Uric acid is a waste product, created by the body during the breakdown of food. It is normally produced in the process of digestion, and it is removed from the body in the form of urine. But here the question arises that when uric acid increase in body? However, some aharas (foods) can be difficult for the body to break down and it can increase the levels of uric acid in the shareera (body). It can cause various problems, but uric acid Ayurvedic treatment can be the best option if you want natural management of uric acid.
High uric acid is known as Vata Rakta in Ayurvedic texts. When vata dosha imbalance affects the Rakta dhatu (blood) in the body, it causes Vata Rakta. Vata is one of the doshas out of the three main doshas as per Ayurvedic philosophies. It is believed that these three doshas i.e. Vata (air+ether), Pitta (fire+water), and Kapha (water+earth) make up the constitution or foundation of the body. Any imbalance in these three can disturb your whole body. The metabolism of the body becomes weak and Vata Rakta (Uric acid) can be increased due to various factors.
Uric Acid Foods to Avoid
As per texts of Ayurveda, it is believed that there are 6 rasas (tastes) and if a person consumes more quantities or excess of Lavana (Salty), Katu(pungent), or Kashaya (Astringent) foods or incompatible food combinations in their diet then it can cause excess levels of uric acid in the body. Such foods are:
- Processed foods: Foods like chips, fries, processed cheese, refined flour, or any other junk foods are not good for Vata Rakta patients.
- Stale foods: Food that has been cooked for more than 7 hours is called stale food. It loses a lot of important nutrients and other vitamins. It can make your body sick by causing a build-up of waste products and it will give no nutrition.
- Non-vegetarian food: Eggs, red meat, or seafood are the non-vegetarian meals that are called the foods of body-building because they have a lot of protein but in reality, they can be trouble-making foods, especially for a vata rakta patient.
- Incompatible food combination: If a person is eating 2 foods together, even healthy foods like milk or fruits, it can sometimes be dangerous as they are not compatible with each other. It means they can not be digested or broken down easily by the body. So one should not eat foods that can not be digested with each other.
- Dairy products: Milk or milk products cause the production of ama(toxins) in the body and it can also cause vata rakta.
- Sugar: It is commonly said and heard that sugar is bad for the body because it is very difficult to break down and it can cause various health problems and increase uric acid. So Vata Rakta patients should strictly avoid any sugary foods or drinks.
- Fried and spicy foods: These foods are also very difficult to digest. Ayurveda describes these foods as Tamsic (lethargic) and they can be very difficult for the body to digest and this food can disturb your body by making waste products (Ama).
These foods are the major reason for Vata Rakta (high uric acid). Apart from these aharas(foods), some other high uric acid causes are:
- Obesity
- Suppressing natural urges
- Eating heavy foods at night
- Eating without hunger
- Stress, anxiety
- Anger
Now we know that uric acid is increased in the body due to food, daily life habits, or some unhealthy emotions. But, there are even more reasons that can cause this imbalance. If a person is suffering from some disease or disorder then there is an imbalance in their body and it can vitiate vata dosha. Due to this disturbance, there can be an increased quantity of waste (ama) in the body, which can also be increased vata rakta or uric acid. Some of the common health issues that can cause vata rakta (high uric acid) are:
- High blood pressure (Rakta Gata Vata)
- Kidney problems (Mutravaha srota vikara)
- Fatty liver (Medoroga)
- Diabetes (Madhumeha)
- Autoimmune disorders (Ama vyadhi)
- Hormonal imbalance (Dosha Vaishamya)
Problem or malfunctioning in any of these organs is going to affect the target organs and also the other parts or overall functioning of the body. Any disorder in the body causes the production of AMA and it can also increase uric acid in the body.
All these can affect Vata dosha of the body and hence cause Vata rakta. But, how can a person observe or check that they are suffering from Vata Rakta or high uric acid levels?
Uric Acid Symptoms
There can be various indicators in the body that can tell that the uric acid is imbalanced and is more than the required levels. Some of the uric acid symptoms are:
- Gout: When the vata dosha is disturbed and the uric acid increases in the body because the body is not able to clean it. Then these waste products start gathering or accumulating in the body. It can form small crystals which keep floating in the blood (rakta). These crystals deposit in the joints of the body. This can cause the affected joints and their surrounding area to become red and swollen. Gout is a type of arthritis that can even cause sudden attacks of pain.
