Every skin is beautiful, so it requires proper care and maintenance in order to stay healthy, and glowing. It is the reflection of your body's aura that denotes the health and glory from both within and outside.
But due to increased pollution, distress, and unhealthy dietary choices several skin complications are becoming common these days. One of these skin problems is Contact dermatitis.
Although, it's not contagious but still causes extreme harm and discomfort. If left untreated for a longer period, it may leave permanent marks and skin damage. To cope with the condition, it is a must to opt for a suitable and reliable contact dermatitis treatment that can be availed following the path of Ayurveda.
Now without bushing around the bush, let’s understand what contact dermatitis is, what are its symptoms and causes and how it can be treated with Contact dermatitis Ayurvedic treatment.
What Is Contact Dermatitis?
Derm means skin and itis denotes inflammation. Thus, the mechanism of contact dermatitis can be understood by the name itself, an inflammatory skin disease caused by coming in contact with something. Now this something may refer to any allergen, or irritant which is capable of making the skin inflamed, patchy, and scaly.
Contact Dermatitis Types
Irritant contact dermatitis
This type of CD is induced when a chemical, or irritant damages your skin’s outer protective layer. Soapy water, rubbing alcohol household cleaners, shampoos, fertilizers, pesticides, bleeds, detergents, and solvents may cause this type of contact dermatitis. This is a common type of CD, where the substance is capable of irritating everyone.
Allergic contact dermatitis
Unlike irritant contact dermatitis, Allergic contact dermatitis does not affect everyone. ACD affects only those who are allergic to some substances. A person may be allergic to certain types of cosmetics, medication, jewellery, or fabric. The symptoms of ACD may arise between 24 to 72 hours, that's why it's also known as delayed contact dermatitis.
Contact Dermatitis Causes
As discussed earlier contact dermatitis is mainly caused by allergens, or irritants such as chemical-based products, soaps, detergents, solvents, hair dyes, nail paints, beauty products, pollen, pet dander, waste, and certain types of metals, perfumes, and fabric.
Let’s understand it from 2 examples
- Scenario 1: A person who is experiencing skin issues because of an irritant, say pesticide will be considered an Irritant contact dermatitis.
- Scenario 2: A person is wearing a cobalt watch. Being allergic to cobalt metal, he started experiencing skin redness, itching, and rashes. Thus, it is a case of allergic contact dermatitis.
Apart from allergic reactions, certain dietary products such as citrus fruits, stale, or frozen vegetables, and excessive alcohol and smoking may also trigger contact dermatitis, if not directly then indirectly for sure.
What Are the Symptoms of Contact Dermatitis?
There could be several signs that represent contact dermatitis, also known as contact eczema. But below are some most common contact dermatitis symptoms observed among patients:
- Patchy, red, itchy, and irritated skin.
- Bumps and fluid-filled blisters that may burst with scratching.
- Skin inflammation and dryness.
- Discoloration and scaling of the skin.
- Intolerable pain in the affected areas.
- Fissures, hives, and ulcers.
Ayurveda perspective
In Ayurvedic culture, it is comprehended as Charakokta stravi vicharchika falling under the umbrella of Kushtha roga. It is primarily caused by hot-blooded Pitta Dosha inside the body, which is responsible for maintaining the level of fire and water elements inside the body.
How Is Contact Dermatitis Treated With Ayurveda?
To end the raging and discomfort, one of the most reliable approaches that you can opt for is Ayurvedic contact dermatitis treatment. It is a holistic and natural way of ensuring relief through which skin health is restored and its glory is enhanced. It involves certain home remedies, dietary adjustments, and applications of herbal ointments. Being natural measures, they are free from side effects and deliver only desired outcomes.
Below are some DO's and DON’Ts suggested by the Ayurveda experts of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda that gonna help you immensely in managing contact dermatitis:
Use Herbs
Let’s heal with herbs!
It's the philosophy we follow under Ayurveda for dealing with any health concerns no matter whether it is external or internal to the body. Most of the herbs you will easily find in your kitchen, as they are commonly used in our daily meals. All you need is to acknowledge their significance and know how to use them. Amla, Giloy, Neem, Haridra, Triphala, Chandana, Khadira, Manjishta, Kumari, and Brahmi are certain skin-friendly herbs that you can use to get relief from contact dermatitis.
Take Oatmeal Bath
Often contact dermatitis causes skin dryness, cracks, and roughness. To nurture and keep the skin nourished the best that you can do is take an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal has several features that make it a useful remedy for relieving dermatitis symptoms. Being a natural cleanser, it reduces skin inflammation, irritation, and itchiness. It also opens up the blocked pores of the skin and annihilates excessive oils, and dirt from them.
Don’t know how to take an Oatmeal bath?
Worry not!
Just follow the mentioned procedures step by step:
- Blend 1 cup of oatmeal in a grinder or mixer to make a fine powder. (not so thick nor thin)
- Now add it to the lukewarm water that you gonna use for the bath. Make sure the water is lukewarm. (mild boiled, not hot)
- You will see that the substances of oatmeal start absorbing the water and will turn it into a milky liquid.
- Stay in this water if you are using a bathtub. Otherwise, you can pour it on your body, especially affected areas using a mug.
- After the bath, make sure to do a gentle pat and dry up your skin.
