Mother Earth has blessed us with countless gifts to maintain our physical health and mental well-being. Today, in this blog, we will discuss about one of the magical herbs called Shilajit

You may have even seen many people taking shilajit regularly. However, the majority of those assume it is a health supplement that is mainly used for the betterment of sexual health. 

But that’s just the half-truth!

In reality, the benefits of actual and pure shilajit are way too vast.

What is Shilajit? 

Shilajit in Sanskrit simply means “Conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness.” whereas, in English, it is known by multiple different names such as Asphaltum, Black Bitumen, or Mineral Pitch.

If we talk about what shilajit looks like then it is a sticky, black-brown colored, and tar-like stone that comes from the cracks in high mountain rocks in Asia.

If you use pure shilajit which means derived directly from natural sources without any filtration/alterations, then you can expect a list of benefits related to your sexual, physical, and mental health. 

What is Shilajit made from?

If we talk about the composition, natural shilajit is made of a harmonious combination of centuries-old decomposed plants, humus, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino, humic, and fulvic acids. It takes years and even centuries to finally develop shilajit, that’s why no question can be raised on the power and potency of this shilajit. 

Where is Shilajit found?

If we talk about where pure shilajit in India is found, then the obvious answer is the great Himalayas, the North Eastern region. 

Besides being found in the lap of the Himalayas mountains between India and Nepal, around altitudes of around 10,000 feet, this sacred and amazing herb is also found in different areas all over the world, including the Tibetan Plateau, Iran, the Arabian Peninsula, Russia, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Myanmar.

Types of Shilajit

On the basis of color appearance, Shilajit can be of 4 types, namely: 

  • 1/4. Suvarna (Gold): It comes in color red.
  • 2/4. Rajat (Silver): It comes mainly in white color. 
  • 3/4. Tamra (Copper): It comes in color blue.
  • 4/4. Lauha (Iron): It comes in black and sometimes brown color or mix.

With the advent of technology, these days shilajit comes in multiple forms. You can go for shilajit capsules, tablets, powder, resin, and even gummies. You can try them too. But still, in our opinion, you should always go for pure shilajit in its exact form, so that you can grab its benefits without any possible side effects. 

Benefits of Shilajit

A list can be mentioned stating Shilajit benefits for men and women. So without wasting a single second, let’s get straight towards knowing these benefits:

1.Healthy sperm and enhanced fertility:

Shilajit has several sperm counts and quantity-boosting properties that make it a wonderful option for patients with concerns such as low sperm count, oligospermia, and infertility.

These days, the use of shilajit capsules is quite common among folk as it is an easy and convenient measure of taking this wonder herb. Still, we advise you to use natural and pure shilajit and not market-based ones, as they may sometimes result in side effects.

2.Helps with Alzheimer’s disease:

Alzheimer's disease is a neurological problem that adversely affects your brain’s ability to think and remember. Shilajit through its marvelous cognitive properties helps to slow down the progression of this mental concern. 

3.Contributes to skin health

Shilajit also contains multiple such compounds through which skin health and glory can be enhanced. Its oral consumption rejuvenates your system from the inside and provides you with clear, flawless, and moisturized skin.

On the other hand, its external application works as an anti-aging agent and reduces skin issues such as wrinkles, dryness, or dullness. 

4.Raise Testosterone levels

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that controls and assists your sexual desires, intimacy, and reproductive health. The higher the testosterone, the better the sexual life and vice versa.

However, during a testosterone test, often its inadequacy is seen among male patients. However, studies have proven Shiljit as a natural Testosterone booster, where a group of people experience a major raise in their testosterone levels and sexual days as a result of consuming shilajit for 90 days straight. 

5.Improves stamina and enhances energy

The use of shilajit has also shown magnificent results in improving physical stamina. With just a few moments of taking shilajit, you will feel a renewed sense of energy in your whole body.

If you often feel fatigued, lethargic, have muscle stiffness, or body weakness, or get tired easily, even after mild exercises, or physical activity, then the use of shilajit gold can help you a lot. 

6.Takes care of joint health and strength

Shilajit is often considered a herbo-mineral compound that always delivers mind-blowing effects when it comes to improving bone density and joint health. 

Firstly, it contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help deal with painful conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout. Further, it also nourishes them and prevents them from the risk of easy breakdown, also called fractures. 

7.Portrays a powerhouse of rich nutrients

Shilajit contains a list of minerals such as calcium, vitamins, magnesium, zinc, etc which do not only contribute to your bone health but also to the overall wellness of your body. Due to this it always comes into the list when best immune system booster foods are discussed. 

In fact, if you use the best quality shilajit which means 100% unfiltered, then it will work as a wholesome and restorative agent for the whole body system. 

