What is Obesity According to Ayurveda?
In Ayurvedic terms, Obesity (Sthaulya) is an accumulation of excess fat in the body due to an imbalance in the doshas. An excess of Kapha dosha is primarily responsible for obesity as Kapha governs the structure and lubrication of the body and, when imbalanced, can lead to an accumulation of excess fat. Excessive fat in various body channels is a result of continuous indulgence in junk food or excessive intake of salty or sweet diets along with a sedentary lifestyle, causing an individual to become lethargic and inactive. This in turn can be a call to metabolic disturbances leading to threatening one’s life by shortening life expectancy and increasing the chance of conditions like diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and high blood pressure. Studies show that 40.3% of Indians are under an obese category, among which the ratio of females is more than that of males. There are numerous factors affecting obesity such as an immobile lifestyle, overeating, and genes. Therefore, Ayurveda provides a very natural or holistic approach to this health condition.
Ayurvedic treatment for obesity typically involves dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and mindfulness practices such as Yoga and Meditation to restore balance between the doshas.