Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma

Breathe Healthy With Ayurveda

What is Asthma ?

Asthma, sometimes also called bronchial asthma, is a respiratory condition that mainly affects your lungs. The airways become narrow, inflamed, irritated, and produce excessive mucus, which eventually results in difficulty breathing. Recognizing the widespread prevalence of it among individuals every year, the first Tuesday of May is celebrated as World Asthma Day.

If considering the Ayurvedic aspect, then asthma is termed as “Swasa Roga.” The imbalance of Vata Dosha (air-governing element), and Kapha Dosha (water-earth governing element) is believed to be the prime cause of it.

Further, the accumulation of ama (toxins) inside the system leads to the description of these body-governing elements and blockage of the flow of prana (life force) in the respiratory system. Besides all, ahaar-vihar (diet and lifestyle) also plays a crucial role during this condition where consumption of an unhealthy diet, or following a sedentary lifestyle can trigger this breathing disorder.

Asthma Ayurvedic Treatment has been proven to be the most effective way to deal with this respiratory disorder. Through eliminating the harmful toxins throughout the system, Ayurveda channalizes a renewed sense of energy, and vitality in the body and contributes to the overall healing process of asthma. ‘Pranavaha Sroto Vikara’ is the term used for asthma in Ayurvedic texts that causes regular breathing difficulties.

Ayurvedic treatment in asthma in Ludhiana integrates herbal remedies, dietary suggestions, and lifestyle adjustments under the guidance of an expert. It is a natural solution that provides permanent relief from asthma. Also, at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda, Ayurvedic treatment for child asthma is available. .

Types of Asthma

Woman suffering from allergic asthma

Allergic Asthma

It is a breathing condition where the airways get tightened because of an allergic reaction. It happens because of various common factors like pollen, mold spores, dust mites, pet dander, and cockroach debris.

man suffering from non allergic asthma

Non-allergic Asthma

Non-allergic asthma is a condition that tends to affect a significant portion of individuals after they reach middle age. It does not take place due to an allergic reaction but by factors such as cold air, infections, or stress.

man suffering from cough variant asthma

Cough Variant Asthma

The specific feature is a dry, nonproductive cough. There can be no traditional asthma symptoms, such as shortness of breath or wheezing. The only symptom which persists is a continued cough.

man suffering from occupational asthma

Occupational asthma

It is caused directly by the work an individual does. Occupational asthma can be caused by several things. For example, if you work in a flour mill or bakery your symptoms can flare up. Additionally, it occurs due to the nature of the job and exposure to chemicals or irritants in the workplace, such as dust, fumes, or gases.

kid suffering from childhood asthma

Childhood asthma

The lungs and airways become easily inflamed when exposed to certain triggers (flare-ups). Such triggers include catching a cold and inhaling pollen. Childhood asthma can be a cause that interferes with the sports, play, studies, school, and sleep schedules of children.

Adult onset asthma

Adult-onset asthma

When asthma symptoms appear and are diagnosed in adults older than 20 years of age, it is usually known as adult-onset asthma. It is different from childhood asthma, which starts in early childhood. Adult-onset asthma can occur in people who had never experienced asthma symptoms before or in those who had asthma as children but had a period of remission.

Exercise induced asthma

Exercise-induced asthma

The medical term for this condition is exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. When the airways squeeze or narrow during intense physical activity. It causes shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and other symptoms during or after exercise. It occurs frequently in dry and cold air. Eventually, the airway narrows for 5 to 20 minutes after the beginning of physical activity, making it difficult to breathe.

night time nocturnal asthma

Night time (Nocturnal) Asthma

In the night, asthma symptoms are much higher during sleep because asthma is powerfully influenced by the sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythms). Your asthma symptoms of coughing, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing are common and dangerous, particularly at night.