- kidney stones: Heightened levels of uric acid can even cause stone formation in the body, especially in the kidneys. When the kidneys filter the blood and remove uric acid, then these crystals can cause a problem and they may even get stuck in the urinary organs.
- Intense pain: When these small crystals of uric acid keep traveling in the body and sit in some joint area, then it can cause a lot of pain and uneasiness. There can even be instant attacks of pain and after some time they may go away.
- Discoloration or redness: These uric acid crystals can be very uncomfortable as they can make patches of redness in the area or joints in which these crystals are present.
- Stiffness: If there is a crystal in the joint then it would not move properly and cause pain. In the same way, these uric acid or urate crystals, if present in the joint will make it difficult to move. This stiffness can also be a ringing bell of a gout attack so do not ignore it.
- Swelling and warmth: These urate crystals, when accumulated in the joint area, can cause swelling and a feeling of burning in the affected joint and its surrounding area.
- Tenderness: If the patient is having a swelling due to gout then the affected joint can be so sensitive and tender that even a very soft touch can cause a very harsh pain.
These are the signs that one can observe and then it can be understood that vata dosha is not balanced and the level of uric acid is raised above normal levels. But if you want to know how can we control uric acid naturally, then keep reading.
Ayurvedic Management of Uric Acid
- Add more liquids to your diet as it will help the body in flushing the waste from the body and cleaning the rakta(blood).
- Eat fruits like apples, berries, or watermelon. One thing for sure is that they are rich in water and they also give you nutrition. So this is a must-add to the diet as your body will easily release ama (toxins).
- Amla rasa fruits or citric fruits can be the best companions of a vata rakta patient. Kiwi, orange, lemon, amla, and berries, are amla rasa foods that will clean the body from inside. You can prepare a juice or eat them raw. But do not eat raw lemons. It should always be taken as juice and its regular consumption is highly advised for vata rakta patients.
- Green leafy vegetables are also a very good choice. They contain fiber and are loaded with vitamins and nutrients. These greens are alkalizing and cooling in nature so they help in balancing vata dosha and controlling vata rakta (uric acid).Instead of consuming refined flour, prefer eating wholesome grains and foods like jowar, bajra, ragi, oats, quinoa, or brown rice. These grains are also alkalizing in nature and are loaded with fibers so they pass through the digestive system easily.
These are some diet changes that a uric acid patient can follow easily and they are very useful because they have been used for a long time and they give effective results. After food, the next important thing is lifestyle. Very simple changes in lifestyle can bring you good health and also control vata rakta(uric acid).
- Intermittent fasting is an age-old practice given in ancient Ayurvedic texts and now the present day science has also proved that it is very useful in cleaning the body and balancing doshas, so it can also control uric acid levels in the body.
- As per Ayurvedic philosophies, the digestive fire is called jatharagni and it is believed that it is responsible for the digestion of food in the body. As the sun rises, jatharagni goes up and by sunset, it comes down. This is the main reason that it is always advised to eat food in the daytime and not have heavy meals at night. It can also help in balancing vata dosha and controlling uric acid.
- Yoga and Meditation are the main pillars of Ayurvedic treatment. Yoga can help in removing ama (toxins) from the body and gives strength and flexibility. Meditation on the other hand relaxes the mind and all the negative emotions are released. It helps in keeping all the doshas balanced and the body becomes healthy.
Also, various herbs are given by Mother Nature, which can help set up the balance in the body and calm vata dosha. These herbs are:
- Ginger
- Turmeric
- Giloy
- Neem
- Triphala
- Ajwain
- Bathua leaves
- Cumin Seeds
These herbs are loaded with almost magical healing properties and they can be used in various ways to control vata rakta (uric acid). You can make tea of these herbs and consume it by adding a little bit of honey for more benefits.
Also, a paste of these herbs can be applied to the areas where there is swelling or pain and leave the paste for some time. This can help in controlling inflammation and uneasiness. These are the age-old natural remedies for uric acid treatment at home.
Having any of these on a regular basis will surely balance vata dosha in the body and it will then control the increased vata rakta (uric acid).
By now you know the uric acid symptoms and cure. However, it is always sensible to consult an Ayurvedic Practitioner before starting the treatment, especially if you are also suffering from some other disorder or disease like diabetes.
1. What is the fastest way to cure uric acid at home?
2. Does lemon juice dissolve uric acid?
3. How to reduce uric acid in ayurveda?
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