What is Drug Addiction?
We are well aware of the ugly side of any kind of addiction whether it is alcohol, smoking, or drug addiction and one of the common and serious forms of addiction is Drug Addiction. Drug addiction has affected a large number of people in society, especially at a young age.
In addition to, it affects the health of an individual adversely, addiction also affects the family, society, and nation. The sufferer of drug addiction hunts for drugs they are addicted to everywhere and use them obsessively despite knowing that it is destroying their living and lives. They are very well aware of the fact that it is not only harmful to them but also to those who are around them.
Drug addiction treatment in Ayurveda varies for every individual depending on their bodily constitution i.e. Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Drug addiction Ayurvedic medicines aim to flush out the toxins from the body, restore internal tissues, and helps in pulling out from the darkness of addiction.
An addicted individual knowingly spends a lot of money, out of their control and limits that sometimes even exceed what they can afford causing financial, physical, and family problems. All the time is just given to drugs and in hunt of them.