Can menopause be cured?
This is a common question that usually patients ask!
Well, the answer is quite tricky, which is to say NO.
Explanation of the answer lies in the question itself. Because a cure is meant for diseases, ailments, and disorders, not for biological processes.
Menopause- being a natural female body process can not be avoided.
But yes!
There are quite a few methods available through which you can manage the complications accompanied by menopause. In today’s blog, we will provide you with the answers to the top most asked questions by patients dealing with menopause. But first, let’s have a quick knowledge regarding the term “Menopause.
It’s a natural body process that every woman experiences after a certain age. Normal menopause age in India is 45 to 55 years during which females generally start experiencing menopausal symptoms.
It is known as Rajonivritti in Ayurveda, which represents Jaravastha (ageing) in women. Ageing is “Nishpratikirya” which means an activity that can not be stopped.
During this stage, there is a prominent decline in the estrogen levels, and non-releasing of eggs by the ovaries. As a result, of this imbalance, the women start experiencing issues such as irregular menstruation, vaginal dryness, and infertility.
Basically, there are 3 stages of this bodily process, namely:
- Perimenopause
- Menopause
- Postmenopause
Top- most 6 questions that patients ask!
1. Why does menopause happen?
Ageing is the prime factor responsible for the occurrence of menopause. Your ovaries start producing less estrogen and progesterone levels as a result of biological ageing. In the absence, or inadequacy of menstruation-regulating hormones, fertility tends to decline, and it becomes difficult for women to conceive.
Apart from this natural cause, there may be certain factors responsible for early menopause. If you have undergone any surgery such as an oophorectomy through which your ovaries have been removed, then there are likely chances of experiencing premature menopause. In the case of a hysterectomy, where the uterus is moved not the ovaries, then your ovaries still release eggs, but you won’t experience menstruation. Unhealthy dietary choices, sedentary lifestyles, excessive stress, alcohol, and smoking are some factors that may contribute to premature, or early menopause.
2. What are the signs and symptoms of menopause?
Each woman is different in terms of her own body Prakriti, body constitution, and mindset. Thus, the symptoms and severity of menopause may vary significantly.
But irregular menstruation, heavy bleeding, painful intercourse, reduced libido, skin-winkles, premature ageing of the skin, vaginal dryness, redness, itchiness, acne, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and thinning of the hairs are some general menopause symptoms that commonly witnessed along females experiencing this biological procedure.
3. How long does the menopause last?
Usually, between the ages of 45 to 55, the menopausal transition tends to begin, which may last up to the next 7 to 14 years approximately. The time period, before the actual menopause is called Perimenopause, where symptoms are not very severe. However, the term Perimenopause is not meant to be interchangeably used with early menopause. Both terms are different as perimenopause is the first stage of menopause, whereas early menopause is actual menopause that occurs comparatively at an earlier age due to some unnatural factors such as surgeries, smoking, alcohol, or stress.
If there is an absence of periods for the straight 12 months, then it is considered that women have entered into the postmenopause stage, the complications of which might be forever-lasting.
4. Is menopause a disease or not?
Of course not!
Menopause is not a disease but a natural mechanism of the female body. It is the natural response to biological ageing where circulating blood oestrogen levels start declining and loss of ovarian follicular function is witnessed. The average age of menopause in India is 45 to 55 years, between which most of the women start to experience menopause symptoms. Although it cannot be avoided in any possible condition, it can be managed via lifestyle and dietary adjustments.
5. Is there any treatment for menopause?
Innumerable treatment options are available for menopause all over the world. Since, each woman is different, and experiences the severity of menopausal complications differentially, it becomes necessary to opt for a treatment option that suits her body constitution the best.
One of the most reliable approaches that women must prioritize is menopause Ayurvedic treatment. It is a measure that uses a natural perspective, followed by certain herbal remedies, dietary modifications, and yoga asanas to create vasodilation. Such practices ensure that more blood is delivered to your muscles, and emotional triggers such as stress, anxiety, and hypertension have been eased.
Apart from Ayurvedic treatment for menopause, several choices are there such as naturopathy, Homeopathy, Unani, and allopathy. The standards used under different treatments may vary but the main motive of all these pathies is to ensure that patients can be provided with relief.
6. What can I do to help myself?
To help yourself during the menopausal phases, it is necessary to pursue certain measures and self-assessment practices. Below are some natural measures that you can try, to adopt to get rid of the difficulties accompanied by menopause:
- Use Herbs: Ayurvedic treatment for menopause suggests using herbs, spices, and pastes that are rich in anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic properties. You can consume Shatavari which is well known for nourishing the reproductive system and relieving menopause symptoms. You can also rely on sage leaves, Ginseng, Turmeric, Red clover, or liquorice. These herbs help to balance the Vata Dosha inside the body, which is a principal factor for hormonal fluctuations and early menopause.
- Mind your diet: Do not consume deep-fried, excessive spices, sugar, or oil-containing food. Also, avoid absurdly consuming non-vegetarian food, as they are heavy to digest and also support toxin accumulation inside the body. Instead take a wholesome, and nutrient-enriched diet encompassing fresh fruits, vegetables, and soaked dry fruits.
Eat | Avoid |
Spinach, Broccoli, Bell peppers, Eggplant, carrots, Zucchini, Cucumber, butter gourd, Tomatoes, Apples, Mangoes, Cherries, Berries, soaked Almonds, Walnuts, Foxnuts, and Pistachios. |
Pizza, burgers, Fries, frozen peas, pastries, pies, cakes, chips, cookies, candies, beer, Tea, Coffee, artificial sugar, and soda-containing soft drinks. |
- Yoga: To help yourself deal with menopause, yoga is the best thing to do. As well know, in addition to physical pain and discomfort, menopause is also psychologically distressing. Performing yoga aims to provide relief against both of these tribulations. Supta Baddha Konasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Pada Hasthasana, and Balasana are some menopause-baying yoga asanas that may help you to relieve hot flashes, pelvic muscle pain, repetitive mood swings, or menorage.
- Gentle massaging: A peaceful massage may also improve your condition. You can simply use any natural ointment such as Cow’s ghee, Coconut oil, Almond oil, Olive oil, Sesame oil, Jojoba oil, or Sunflower oil. You can also take a massage, or bath with buttermilk (Takra), or curd (Dadhi). Being loaded with healthy bacteria, and anti-fungus features, they will keep problems such as vaginal dryness, itching, and bad odour miles far.
We hope that the given information has provided you with valuable insights and has cleared your doubts regarding menopause. Still, if you have any questions related to menopause or any other health concern, feel free to consult our experts. We will be delighted to resolve your queries.
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