Does that constant lower back pain hamper your daily functioning? Spondylosis could be the main reason. The generic term refers to any type of degenerative disorder which today has affected around 60-90% of the total population globally. Lumbar spondylosis is categorized under age-related joint declining disease which affects majorly the spine, lumbar vertebrae, cartilage, muscles, and bones involved in the lumbar area. In lumbar spondylosis, the gap between the two successive discs in the lumbar spine becomes narrowed, which ultimately results in lower back pain and the occurrence of neurological conditions. The disease usually affects people in their 40s as during this time the spine changes structurally. Maintaining a good posture plays a pivotal role in keeping spine health a priority. The degeneration of it mainly affects the vertebrae of the lumbar spine (L4 and L5) and also the sacral spine (S1).
Our lifestyle has an essential part to play that confers healthy living without the risk of developing diseases in the future. The growing age accounts for wear and tear of cartilage, which significantly impacts the spine that is known to support the majority of body weight. But over time, the changes in the spine can lead to compression of the lumbar vertebrae. If the condition is not addressed and managed on time through taking lower back pain treatment, then it can be the main reason for the development of serious complications including spinal stenosis, and herniation of the discs (which also contributes to the pressing of the spinal cord and nerves resulting in numbness and sciatica pain).
The major warning signs of the degenerative spine that should not be neglected at any cost are pain in the axial spine, joint numbness and stiffness, and tenderness in the area of nerve compression. These are not to be ignored as they significantly misbalance a person’s quality of life to a wider extent. Therefore, the management of the symptoms must be prioritized for sustaining an improved and disease-free life. As per deep studying and analyzing the treatment effectiveness and the patient’s recovery rate than lumbar spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment has strongly outshined other medical treatments. The ancient practice recommends plant-based medications that are known as natural pain relief for spondylolisthesis and additionally emphasizes adopting a healthy lifestyle regime for long-term recovery and also avoiding chances of recurrence of symptoms.
Yoga is the best exercise that is considered ideal for maintaining back strength and flexibility. If you are suffering from lower back pain, then choose a prompt and effective solution which is practicing the best yoga for lumbar spondylosis that is specifically suggested by the experts regularly. For the need, Dr. Mukesh Sharda put forward some of the supreme yoga asanas which should be performed along with taking lumbar spondylosis Ayurvedic treatment for lifelong recovery.
Surya Namaskar

It is the sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses that can provide an immense positive impact on the body and mind. The asana should be practiced early morning on an empty stomach to see efficient results. The basic essential steps that should be followed successively are listed below.
- Step 1: Pranamasana (Prayer pose)
- Step 2: Hasta Uttanasana (Raised arms pose)
- Step 3: Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)
- Step 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
- Step 5: Dandasana (Stick pose)
- Step 6: Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with eight parts or points)
- Step 7: Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
- Step 8: Parvatasana (Mountain pose)
- Step 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
- Step 10: Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)
- Step 11: Hasta Uttanasana (Raised arms pose)
- Step 12: Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Anuloma Viloma (Pranayama)

The asana provides immense benefits mainly to open up the nerves which get blocked due to extreme pressure on the lower back. It increases the oxygen supply throughout the body, thus releasing stress and calming the mind.
- Sit in a meditation position by keeping your spine and neck straight and closing your eyes.
- Rest the wrists on the knees.
- Using your right hand, fold the middle and index finger towards the palm.
- Place the thumb on the right nostril and index finger on the left nostrils
- Inhale for 2 seconds from the left nostril and then block both the nostrils for 4 seconds.
- Keep the left nostril blocked and release the right nostril. Now exhale and inhale from the right nostril for 2 seconds each respectively.
- This whole completes one round.
- Practice daily for 15 minutes to see effective results.
Ardha Setu Bandhasana (Half-Bridge Pose)

