Quite sure everybody has heard of Cinnamon, or to define it by its well-known Indian name - Dalchini. This common spice in your kitchen holds mind-blowing health benefits you might be unaware of until you come across this blog. Ayurveda has already discovered its magical properties and has been using it to serve, help, and treat mankind for centuries. To keep following this principle of Ayurveda, we often share such informational blogs with everybody so that one can understand the power and importance of natural healing.
Indians have been already using it in their different dishes to enhance its flavor but additionally, it has been healing their health unknowingly from the inside. It can be added to curries, sprinkled on the top of your oatmeal, or cinnamon tea and cinnamon water can also be a beneficial option. To know more about secret dalchini benefits let's start this blog.
Cinnamon is known by many other names such as:
- Dalchini (Hindi name)
- Canela (Spanish name)
- Cannelle (French name)
- Qarfa (Arabic name)
- Zimt (German name)
- Ròuguì (Chinese name), and many more
This worldwide famous spice comes from the inner bark of trees ‘Cinnamomum verum’. Just like the spice itself, even the dalchini plant has various other names. Such as the Ceylon cinnamon tree, true cinnamon tree, cinnamon bark tree, and kayu manis.
Types of Cinnamon
Shocked to know this simple spice has further types? Well, that’s a fact! It has a few types that depend on several factors like harvesting age, color, flavour, and texture.
Ceylon cinnamon
Its other name is true cinnamon. This type of cinnamon stick comes from the bark of cinnamomum verum tree. Its true origin is Sri Lanka and southern India. That is why around 80% of the world’s supply of Ceylon cinnamon is known to be produced in Sri Lanka.
Here’s a list of its characteristics:
Color: Tan-brown
Texture: Soft, fragile, crumbly, and paper-like textured rolled into layers
Flavour: Sweet, subtle, and delicate
Aroma: Lush & inviting
Formation: Made from the inner bark of the tree. Formed into several layers then folded like a cigar
Uses: Cooking spice suitable for desserts
Cassia cinnamon
A Chinese cinnamon that comes from the bark of cinnamomum cassia tree. It is highly used in cooking & chinese traditional medicinal systems. It first originated in southern China, however, with time it is now cultivated throughout Southeast Asia.
Color: Dark brown-red color
Texture: Rough & thick
Taste: Sweet, spicy, pungent, and slightly bitter
Aroma: Very strong
Uses: Chinese medicines, cooking, and managing various health conditions like diabetes and obesity
Tree: 60 feet tall and 40 feet spread tree
Saigon cinnamon
It is one of the types of cassia cinnamon. It comes from the bark of the Cinnamomum loureirii tree. Did you know? It is also known by another name, Vietnamese cinnamon.
What Characteristics does it hold?
Color: Deep reddish-brown hue
Texture: Cracked texture
Flavor: Strong, sweet, and spicy
Aroma: Robust, woody, and pungent
Uses: Used in sweet baking recipes like apple pies, cinnamon rolls, and french toast.
Origin: Southeast Asia. also, grows best in Vietnam’s Central mountain forests
Health benefits: Reduce blood sugar levels.
Korintje cinnamon
Here’s what other names are given to this type of cinnamon-
- Baker’s cinnamon
- Indonesian cinnamon
- Makara cinnamon
Do you know why? It is because it originates in Indonesia.
Let’s get more info on its Characteristics:
Color: Light red-brown skin
Texture: Delicate & brittle. Easy to crush & make cinnamon powder (dalchini powder)
Flavor: Spicy, earthy, with sweet undertones
Aroma: warm, sweet, with hints of citrus and floral undertones
Uses: Often used for baked goods. For eg., cookies, cinnamon rolls, quick bread. To go beyond sweet meals, go ahead and use it in savory dishes like chutneys, dumplings, and stews.
Health Benefits of Dalchini
Till now we have learned about how different countries have their way of consuming cinnamon in different forms and meals. Some like to add to savory dishes, and others prefer to bake or add to their sweet meals. But why its consumption is so popular? Is it just because of its flavor and aroma? No! It has been used since ancient times, and it is because it holds several benefits for human health. Let’s explore the majority of them.