Massage With Herbal Ointments & Pastes
A gentle massage with herbal pastes and oils can help you deal with contact dermatitis more effectively. You can use virgin coconut oil, Sesame oil, almond oil, Tea tree oil, Chamomile oil, Peppermint oil, or Lavender oil. These ointments contain anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic qualities, they reduce skin swelling, redness, and itchiness. Along with that they also keep the skin moisturised and hydrated and also reduce the risk of skin infections. You can also take a gentle massage, or bath with Cow’s ghee, or buttermilk.
Consume A Wholesome Diet
Certain food products may also act as an allergen and can be responsible for allergic contact dermatitis. Sometimes people are allergic to some products such as milk, wheat, soy, peanuts, or cashews. Consumption of such products, or even touching them may trigger their condition.
- Follow the philosophy of: Recognize! Prevent! Protect!
- Recognize: Know what your allergens are.
- Prevent: Maintaining distance from allergens and avoiding their consumption.
- Protect: Take a healthy diet and consult a skin specialist.
What to eat?
Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Watermelons, Papaya, Blueberries, Cherries, Kale, Broccoli, Spinach, Zucchini, Pigweed, Lotus Cucumber, Mushroom, Bitter Gourd, Sponge Gourd, Tomatoes, and Beetroot. Being rich in water content, vitamins, and other minerals they will not only make your skin more healthy but also strengthen your body from the inside.
Last but not least, Our DO LIST for contact dermatitis treatment involves performing yoga and meditation. It allows our skin to stay glorious, supple, and wrinkle-free. It also slows down skin aging and improves the level of blood circulation in the body. Improved blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells, ensuring a healthy complexion.
DON’T Come In Contact With Allergens/Irritrants
To treat contact dermatitis, it is vital to know what are the origins of this skin disease. Some people are allergic to certain types of food, fabric, drinks, jewelry, fumes, pollen, pet dander, or other materials. Coming in connection with such substances makes them vulnerable to problems such as skin rashes, bruises, and hives.
Also, wear gloves and a mask while touching, or coming in connection with any chemical-based product such as pesticides, detergent, or cement.
DON’T Consume Tamasic Ahaara
As stated earlier, diet may also affect the severity and occurrence of eczema, also known as dermatitis. In Ayurveda, we believe that whatever you consume delivers a direct reflection on the skin. It is recommended not to consume Tamasic Ahaara which mainly involves excessively spicy, non-vegetarian, tobacco, and alcohol.
Certain people are also allergic to dairy products, or milk intolerant. They are also advised to limit their consumption of milk-based products, as they support bacteria production inside the body which in turn triggers eczema flare-ups.
DON’T Use Chemical-based Products
Say no to chemicals!
You might be shocked to know that the beauty products that you are using on a daily basis, might contain chemicals, or other similar and harmful ingredients. Always check the ingredients used in the products before using them on your body.
Instead of these harsh products, prioritize herbal products. Virgin coconut oil, aloe vera gel, almond oil, and cow’s ghee are some natural moisturizers that can be opted as substitutes.
DON’T Smoke And Drink Alcohol
Alcohol consumption should be completely prohibited. It contains several fatal compounds that are dangerous to health. Even on the packaging of such products, it is clearly mentioned, still abusers out of craving and addiction don’t resist themselves.
Smoking initiates melanocyte formation in the skin, which in turn makes the skin dull, pale, and dark, whereas alcohol dries the skin from the inside and may result in premature skin aging, wrinkles, and sagging.
DON’T Take Any Stress
Your mental wellness is as relevant as your physical health. Although, contact dermatitis is not directly related to stress, excessive tension, distress, psychological pressure, or discomfort may trigger it or may worsen the existing condition. Stress is also interlinked with hormonal imbalances which in turn lead to issues like acne, pimples, rashes, and skin dryness.
To avoid such complications, try staying calm and at mental peace. You can also try some stress-managing techniques, Pranayama, or mediation. They will help you for sure.
We hope that the information shared will surely help you in dealing with contact dermatitis. Make sure to consult a skin-care specialist, or healthcare professional if you are experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms, or complications. You can also consult with our expert skin specialist doctors, who will provide you with Ayurvedic treatment based on your skin type and the severity of the condition.
Stay healthy! Stay happy!
Frequently asked questions:
What is the best natural remedy for contact dermatitis?
Oral application of virgin coconut oil, cow’s ghee, almond oil, and tea tree oil is one of the most effective remedies for getting rid of contact dermatitis.
What foods trigger contact dermatitis?
Consumption of excessive non-vegetarian food, dairy products, seafood, spicy, junk, and processed food may trigger contact dermatitis. Even, certain people are allergic to peanuts, cashew, soy, and gluten, thus their consumption should also be avoided.
How do you stop contact dermatitis from spreading?
Although, contact dermatitis is not contagious but it can spread from one part of the body to another. To stop such extensive acts, it is vital to consult a skin specialist. Also, avoid any type of contact with the allergens and use an anti-bacterial, or anti-biotic ointment or herbal paste on the affected areas of the skin.
What herbs are good for contact dermatitis?
Neem, Ashwagandha, Haridra, Chandana, Kumari, and Majishta have several skin-soothing features, that’s why are considered effective for contact dermatitis.
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