Causes of Asthma

  • Poor digestion-Poor digestion is one of the primary causes of asthma. It leads to the formation of toxins (ama) in the body, which, ultimately aggravates the Kapha Dosha and leads to asthma.
  • Excessive consumption of cold and heavy foods-Foods that are cold, heavy, and oily, like dairy products, fried foods, and ice cream, can aggravate the Kapha Dosha which leads to difficulty in breathing.
  • Exposure to allergens-Allergens in the atmosphere such as dust, pollen, and animal dander, can aggravate the Kapha Dosha.
  • Emotional stress-It is also an important factor that can lead to anxiety and it is hazardous for health.
  • Improper lifestyle habits-Lack of exercise and improper irregular sleeping patterns and consumption of alcohol, smoking, and other drugs, can contribute to the development of asthma.

Asthma symptoms

The main asthma symptoms in adults is difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath. The individual feels as if his chest is tight, and he is unable to take deep breaths.

  • Hence, adult asthma treatment in Ayurveda will provide significant results from all the below given disturbing symptoms.
  • Wheezing is a whistling sound that is heard when an individual exhales. It is caused by the narrowing of the airways.
  • A persistent cough that worsens at night is one of the symptoms of asthma. The cough might be dry or with phlegm.
  • An individual can feel a tightness or pressure in the chest, making it difficult to breathe.
  • Asthma can cause fatigue and weakness due to the increased effort required to breathe.
  • Asthma attacks can cause anxiety and restlessness in an individual, making it difficult for them to stay calm.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma

Ayurvedic Asthma Treatment focuses on treating the root causes of asthma, and strengthening the lungs using the following measures:

  • Herbs: The years-tested, quality-approved, and known to be the best for respiratory system herbs are utilized as the prime ingredients for the treatment of this swasa-roga, called asthma. 
  • Diet: Some significant dietary changes are also made compulsory during asthma treatment. Diet shares a common link with our overall health, and that’s why the exclusion of Tamsik ahaara from routine meals is advised along with all other necessary precautions.
  • Lifestyle: To ease the asthma symptoms, certain healthy lifestyle changes such as routine exercises, yoga, walking, etc, are also recommended to the patients. The basic purpose of such adjustments is to keep the asthma patients active and reduce their stress levels, which may otherwise contribute to asthma flare-ups.  
  • Steam: To open up the blocked respiratory paths, the inhalation of steam is also suggested. Both normal boiled water and herbal steam can be used to ease asthma.
  • Breathing exercises: To improve the overall functioning of the respiratory system certain breathing practices are also advised for patients such as Bhramari Prayanayama, Anuloma Viloma, and Ujjayi Pranayama. 
  • Panchakarma: One significant branch of ancient Indian healing practices, Panchakarma can also help to reduce asthma complications. Vamana (vomiting procedure), Virechana (purgation therapy), Nasya (administration of medicated oils through nasals), Abhyanaga (massaging the body), and Swedna (herbal fomentation) are best for asthmatics.

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Mrs. Seema

I was suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) from the past 10 years. I took western medicines for more than 8 years but got no relief. Then I got to know about Dr. Sharda Ayurveda and visited their Ludhiana clinic. They got my various blood investigation done and my RA was positive. In July 2019 I started their course of treatment.

Manjindar Kaur

Myself Manjindar Kaur from Rupnagar. I was suffering from Asthma. I was totally dependent on inhalers and had breathing issues in winters. But after treatment from Dr. Sharda Ayurveda Ludhiana from Dr. Mukesh Sharda, I was fully satisfied with their treatment. Within 7 months of treatment.

Raj Kumar

I was suffering from Knee Pain for many years. I took treatment from various hospitals but of no use. Then somebody advised me to take treatment from Dr. Sharda Ayurveda clinic and after taking treatment from there I was almost free from knee pain within 6 months. I have stop my medicines and feeling no pain.

Arminder Kaur Gill

I Arminder Kaur Gill for the last 5-6 years was suffering from diabetes, weather allergy, and unexplained weight gain. Even after consulting various renowned Ayurvedic Doctors in Toronto. My health condition was progressively declining and imagining a day without taking medicines and inhalers was impossible.


Can Ayurveda permanently cure Asthma?

Ayurvedic treatment for asthma aims to treat the root cause of the disease and prevent the recurrence of asthma attacks. It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle, changes in diet, and exercise regularly for the permanent cure of Asthma (bronchial asthma). Additionally, consulting an Ayurvedic expert practitioner will eventually help in getting rid of Asthma permanently.