Heart Health
Cinnamon/Dalchini - This tasty addition to dessert, contains such compounds that support our cardiovascular system in different ways. The primary way is by reducing inflammation and relieving strain from the heart. Wonder why inflammation is bad? It is because it can internally destroy or damage your blood vessels which will negatively impact the health of your heart.
The other way it benefits by keeping blood glucose levels and bad cholesterol levels in control. This way the heart can properly function and remain healthy for long years.
Blood Sugar
When we eat, the body breaks the carbs into the glucose. But people with diabetes have a hard time managing these sugar levels. To attain cinnamon benefits in this case, just add a bit to your meals. This will slow down how quickly glucose enters the bloodstream. By slowing down this process, the body gets more time to effectively manage it. This way, it will prevent a sudden or big spike in sugar levels in your body.
After your meal, consuming cinnamon tea benefits the same way.
Digestive Issues
For centuries, people have been using dalchini or cinnamon to soothe their digestive concerns. Do you often feel bloated or gassy, or have to deal with indigestion? Have faith and try a bit of cinnamon in your routine. This remedy will surely help you and your stomach. Its natural compounds reduce any present inflammation and calm down the irritated stomach lining.
By regulating the digestive enzymes, it helps with the easy breakdown of food in the stomach. This will make the digestion way more smoother and less likely to cause you bloating or gas.
Its usage is pretty simple, here's what you can do.
- Sprinkle on oatmeal
- Add to smoothies
- Make a soothing cinnamon tea
The benefits of Dalchini water are quite similar, however, ask the expert before incorporating it.
Inflammation is just the way of the body to respond towards an injury or infection. But when it gets chronic, that is when it leads to issues like arthritis, heart disease, or even diabetes. Dalchini will step in in this condition as a helpful ally. Its addition to routine may seem small but can be an impactful step towards managing inflammation. You don't need a lot of it. Just a sprinkle is enough and can make a huge difference. Even some studies have proven this effect.
It is a natural, inexpensive, and tasty way to support your body and fight against chronic inflammation. But keep in mind, it won't replace any medical treatment. It is a helpful spice that helps support, manage, and prevent health issues.
Yes! Cinnamon is completely packed with natural antioxidants. Wanna know how it benefits us? Well, this property will help us to protect from all the damage caused by harmful molecules. In general, we refer to it as free radicals. It is pretty harmful as it can damage cells and is also linked to chronic diseases. This includes heart disease and certain other cancer types.
Some studies say it outshines as a superfood just like garlic and oregano. It potentially lowers the risk of various diseases, protects the skin, and fights factors that accelerate the signs of aging.
Brain Health
Dalchini, a delicious spice can effortlessly help you by improving memory and cognitive function. Its compounds are found to be perfect to protect brain cells from inflammation and oxidative stress. This way the brain cells stay healthy. Furthermore, improving attention and memory, makes it possible for one to stay focused on tasks and retain all the necessary information.
What other advantage? - It's better blood circulation. This means more oxygen and nutrients that will add to the overall benefits.
Menstrual Cramps
There are many cinnamon benefits for females.
Cinnamon and skin benefits we read above about how it protects skin cells and prevents aging. Another than this is cinnamon for periods. Many people do not realize this but it can surprisingly help with menstrual cramps. What are cramps? It's all about the contraction of muscles causing pain. That's where cinnamon helps by soothing the muscles.
Cinnamon works gently which is why you won’t be able to notice its results immediately just like a pain killer. But with time and regular use, it will help you out.
Are you a fan of cinnamon as well? Consuming it rightly will benefit your health in the long run. If you do not enjoy its pungent flavour in meals, there are other sweet ways to add it to your diet. Make sure everything you consume is in moderation. As extreme consumption of sugar is also poor for our health. Else, for fitness freaks, go for cinnamon tea or water. Give this spice a shot and notice positive changes and more balance in your body. If you are unsure of when and how to consume, let our experts help you with this.
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