Understanding the difference between Different types of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Are constant episodes of abdominal cramps, stomachs, vomiting, nausea, constipation, or diarrhea bothering you? 
Be careful- It could be irritable bowel syndrome. 
These complications can vary from patient to patient depending upon the type of IBS they have. In this blog, we will give you full-fledged information about all the types of IBS, their symptoms, and ways to cure them naturally.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

IBS is a gastrointestinal disorder that adversely affects the stomach and inner lining of the intestines. It is also known as irritable colon, spastic colon, mucous colitis, or spastic bowel. The primary complications of IBS are abdominal cramping, stomach pain, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, or difficulty excreting. 
In Ayurveda, it is considered “Grahani Roga” which mainly occurs due to Mandagni (poor digestive fire)  and the accumulation of Ama (toxins) inside the body.

Types of IBS

Depending upon the symptoms that you are experiencing, irritable bowel syndrome can be divided into 4 categories:

           TYPES             SYMPTOMS
IBS-D Diarrhea + Abdominal Discomfort
IBS-C Constipation + Abdominal Pain
IBS-M Loose stools + Constipation + Abdmoinal Pain
IBS-U Symptoms vary


It is one of the most common types of irritable bowel syndrome. It is associated with diarrhea, abdominal pain, changing frequency of stools, and bloating. 
There could be several factors responsible for this IBS such as muscle contraction in the intestines, a weak nervous system, poor diet, bacterial infection, or excessive stress. 
IBS-D Symptoms 

    • Diarrhea
    • Loose and watery stools 
    • Stomach pain & cramps
    • Acidity and bloating
    • Changed bowel habits
    • Increased urge to pass urine
    • Frequent abdominal discomfort
    • Irregular menstrual periods 
    • Pain in other parts of the body


IBS-C is the second most common type of this Irritable bowel syndrome. It is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder that causes constipation, abdominal pain, and cramping. 
If not treated timely, it can prove extremely discomforting and disturbs the physical as well as mental state of the mind. 
IBS-C symptoms

IBS constipation caused by C type is different from normal constipation because it causes extreme pain and bloating that you may not necessarily experience under normal constipation. 


IBS-M stands for irritable bowel syndrome mixed type. As the name clears itself, it is a mixed version of the above-stated types - IBS-D and IBS-C. 
A patient with this type of IBS is prone to face chronic episodes of both diarrhea and constipation. Seeking medical action becomes necessary at this step because if left untreated, it can result in several other digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids.
IBS-M symptoms

    • Constipation, diarrhea, or both.
    • Lumpy or hard stools
    • Stomach pain
    • An immediate urge to use the bathroom
    • Acidity
    • Loss of appetite
    • Mucus in the stool
    • Grumpiness due to incomplete evacuation
    • Fatigue
    • Sexual dysfunction
    • Sleeping difficulty


It is another sub-type of irritable bowel syndrome known as IBS-U (undefined). If you are facing frequent episodes of abdominal pain, cramps, gas, bloating, and mucus stools but your symptoms do not necessarily fit under the above-indicated types, then it could be IBS-U. 
IBS-U symptoms
The symptoms of IBS-U are quite similar to other types of IBS. However, these symptoms can vary from person to person depending upon their dietary habits, and digestive strength
When does IBS develop?
There could be several reasons that can contribute to the development of Irritable bowel syndrome and a few of them are as follows: 

    • Vata Dosha imbalance: When the Dosha of air & space gets aggravated inside the body, then it adversely affects the nervous system through which several digestive disorders can arise including irritable bowel syndrome.
    • Bacterial infection: One of the prime causes of irritable bowel syndrome is a bacterial infection or virus. This bacterial growth makes the intestines inflamed and irritated. 
    • Unhealthy diet: If you often consume junk, processed, frozen, oily, stale, under or over-cooked foods or carbonated drinks then you are getting steps ahead toward problems like abdominal pain, gas, cramping, stomach, bloating, nausea, vomiting, constipation, or loose motion. 
    • Excess dairy and Non-vegetarian products: Over-consumption of eggs, meat, seafood, or any other type of non-vegetarian food can also lead to IBS. These foods are heavy to digest and stimulate bacterial growth inside the body. Whereas milk, cheese, ice creams, and milk-based sweets contain lactose. As a result people who are lactose intolerant face indigestion, acid refluxes, and irregular bowel movements
    • Alcohol consumption: Another factor that majorly contributes to IBS is excessive alcohol consumption. It irritates the levels of the gut and triggers the complications of IBS by increasing cramping, constipation, or bloating. 
    • Stress: Physical and mental health are the two pillars that keep the cycle of the body moving. If your physical health is good but you are under excessive stress,  then IBS abdominal pain is quite normal. 

Natural tips to overcome 

There is nothing to worry about IBS as there are a number of home remedies, and herbal treatments available that treat this problem naturally. All you require is to take certain dietary precautions, quit a sedentary lifestyle, adopt yoga & meditation, and avoid the trigger points. 
Below are some general tips shared by our Ayurvedic experts that have proved very useful for patients with IBS. These tips are:

    • Use Ayurvedic herbs. The use of Triphala, Ginger, Peppermint, Garlic, Licorice root, and Turmeric is best for IBS. 
    • Take juicy fruits and fresh vegetables. For IBS, you can consume, Bananas, Papaya, Avocado, Peaches, Pomegranates, Zucchini, Carrots, Cucumber, and Broccoli. 
    • Completely avoid junk, stale, processed, fried, and under-or overcooked food. Also, limit the consumption of dairy products, and non-vegetarian items. 
    • Drink plenty of herbal water as it will aid in the elimination of toxins. IBS patients should drink 6 to 8 glasses of herbal lukewarm water daily. It will work as a natural constipation treatment.
    • Choose Yoga, it will provide strength to your abdomen muscles and also reduces stress levels. Additionally, it also improves bowel movements. 
    • Take cow’s desi ghee. It is the only dairy product that is beneficial for IBS. You can take 2-3 spoons of cow’s ghee daily for keeping digestive disorders at bay. 
    • Do not smoke or drink alcohol. These habits make the intestines inflamed as a result, waste products and toxins do not get eliminated properly. 
    • Meditate regularly. It will keep the mind calm, and stress-free. 
    • Avoid tea, coffee, and caffeine-based drinks. You can substitute them with herbal Kadha or coconut water. 
    • Do not sit, or lie in the same position for hours, especially after eating meals. Instead, keep your body active by doing mild exercises. Even walking, running, or jogging is satisfactory. 

It is highly recommended to consult a doctor before using any of the mentioned remedies. You can consult with the Ayurvedic experts of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda who will provide you with customized diet charts after knowing what are the symptoms of IBS you experiencing.
Now do not delay anymore and choose the path of Ayurveda to reach the destiny of a healthy and disease-free life.

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Dr. Sharda Ayurveda

At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.