- Sunflower seeds
Foods inherited with Vitamin A
The consumption of Vitamin A-rich foods can also help in improving overall respiratory health and coping with foreign infections, and bacteria. You can add below mentioned food items to your ideal diet for asthma.
- Sweet Potatoes
- Carrots
- Spinach
- Kale
- Romaine lettuce
- Dried Apricots
Omega-3-rich foods
These foods act as a shield against bacterial infections allergic reactions, and chronic lung diseases. Apart from being beneficial for respiration, it also delivers a positive impact on metabolism and the immune system. You can take the below-mentioned omega-3 enriched foods for asthma management.
- Flaxseeds
- Chia seeds
- Walnuts
- Avacado
- Hemp seeds
- Basil
- Blackberries
- Papaya
Magnesium-loaded foods
Last but not least, an ideal diet for asthma suggests taking food loaded with magnesium. Such foods help in relaxing bronchial muscles and also allow the flow of more air to the lungs by the expansion of the air passages.
- Spinach
- Kale
- Sweet Potato
- Okra
- Peas
- Pumpkin
- Coriander
Foods that trigger Asthma!
There are also some foods to avoid in asthma, as the consumption of these detrimental foods may cause problems such as cough, sore throat, cold, rhinitis, laryngitis, and sometimes even serious diseases such as Asthma, Bronchitis, or Nasal Polyps. Ayurvedic diet for asthma management suggests restricting the consumption of the below-mentioned food items.
Gluten-containing foods
Some of you will not believe that the chappati, or bread that you might be consuming on a daily basis is also harmful to your respiratory system. It contains huge amounts of gluten that trigger allergic reactions, and weaken the immune system of the body. Below are the gluten-containing items that you should avoid for asthma.
- Wheat
- Bread
- Pasta
- Cakes & pies
- Cookies
- Pastries
Dairy products
Diary yields are also not advised to asthma patients. The consumption of these products supports mucus production inside the body. These products also contain bacteria, that may cause issues such as indigestion, throat irritation, and cough with phlegm. To get rid of asthma, avoid excessive consumption of these dairy products.
- Milk
- Yogurt
- Cheese
- Cream
- Sweets
- Oily, processed, and Junk
Oily, processed, and Junk
These are the foods that are not advised to be taken to any extent. Still, people out of the taste of the tongue, consume it. These food items are nothing but dead food that causes only harm to the body. The intake of such oily, junk, and spicy foods may irritate your air passages, or make them irritated and inflamed. These include.
- Pizza, burgers, and fries
- Soft drinks or other carbonated beverages
- Donuts and pastries.
- Potato chips, or other packed food items.
- Artificially frozen beans and corn.
Non-Vegetarian foods
In Ayurveda, non-vegetarian food comes under the category of “Tamsik Bhojana.” Not only for asthma management but for all health concerns, the consumption of non-vegetarian food is prohibited. These foods support toxins accumulation inside the body, which are also very hard to eliminate. Below are some non-vegetarian items, that you should avoid, especially for asthma.
- Eggs
- Chicken
- Meat
- Beef
Alcohol, and smoking
Last but not least, things that you should avoid are alcohol and smoking. These substances contain a high level of Sulphites and Histamine that may trigger asthma flare-ups. They also support the production of a sticky mucus inside the upper respiratory system making the air passages narrow, sore, and inflamed. These include:
Alcohol/ wine/ beer.
All types of tobacco products such as Cigreeters, Indian Cigars, and Shisha (Hookah).
Following an asthma-pacifying diet?
Firstly know the Do’s and Don’ts
Doubtlessly, a healthy diet is a must for getting rid of asthma. But a good diet alone will not prove that much beneficial unless you will not follow certain precautions. Below are some general Do’s and Don’ts that you should always keep in mind while dealing with asthma, or any other breathing disorder.
- Do use natural herbs such as ginger, garlic, cloves, black pepper, and turmeric.
- Drink Lukewarm water. It will soothe your respiratory irritation and swelling. You can also take warm soups or herbal Kadhas.
- Do try breathing exercises such as Anulom Vilom, Kapalbhati, and Bhramari Pranayama.
- Do not ignore initial symptoms of asthma such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or wheezing.
- Avoid cold, and chilly atmospheres such as staying under freezing AC temperatures or drinking cold water, or soft drinks.
- Try not to come in contact with allergens such as pet dander, flakes, pollen, or hazardous gases.
What should we eat during asthma?
Eat light and fresh. Try adding juicy fruits and green leafy vegetables to your daily diet. Since asthmatic people often experience difficulty swallowing due to inflamed respiratory paths.
The best solution is that you can make their juices or warm soups for easy consumption.
What helps asthma in the summer?
Sunlight can prove highly beneficial. In Ayurveda, we believe that in Brhama Muhrata, absorbing sunlight with a bare minimum of clothes acts as a panacea for several diseases including asthma.
What climate is best for asthma?
Neither extremely cold nor damn summer can be considered a satisfactory climate for asthma. Generally, mild temperatures and lower humidity levels are ideal for asthmatic patients.
Does AC make asthma worse?
Well! The answer is a complete YES.
Often there are molds in the air conditions, that may spread and enter via your nostrils or mouth, causing several respiratory complications. Additionally, the cold or freezing air acts as one of the most triggering factors for asthma.
We hope that the insights shared above will prove helpful to you. Always remember that having knowledge is of no use unless you are implying it.
Choose Ayurveda and pluck the roots of asthma naturally!
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