Obesity Ayurvedic Treatment

Reduce Obesity (Over-Weight) with personalized Ayurvedic Treatment

What is Obesity According to Ayurveda?

In Ayurvedic terms, Obesity (Sthaulya) is an accumulation of excess fat in the body due to an imbalance in the doshas. An excess of Kapha dosha is primarily responsible for obesity as Kapha governs the structure and lubrication of the body and, when imbalanced, can lead to an accumulation of excess fat. Excessive fat in various body channels is a result of continuous indulgence in junk food or excessive intake of salty or sweet diets along with a sedentary lifestyle, causing an individual to become lethargic and inactive. This in turn can be a call to metabolic disturbances leading to threatening one’s life by shortening life expectancy and increasing the chance of conditions like diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and high blood pressure. Studies show that 40.3% of Indians are under an obese category, among which the ratio of females is more than that of males. There are numerous factors affecting obesity such as an immobile lifestyle, overeating, and genes. Therefore, Ayurveda provides a very natural or holistic approach to this health condition.

Ayurvedic treatment for obesity typically involves dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and mindfulness practices such as Yoga and Meditation to restore balance between the doshas.

Causes of Obesity

  • Eating more calories than burning- An imbalance in energy arises when excessive amounts of calories are consumed, particularly from foods heavy in fat and sugar, along with when physical activity is not increased. The surplus calories are then stored as fat, contributing to weight gain. This problem is often increased by today's lives, which are generally marked by passive lifestyles and simple access to foods that are high in calories.
  • Lack of Exercise- An inactive lifestyle is one of the main causes of obesity, which includes endless binge eating and infrequent exercise. The extra calories are kept as fat in the body, leading to weight increase. Being active is essential for regulating hormones involved with hunger and metabolism, and hence for preventing and managing obesity.
  • Day Sleeping- Daytime napping, or sleeping during the day, has a risk of contributing to obesity because it upsets circadian rhythms and metabolism. Poor sleep routines, which include frequent naps during the day, could impact hormones that influence hunger and metabolism.
  • Genetics- Several people are prone to weight gain due to hereditary effects on their metabolism, body fat production, and regulation of hunger. While genetics alone may not determine obesity, they interact with environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle.
  • Medial Conditions- A number of health diseases may contribute to obesity by affecting the functioning of metabolism and modifying the capacity of the body to manage weight. Unbalanced hormones caused by illnesses such as PCOS and hypothyroidism may affect metabolism, hunger, and storage of fat.
  • Psychological Factors- Obesity is influenced by mental health problems which involve individuals turning to food for emotional relief or to reduce stress, which can result in overeating. Emotional snacking, which usually corresponds to feelings of sadness, stress, or boredom, may disturb regular eating routines and contribute to weight gain. Managing the psychological causes and effects of obesity needs a plan that encourages good eating habits and steady weight control.

Symptoms of Obesity

  • Fatigue: Obesity may result in a lack of energy, poor enthusiasm, and exhaustion. The effect of extra weight on our body's organs and systems expands, resulting in increased consumption of calories and reduced effectiveness.
  • Shortness of Breath: It is an ordinary sign of being overweight because of the additional pressure that obesity places on the respiratory system. The additional body mass can compress the chest and lungs, making it challenging for the respiratory muscles to expand and contract efficiently.
  • Increased Sweating: Sweating frequently is a common symbol of being overweight. The body may produce more heat when it is overweight, which increases the metabolic rate and increases the demand for perspiration to cool the body. Furthermore, when the amount of fat increases, our bodies may become more insulated, restricting effective heat loss.
  • Excessive Snoring: It is a common indicator of obesity. The buildup of extra weight while sleeping, particularly around the neck, might narrow your airways. This narrowing, when combined with higher body fat, may result in vibrations in the neck muscles, resulting in snoring.
  • Reduced Performance: Fatigue and sluggishness are linked to obesity, which affects mental abilities including focus and awareness. The physiological stress of carrying excess weight can contribute to a decline in overall performance, affecting various aspects of daily life, work productivity, and mental clarity.

