Suffering from thyroid, and don’t know what to do, and what to bypass?
Worry not!
The experts at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda understand your concern. While looking at the widespread sufferings of thyroid patients, we have shared certain natural measures in terms of common do’s and don’ts for thyroid patients. But before jumping directly to them, let’s first have a clear understanding of what exactly thyroid is, what causes it, its common symptoms, and why choosing Ayurveda for thyroid is best.
Understanding Thyroid
The thyroid itself is not a problem, in fact, it is a small-butterfly-shaped gland that is located in the center of our neck, just below Adam's apple. It is made up of 2 half a size of plum-sized lobes that are further joined by a small bridge of tissue (isthmus).
The main function of the thyroid gland is to produce hormones that help regulate various body functions but mainly control the speed of metabolism. Any dysfunction in the smooth functioning of this gland results in thyroid disease, mainly; hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism.
The good news is that both these conditions can be treated very easily in Ayurveda just by following some natural measures, lifestyle adjustments, dietary precautions, and Ayurvedic remedies for thyroid.
Thyroid Causes |
Thyroid Symptoms
Iodine deficiency |
Enlarged thyroid gland
Pre-existing auto-immune conditions |
Fatigue, weakness and Lethargicness
Unhealthy Dietary Choices |
Dry skin and coarse hair
Excessive Sugar intake |
Excessive sweating
Any Thyroid Surgery, or Radiation Therapy |
Excessive weight gain, or loss of weight
Family history |
Sleeping differences
Impact of Untreated Thyroid
When thyroid, called “Galaganda” in Ayurveda, persists for a long period, and no due medical action is taken, several serious health conditions may take place. Such as:
- Damage to the peripheral nerves
- Increased risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Thinning of the bones/osteoporosis
- Difficult menstruation, or fertility concerns in women
Why wait until your condition turns worse?
Better- Choose Ayurveda for thyroid and treat this problem at its early stages.
Every Thyroid patient must be aware about which things can trigger thyroid levels, and how he/she can reduce thyroid levels, so you must read about the do's and don'ts if you are suffering from thyroid disease.

Do’s for Thyroid Patients:
1. Drink plenty of water: It is highly advised to sip an adequate amount of water, preferably boiled/purified, throughout the whole day. Firstly, it would contain minimum chlorine, fluoride, and bromine levels that may support handling thyroid symptoms.
Additionally, such water consumption will also help you deal with the complications laid down by thyroids, such as dry skin, and thin hair. Drinking such water will nurture your skin, boost your hair's health, and prevent brittle nails.
2. Role of Herbs: There are multiple herbs to help you fight against this endocrine disorder called thyroid. Herbs such as Triphala, Guggulu, Ashwagandha, Kanchnar, Brahmi, Jatamansi, and Punarnava are fully loaded with those ingredients that help to manage hormonal imbalances in the body, which is also one of the main reasons for thyroid manifestation. All of these herbs have been used as prime ingredient in home remedies to cure thyroid for ages by our ancestors, or forefathers.
Besides hormonal balance, the consumption of such herbs also helps in the betterment of metabolic rate of the body along with improving the overall digestive system. Both of these are necessary for thyroid treatment.
3. Timely Thyroid Checkup: Make sure to check your thyroid at satisfactory intervals. You may either visit a laboratory or even undertake a thyroid test at home.
Such timely checkups will keep both you and your healthcare provider informed about your existing condition, and healing process, based on which the necessary precautions and medications will be suggested.
4. Take care of your Diet: Well thyroid disorder or any other, a special consideration for the diet is crucial. Try having a healthy diet over poor dietary choices. Prepare a healthy thyroid diet that mainly includes fresh fruits, vegetables, soaked dry fruits, etc that are known to be the best to combat endocrine disorders.
The patients are advised to consume food items that contain selenium, or tyrosine to transform T4 to T3. Although such compounds are mainly found in a non-vegetarian diet, brazil nuts, sesame seeds, tofu, mushrooms, almonds, whole grains, and beans are some vegetarian sources that you can try.
