Post-Viral Arthritis

Protect your joints with timely treatment

Post- Viral Arthritis

Arthritis is defined as the inflammation of the joints. If the disease is due to viral infection then it is termed Viral Arthritis. As per the name Post Viral Arthritis means all the pain, swelling, and stiffness of joints that occurs immediately after or during viral infection, which usually diverts indications of symptoms of arthritis. The most prone areas of infection are – ankles, toes, hands, wrists, and knees. Several viruses are triggers of this disease some of which are dengue, parvovirus B16, Hepatitis, Rubella, and retrovirus. It can easily heal if taken into consideration or early treatment but the symptoms are prolonged and can lead to serious health conditions. The symptoms of the disease vary from the severity of the disease. This viral arthritis is usually self-limiting but can even last for several weeks to years. This is associated with the impairment of the day-to-day activity of the person causing severe pain. Women and people who frequently smoke are more likely or at a higher risk of getting Post viral arthritis.

The sole reason for infection to occur is the counter-attack of the body’s immune system. The immune system gets activated as soon as it encounters a foreign antigen and accordingly antibodies are formed. But when antibodies are not made against antigens this is the sign of a weaker immune system. This causes inflammation, and pain in joints. Post viral arthritis treatment in Ayurveda is best and effective. The herbal medications are essentially beneficial for getting relief from the pain caused due to the disease. In Ayurveda, it is termed as the imbalance of Vata Dosha. Viral arthritis treatment in Ayurveda is done with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ingredient which relieves joint pains and inflammations.

Causes of Post-Viral Arthritis

  • Hepatitis-These are categorized according to their severity i.e., Hepatitis A causes severe pain in joints but not arthritis. Hepatitis B and C can cause pain as well as arthritis.
  • HIV-This virus directly affects the immune system of the body thereby causing arthritis in some of the cases.
  • Flavivirus-The dengue and zika viruses are the prominent members of this family which causes illness, swelling, and severe joint pain.
  • Enterovirus-This virus can directly affect the joints causing swelling, and pain on the affected part.
  • Rubella Virus-It has the potential to cause chronic inflammatory joint diseases. It is more prevalent in women compared to men.

Symptoms of Post-Viral Arthritis

  • Fever-This is the initial symptom that occurs as soon as the virus infects the body.
  • Swelling and Painful Joints-The symptoms are caused due to infection caused by certain viruses restricting the joint movement to a greater extend.
  • Nausea and Vomiting-People often remain sick and feel dizziness. There is also difficulty in taking proper diet as they are unable to digest food.
  • Skin Rashes-Appearance of red, itchy patches all over the affected area causes extreme itchiness. The skin remains dry, and dull all the time.
  • Redness Around Joints-Localized warmth and redness around the affected joints can cause severe pain

Ayurvedic Treatment for Post-Viral Arthritis

  •  With Panchkarma complete detoxification of the body is done and prevented from any further viral infection attack.
  •  Post viral arthritis causes pain which is the feature of vitiated Vata dosha and an increase of Rooksha property of Vata. Hence in Ayurveda massaging joints with herbal oils and intake of hot meals helps early recovery of the body.
  •  Imbalanced Tri-Dosha which mainly occurs in post-viral arthritis is the priority to deal with and if managed properly the patient gets immediate relief from the signs and symptoms of the disease.
  •  Agni plays an important role in the development of disease. Hence Agni is controlled by using Agni Vardak Yog to heal the pain.
  •  Turmeric can be consumed to get relief from the pain as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Take 1 tsp. of turmeric in 1 glass of warm water and consume it to get effective results.

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Raj Kumar

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How long does post-viral arthritis last?

Post viral arthritis is self-limiting and can last for a week to months. But if not treated timely the patient can go to a chronic stage where the inflammation and pain in joints are the symptoms

How Ayurveda is beneficial for treating post-viral arthritis?

Ayurvedic treatment for Chikungunya arthritis or post-viral arthritis has proven to provide positive results. The herbal formulations make Ayurveda a natural treatment by following a holistic approach.

Do lifestyle and dietary changes can help in recovery from post-viral arthritis?

Yes, it is possible by adopting a healthy lifestyle and including a nutrient-rich diet.

  • Dairy products should be strictly avoided
  • Balance body weight
  • Do regular exercise and meditation.
Does turmeric help in recovery from post-viral arthritis?

Yes, it can be beneficial for getting relief from the joint pain and swelling caused due to post-viral arthritis. This is so as it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

What food items are to be avoided if having post-viral arthritis?

The food items that should be avoided are:

  • Dairy products
  • Refined carbohydrates.
  • Sugar
  • Fried and processed food
  • Alcohol and tobacco
What are the symptoms of post-viral arthritis?

The symptoms of post-viral arthritis are:

  • Joint pain and swelling
  • Nausea
  • Skin rashes
  • Fever
  • Redness around painful joint
Which viruses are responsible for viral arthritis?

The major viruses that are responsible for viral arthritis are:

  • Rubella
  • Hepatitis A, B, C
  • Parvovirus
  • Alphavirus
  • Mumps

The other viruses involved are flavivirus and herpes.

Who are at higher risk of developing long-term viral arthritis?

Adopting an unhealthy lifestyle and dietary changes are the major reason for the development of long-term viral arthritis. But the people who smoke and women are highly prone or at high risk to develop long-term viral arthritis.

Do viruses have the potential to get settled in your joints?

Yes, it does have the potential if not treated on time. The infection spread all over the body through the bloodstream causing infection in joints. The symptoms can be pain, swelling, and body ache.

Which food items are recommended to recover from post-viral arthritis?

The food items recommended are:

  • Ginger and turmeric
  • Canola and olive oil
  • Vegetables – carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli
  • Whole-grain- quinoa

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