Obesity Ayurvedic Treatment

  • Ayurvedic dietary modifications for obesity focus on balancing the three doshas, particularly addressing an excess of Kapha. The emphasis is on consuming light, easily digestible foods while minimising heavy, oily, and sweet items. Additionally, experts also suggest that every person should include whole-grain cereals, fresh fruits, and vegetables in their regular diet. Portion control and mindful eating play a crucial role in promoting better digestion and metabolism.
  • A key component of Ayurvedic obesity treatment is an improvement in living. Making these adjustments requires developing a daily schedule (Dinacharya) that fits with an individual's natural cycles. This means including daily activities to boost metabolism and promote energy balance, such as yoga or quick walks.
  • Medicinal herbs that help with managing one's weight include Punarnava, Guggulu, and Triphala. Punarnava helps eliminate excess water retention, Guggulu helps manage metabolism, and Triphala aids in digestion and detoxification. These herbs are frequently used in combinations, aimed to balance the Kapha dosha and cure the fundamental causes of obesity.
  • Using techniques to restore psychological balance is part of obesity stress management. Stress reduction and emotional well-being are enhanced by practices including deep breathing, mindfulness, and meditation.
  • Drinking warm water, herbal infusions, or teas throughout the day helps flush toxins, aids digestion, and boosts metabolism. In regard to the issue of managing obesity, Ayurveda understands hydration as having a role in balancing the doshas, increasing the body's natural cleansing activities, and improving overall metabolism.

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Arminder Kaur Gill

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Can Obesity shorten Life Expectancy?

Yes, Obesity does impact Life expectancy. So Healthy and balanced eating increase Life Expectancy. The best Ayurvedic treatment for Obesity has the best Results.

Is being Overweight and Obese two different things?

Yes, being overweight means weighing more than what is considered to be healthy, and being obese means having excess body fat. So some people are overweight and some are obese.

I am on Dieting for the past 4 months still not been able to reduce my weight, what else can I do?

It is a Myth that dieting will help in reducing weight and will help you in reaching your weight goal. For many people diet only may not be enough to achieve the desired weight loss goal.

What happens if I do not treat my Obesity timely?

Obesity invites several serious health disorders like Heart disease, Diabetes, High Blood pressure, Kidney disease, Sleep disorders, Bone and Joint problems. Most important it affects an Individual’s Personality.

Is Ayurvedic treatment for Obesity beneficial?

Treatment from Dr. Sharda Ayurveda for obesity is done with some Dietary changes that will help you reducing weight at the earliest. One can see the amazing results within few days of treatment.

Why Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss?

For an effective weight loss program, Ayurveda is best. It helps you in maintaining your optimal weight. An expert Ayurvedic doctor will help one find out the best Ayurvedic treatment suitable according to body type and helps in achieving desired weight.

Can teenagers follow an Ayurvedic diet for weight loss?

An Ayurvedic diet is quite beneficial for teenagers too as they are away from unhealthy meals. The ayurvedic diet consists of all the nutritional elements required for body functioning.

How to overcome Obesity?
  • Regular physical activity
  • Cutting the amount of saturated fat intake
  • Eliminating Sugar consumption
  • Increasing Liquid intake and consumption of more fruits and vegetables.
Can Obesity be cured?

Yes, Obesity is treatable at any stage of life with a proper Ayurvedic course of treatment followed by some dietary changes and proper exercises for weight management

Is Obesity genetic?

There is a strong link between Obesity with genetics. There is mostly a history of someone suffering from Obesity due to genetics. Obesity is also linked with a family history of other lifestyle diseases like- Blood pressure and Diabetes.

What are the effects of obesity?

In Ayurveda, obesity, a manifestation of aggravated Kapha dosha, leads to numerous adverse effects. It disrupts the balance of doshas, impairs digestion, and contributes to lethargy. Obesity elevates the chance of joint issues, metabolic diseases, and general health difficulties.

What factor causes obesity?

Ayurveda attributes obesity to an imbalance in the Kapha dosha, primarily influenced by factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, excessive intake of heavy and sweet foods, poor digestion, and inadequate physical activity.

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