5. Keep your Body Active: Try to keep your body in movement either by yoga or otherwise exercises. Whenever your body is in active mode, it releases endorphins (a good-feel hormone)that help you to stay fit both emotionally, and physically. Additionally, it will also help you to manage excessive weight caused by hypothyroidism.
Dont’s for Thyroid Patients:
1. Never opt for Self-medication: In no instance, self-medication is acceptable. Stop believing in everything you hear, watch, or being told either from your known persons, or online sources.
Today, innumerable medicines are available online that claim to cure your thyroid within a few days. But that’s all void. Remember, treating thyroid should be a systematized procedure where consulting a healthcare professional, or experienced doctor is a preliminary condition. Even though you know a medicine for thyroid, never take it before inquiring about it from your doctor.
2. Cut down on Sugar and Caffeine: As you know excessive sugar intake can contribute to your weight gain, and if you are already dealing with thyroid, then the condition can be much worse.
Additionally, caffeine should also be avoided as it contains multiple inflammatory compounds that may once get inside, can imbalance your pituitary gland and produce TSH levels.
Coffee can be one of the worst triggers of thyroid as it contains both sugar and caffeine. Try avoiding it to the maximum possible extent. Instead of coffee, drink herbal drinks, fresh juices, or warm soups.
3. Say no to Smoking and Alcohol: If you are dealing with thyroid, and still smoking, then just stop, as it can increase the risk of goiter (an enlargement of the front and sides of the neck). On the other hand, alcohol itself is a depressant that may disturb the functioning of your thyroid gland.
4. Avoid fatty foods: If you often consume fatty items such as butter, mayonnaise, meat, or margarine, etc, then it can interfere with your body’s ability to produce/absorb thyroid hormone via slowing down your metabolism.
As a result, you may gain weight (hypothyroidism) and may face complications related to thyroid thereto. To avoid such cumbersome difficulties and conditions, exclude such fat-containing items from your meals today.
5. Avoid Stress: Yes, stress can also contribute to thyroid concerns. We have seen patients with slowed metabolism, who often take excessive stress, or are dealing with some neurological conditions such as anxiety, or depression.
Additionally, excessive stress can also adversely affect your immune system, resulting in possible occurrences of auto-immune conditions, especially in those individuals who are genetically predisposed.
6. Never fall for the myths: We have also seen several myths among patients that they believe to be fully true, such as thyroid affects only old age groups, life-long pills are necessary for thyroid management, weight management is impossible, etc.
But all aforesaid statements are mere myths. If you properly follow the doctor's suggested advice, and suggestions along with your necessary medication, your thyroid problem will be eased for sure.
Why are timely check-ups and consulting healthcare professionals necessary?
- The checkups are necessary to know whether the signs you are experiencing are of thyroid or not.
- Early detection of the thyroid can prevent further serious complications such as nerve damage, poor heart health, hormonal imbalance, and excessive weight gain/loss.
- Consulting healthcare can provide you with valuable insights regarding what necessary changes you must make in your diet, and lifestyle so that you can get rid of your thyroid way more quickly.
- As we say, “Prevention is better than cure.” But we follow the philosophy "there can be the cure.” Following the same ideology, the doctors at our hospital will provide you with personalized diet charts and lifestyle adjustments, so that you can get long-term and permanent relief.
Thyroid may seem normal but in reality, they can be extremely discomforting. If you are always experiencing issues such as thyroid gland enlargement, dry skin, rough hair, fatigue, or unexplainable weight gain/loss, surely visit your nearest endocrinologist, or Ayurvedic healthcare professional and get yourself checked.
What is the advice for Thyroid Patients?
To all the patients, it is a humble request-cum-advice to have a proper healthy diet, along with routine exercises, proper medication, and timely health checkups.
Can Thyroid also affect kids?
Yes, thyroid is no age-specified disorder and it can affect anyone irrespective of their age, and gender. We have seen this condition in all age groups starting from young individuals, to old age senior citizens.
How do we measure Thyroid levels?
Simply, a blood test named TSH is done to check whether you are dealing with thyroid problems, or not. If your test report shows low TSH levels, then it means you have hyperthyroidism, whereas the high TSH levels indicate hypothyroidism.