It is an excellent pose to strengthen and activates the lower back muscles and glutes. These muscles often get affected by constantly maintaining a wrong body posture. Therefore, performing this pose daily can help promote healthy blood flow into the tissues and revitalizes them, as it is one of the commonly practised activity overcome Cervical Pain with Yoga Asanas.
- Lie down on your back and slowly bend your knees by bringing your feet close to the hips.
- The feet should be spread apart with heels touching the floor completely.
- Position your hands on the sides and the palms should be facing downwards.
- Maintain proper breathing when pushing hands on the floor. Bring your hands close to your ankles and chest towards your chin.
- Slowly keep lifting the pelvis upwards and back towards the head and breathe continuously.
Shashankasana (Rabbit Pose)

It is a relaxation pose that smoothly stretches the entire lower back of the body. The best pose that helps nourish the overall body core. Practicing it daily will surely provide positive relief from throbbing and shooting back pain.
- Sit down on the floor by taking support of the heels.
- Touch your big toes with each other and then slowly spread your knees apart.
- While performing the posture continuously inhale and exhale. Bring down your torso in between the thighs.
- Place down your torso on the floor and lay your hands down with the palms straight up.
Anahatasana (Melting-Heart Pose)

It is a great pose that brings in more mobility of the joints and helps open the chest and the middle back. This pose can gently stretch the glutes and lower back muscles which thereby assist in re-establishing a healthy lumbar curve.
- Stand straight and keep your shoulder above wrists and hips above the knees.
- Keep the arm movement active, but be cautious about not letting your elbows touch the ground.
- Have a slight curve in your lower back and press your hands down and stretch your arms that will pull your hips back towards the heels.
- This helps lengthen the spine and improves the body posture this so by holding the position for 2-3 minutes.
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

This is one of the best and most effective poses if it is done correctly with proper expert guidance. The yoga pose should only be performed if the glutes are flexible and hamstring muscles are tight to avoid injuries in the lower back.
- Sit on the floor and spread the legs forward apart.
- Touch the thumbs of the fest with your hands and keep maintaining proper breathing while trying to place your head towards the knees.
- Hold this position for about 10-15 seconds.
- Then slowly raise your head and come back to the original position.
- For better relief from stiffer lower back perform this asana daily by repeating the above-mentioned procedures 10-12 times.
Bhujangasana (Classical Cobra Pose)
It is an excellent pose that activates and revitalizes the weak and stiff lower back muscles. This pose is suggested to individuals who are specifically suffering from lower back pain. Bhujangasana is also one of the Easy Yoga Asanas for Back Pain Relief.
- Lie down straight with the support of your stomach.
- Then slightly raise your trunk and head by taking the support of your palms.
- Slowly bend your arms at the elbows.
- Arch your neck and look upward gently.
- While performing the posture make sure that your stomach is completely pressed to the floor.
- Now put pressure on your toes by pressing them onto the floor.
- Hold the position for about 5-10 seconds and then slowly release the posture.
- Perform this pose daily 10 times to see the notable results.
Malasana (Garland Pose or Yogic Squat)

It is an amazing pose for elongating the lower back and for completely stretching the inner thighs. Tightness of the lower back, which mainly occurs due to prolonged sitting can negatively impact the spine posture therefore this asana work wonders for people who are suffering from extreme pain. Malasna is also one of Best Yoga Asanas For Ankylosing Spondylitis.
- Stand in the tadasana position with your feet and legs together.
- The leg position should be parallel while bending knees and pressing heels on the floor.
- Once the knees are completely bent, spread them and move your chest forward between the thighs.
- Move the side ribs forward and the down; try to bring the elbows close to the floor platform.
- This pose focuses on balancing the majority of weight in your outer feet but do also maintain some body weight in the inner thighs part.
Along with performing these above listed 8 yoga poses it is suggested that for the best and most effective recovery, consult the experts and take proper ayurvedic treatments and guidance. For relieving lower back pain one must opt for a natural and authentic approach i.e., Ayurveda that helps improve spine posture and also increases joint mobility.
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