How to get rid of mucus and cough at home?

You can make a decoction (Kadha) of Ginger, Basil, Cloves, and Cinnamon and consume it lukewarm twice a day.

  • Honey tea: Honey tea can be made by mixing 2 teaspoons of honey with warm water or tea.
  • Saltwater gargles: Saltwater helps in reducing mucus and phlegm from your throat.
  • Steam inhalation: Steam helps in clearing mucus or phlegm from the nasal passage and out of your lungs.
What causes Asthma?

There are several reasons that lead to asthma (bronchial asthma). It is usually caused by a mixture of hereditary factors i.e.- inherit from birth and some environmental factors. Certain allergens from houses, dust, mites, and pets are the common causes. Other allergens, such as pollen can also cause Asthma.

What drinks to avoid if you have asthma?

When it comes to diet for asthma patients, mainly drinks with high levels of sulfites and histamines are advised to avoid. For example, wine, beer, juices, soft drinks, fizzy drinks, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, etc. Instead of these, water and natural herbal teas are recommended. Sipping on such warm teas will help with managing the asthma symptoms better.

How can we avoid asthma?

Avoid asthma triggers like smoke, excess pollution, dust mites, animal dander, and long stays in poor air quality. Also, in addition to this, you can add a healthy diet to your everyday meals and practice breathing exercises early morning for proper inhale of oxygen.

What is the best way to manage asthma?

Asthma can not be cured permanently, however, it can be permanently managed if treated from its root. Under Ayurvedic treatment for asthma, the experts understand the true root cause and prescribe Ayurvedic medicines and healthy nutritional and lifestyle changes to manage it. Additionally, some breathing exercises and effective yoga asanas are also advised. In short, following Ayurvedic principles for recovery and healing is the best way to manage asthma.

Do Asthma triggers more in cold weather?

Yes, to some people, asthma triggers more in cold weather conditions due to seasonal changes. For such patients, it is mandatory to carry your medicines with you, especially in changing weather and environmental conditions.

How long does an Asthma attack last?

An asthma attack can last for several continuous hours if not treated timely. Acute asthma attacks last for a few minutes but a chronic attack takes several hours and proper medication is required. Medical treatment is mandatory in the case of shortness of breath.

Can Asthma damage the lungs?

Asthma can cause hazardous damage to your lungs if not treated early and in the right way. The finest Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma can protect you timely and early. The inflammation in the airways can cause damage to the bronchial tubes and the lungs over time, leading to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Repeated episodes of asthma attacks can cause scarring and thickening of the airway walls, which can permanently reduce the airway diameter and obstruct the airflow. This condition is known as airway remodeling, and it can lead to irreversible damage to the lungs.

Can asthma be treated?

With an Ayurvedic treatment, Asthma can be managed from its roots, and with a few healthy tips you will be able to prevent the recurrence of asthma attacks. It can be permanently cured with the consultation of an Ayurvedic doctor.
Ayurveda can also free you from asthma pumps with the help of the right diet, a healthy way of living, and regular breathing exercises.

What is the biggest cause of asthma?

There are several reasons that lead to asthma (bronchial asthma). It is usually caused by hereditary factors i.e. inherited from birth, environmental factors, Certain allergens like dust, pollution, pollen, smoke, factory chemicals, and pet dander.

What drink is good for asthma?

Drinking warm drinks is beneficial for asthma patients. Such as herbal tea or decoction (Kadha) made up of herbs and spices like ginger, licorice, turmeric, ginseng, and basil has soothing properties and can promote respiratory health. Thus, providing relief from asthma symptoms.

What age does asthma start?

There is no age bar for asthma to develop. Usually it begins at a young age i.e. before 5 years. 

Which breathing exercises are best for asthma?
  • Diaphragmatic breathing - move your breathing from the chest to the belly. 
  • Pursed-lip breathing - inhale through the nose and exhale through pursed lips. 
  • Relaxed breathing - while sitting comfortably, put one hand on the chest and one on the stomach. Make sure your eyes are closed. Slowly breathe in through your nose, hold, and exhale.

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