Abdominal pain is a common health issue. Almost all of us have experienced this in our life, but have we ever noticed why women complain this problem the most?
There could be several underlying reasons behind abdominal pain in women and in this blog, we will discuss all of them. You will also be given detailed information about the causative factors of this health concern and along with the reasons why Ayurvedic treatment for abdominal pain is best for getting rid of this complication.
What is Lower Abdominal pain?
Various vital organs such as the small intestine, large intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, uterus, ovaries, kidneys, and bladder are parts of abdominal region. These are necessary for proper digestion, elimination of waste products, and the smooth functioning of the body.
Any disturbance to the smooth functioning of these organs results in abdominal pain. In addition to sharp pain, the patient also experiences heartburn, chest pressure, and bloating. The abdominal pain could be continuing or may come and go.
What does Ayurveda say?
In Ayurveda, lower abdominal pain comes under the category of “Adhmana”. It is primarily caused by Vata Dosha and Pitta Dosha. Ayurvedic treatment for abdominal pain is recommended for patients that end the pain from roots and provide long-term relief.
Causes of lower abdominal pain
However, this pain can happen to anyone irrespective of gender but is witnessed more in women due to certain characteristics. Below is detailed information on some common and specific causes of abdominal pain in women.
General causes of Abdominal pain
- Poor diet: The primary factor that contributes to lower abdominal pain is poor diet. If you often consume oily, fried, processed, or junk food, then stomach pain can arise. These foods have inflammatory properties that block the digestive paths and restrict the free-flow elimination of waste. Additionally, the over-consumption of non-vegetarian food and dairy products can also contribute to abdominal pain as they support the growth of bacteria.
- Lack of movement: Your body requires movement for digesting the food consumed. The metabolism will slow down if you sit or lie in the same position for hours. This indigestion will result in difficult excreting and abdominal cramps & pain.
- Over or under eating: Eating more or less than hunger can also act as one of the prime stomach cramps reasons. Often weight conscious people start dieting without consulting any doctor or physician resulting in physical deficiency, dizziness, and abdominal cramps. Whereas over-consumption will contribute to the expansion of the organ.
- Bacterial infections: Abdominal pain can also arise due to bacterial infections. The consumption of contaminated food favors bacterial growth and food poisoning. The inner linings of the intestines get irritated and abdominal cramps become worse with the accumulation of these toxins in the body for a long period.
- Holding the natural urges: There is a need for proper and timely elimination of waste products. If you hold the urges of urinating or excreting then abdominal pain can arise. Additionally, it can also result in piles or renal-related issues.
- Inadequate Water Intake: Dehydration can also contribute to abdominal pain. Lack of water inside the body increases the chances of constipation, dizziness, fatigue, low blood pressure, stomaches, and cramps.
- Underlying disorders: Abdominal pain is normal if someone is already suffering from any other digestive disorder like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, food poisoning, or piles. However, the pain can arise anywhere in the stomach region, but most patients complain of pain in lower left abdomen.
- Emotional factors: Psychological factors can also contribute to female abdominal pain. Excessive stress, hypertension, and panic attacks adversely affect the pH levels of the gut and disturb the equilibrium of the hormones.
Causes of abdominal pain in women
The menstruation cycles are the most common causes of stomach cramps. During menstruation, the wall of the uterus gets contracted and the female body discards the monthly buildup of the uterus linings. As a result of this biological process, women have to face heavy bleeding, abdominal pain, cramps, fatigue, and discomfort every month.
During pregnancy, lower abdominal pain is normal due to the growing fetus. This pain becomes intolerable with coughing, sneezing, or bending. It is advised to take Ayurvedic treatment for abdominal pain not only for reducing the pain but also to safeguard the health of the child.
One of the primary female abdominal pain causes is menopause. It is a natural biological process that every woman has to go through after a certain age. Changes in monthly cycles, irregular periods, menopausal hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety, and stomach cramps are common in this natural phenomenon.
When to consult a doctor for abdominal pain?
Most of the cases, the pain gets treated on its own, but if you are experiencing chronic and continuous episodes of the mentioned complications, then it is highly advised to consult a specialist doctor for abdominal pain as soon as possible.
Seeking medical action is necessary otherwise these sharp lower abdomen pains can also lead to more serious health complications.
Ayurvedic treatment for managing Lower Abdominal Pain
For getting rid of stomach-related issues, Ayurveda is best. It is a holistic approach to healing that provides root-based relief to the patient. One can manage lower abdominal pain through the following measures:
- Panchakarma: Panchakarma is a vital part of Ayurvedic treatment. Under Panchakarma, natural therapies are adopted for relocating digestive strength and eliminating toxins from the body. For lower abdominal pain, the following therapies are useful:
- Vamana: Sometimes lower abdominal pain could also arise due to indigestion or gastric issue. Under this condition, Vamana therapy is used. Natural herbs are used for inducing vomiting and giving a sense of lightness.
- Virechana: It is a purgation therapy that balances the aggravated doshas in the most effective manner. A massage is given to the patient with the help of herbal oil or cow’s desi ghee. It could be both external and internal. It flushes out the toxins and provides relief from abdominal pressure.
- Basti: Under Basti karma, medicated oils are administered through the anal roots for the purpose of loosening the hard stools and the appropriate elimination of waste. It improves bowel movements and ends constipation.
- Natural Herbs: You will be amazed to know that stomach cramps treatment at home is also possible. The herbs have been used since traditional times for healing wounds and stopping the rage of diseases. There are a number of home remedies for stomach pain available in Ayurveda through which this pain can be alleviated. One can use ginger, peppermint, fennel, carom seeds, garlic, parsley, saffron, lemon, asafoetida, cloves, and turmeric powder with lukewarm water for ensuring long-term relief.
- Vata-Pitta Pacifying Diet: Ayurveda emphasizes taking a diet that helps to balance Vata Dosha and Pitta Dosha. The imbalance of which is the prime factor resulting in stomach-related problems. Consume Apples, Bananas, Melons, Avocados, Sweet potatoes, Cucumber, and Zucchini because they help to balance imbalanced doshas and also provide strength to the body.
Yoga asanas
Yoga surely helps!
It stimulates the abdomen organs and provides them strength. It also provides relaxation to the mind by alleviating mental discomfort and distress that could be interlinked with stomach-related problems.
Best yoga asanas for stomach-related problems:
- Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Malasana
- Dhanurasana
- Setu Bandhasana
- Bhujangasana
- Apanasana
As per Ayurveda, there are certain precautions that you need to follow for getting rid of abdominal pain. These precautions are:
- Do not consume spicy food. Cut down the consumption of processed, stale, junk, not properly cooked, and non-vegetarian food.
- Stop drinking alcohol in excess.
- Avoid caffeine-based soft-drink or beverages.
- Do not eat more than your hunger.
Water Intake: Drink more and more water. It will flush out the waste materials and toxins that might have accumulated inside the body causing abdominal pain and cramps. In addition to minimizing the pain, it also keeps gallbladder stones, and kidney-related issues at bay.
So we have cleared all the significant causes of abdominal pain along with the reasons why women experience this pain more. Ayurvedic treatment is most effective for this problem as it heals everyone irrespective of age and gender. Additionally, it is a natural path that is free from any type of chemicals.
Now do not suffer anymore and get rid of your lower abdominal pain naturally!
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