8.Supports heart health

Suppose you simply want to contribute to your cardiovascular health along with attaining other benefits such as a better sexual life, physcial health, mental stability, and glowing skin. In that case, Shiljit can be your perfect partner.

Shilajit’s antioxidative properties one side improve the flow of blood to the heart and on the other hand, also reduce high cholesterol levels. Both of these conditions contribute to a healthy heart.

Beneficial for men only?

No, Not at all!

Shilajit, not being gender-specific, can be consumed by both men and women. Besides being a testosterone-boosting herb, shilajit is also a natural restorative agent that can help women in multiple possible ways such as:

  1. Relief from menopausal complications
  2. Enhanced bone density
  3. Reduced risk of Osteoporosis
  4. Elevated oxygen levels in the blood
  5. Reduced stress and mood swings
  6. Boost testosterone levels
  7. Regulate menstrual cycles

    Side effects of Shilajit

    Well, every coin has two sides, and so does the wonder herb Shilajit. Well, the moderate and doctor-suggested dosage of this Ayurvedic herb will always provide you with satisfactory results. But if you take it in excess, or consume it without consulting any healthcare professional, or physician, then it may even possibly affect your body in a harmful way. 

    1. Chest pain
    2. Diarrhea
    3. Difficulty breathing
    4. Dizziness
    5. Hives
    6. Nausea, and Vomiting
    7. Rapid heart rate
    8. Vomiting
    9. Drop in blood sugar levels
    10. Allergic reactions

      But remember, these side effects are possible only in case of your negligence towards the ideal dosage of shilajit. So make sure to consult an Ayurvedic expert who can provide you with detailed information about shilajit’s dosage and consumption time based on your body's prakriti and existing medical condition.

      How to use Shilajit?

      Well, there are multiple ways out in which you can use shilajit. Depending upon your concern, body requirement, and medical condition, the doctors will suggest dosage, and possibly different consumption patterns or timings.

      For Example: if you are using shilajit for easing testosterone low symptoms, its dosage would be different as compared to the senior where it is being used for sound sleeping and reduced anxiety levels.

      If you visit a market, you may find shilajit capsules, powder, extract, resin, tablets, tonic, etc quite easily. You can take any of them, and generally, they are advised to be consumed with lukewarm water or milk.

      Often the safe dosage of shilajit lies somewhere between 250 mg to 1,000 mg, but we highly advise you to start with a very mild and moderate dosage and then eventually increase it as per your body's requirements and doctor’s recommendations.

      Expert’s Guidance

      The experts at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda always encourage our patients to opt for natural measures over chemical-based products or steroid-based medicines. Because prolonged consumption of steroids may treat your concern quickly, but their after-results could be really serious and are normally seen after a few years. 

      If we stick particularly to today’s topic- Shilajit, then always try to use genuine and pure forms of it only. Pure shilajit price may be slightly more but it is worth paying, especially when it comes to one’s health, wellness, and intimate life.

      FAQ :

       1. Can I take Shilajit while pregnant?

      A Big No. If you are pregnant, or breastfeeding, then the consumption of shilajit is not advised for you.

      2. Can Shilajit be used to treat Anemia?

      Well, Shilajit is iron which can prove beneficial for anemia patients. But if you are dealing with sickle cell anemia, then shilajit would not be a good option for you. So better, always consult an expert if you are thinking about taking shilajit for anemia cure.

      3. Is Shilajit good before bed?

      Yes! Taking shilajit before going to bed is highly beneficial. Firstly, it will enable sound sleep for the whole night, followed by reduced anxiety, stress, and hormonal fluctuations. Additionally, it will also work as a Testosterone booster Ayurvedic remedy.

      4. Is excessive consumption of shilajit harmful?

      Excess of everything is bad and so does of Shilajit. When taken in excess quantity, or not according to the prescribed dosage, it may result in vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, chest pain, increased heart rate, or allergic reactions. 

      5. What is the right age to take Shilajit?

      There are a lot of debates regarding what is the right age for taking shilajit, Some say that it should be taken by people 18+ years of age or older. Whereas there are also claims where this age criterion has been reduced to 12 years. But make sure to consult a doctor first. 

      6. Is Shilajit good for glowing skin? 

      Doubtlessly, shilajit for testosterone is good. But very few people often know that it also contains multiple such compounds and properties that work as an anti-aging agent and ensure flawless, nourished, glowing, and healthy skin. 

      7. Does Shilajit make you look younger?

      Yes, the anti-aging traits of shilajit awaken a renewed sense of glow and make your skin look younger than it is. The problems such as dryness, and unwanted wrinkles will also be reduced. 

      8. Is shilajit helpful for gaining weight? 

      Well, we can’t say consuming shilajit will increase your weight directly, but yes, improving your metabolism, digestion, and hormonal differences, can surely contribute to healthy weight management.

      Article By:

      Dr Sharda Ayurveda

      At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.