With a constant approach towards sedentary lifestyle habits, unhealthy nutritional choices, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and extreme stress is making everyone more prone to becoming victims of chronic diseases. 

One of these deadly illnesses is Jaundice. Also commonly known as ‘Piliya’ among Indians. The worst part of it is, it shows no mercy to any age group. Therefore, individuals of every age group are on the verge of getting affected by it at any point of time in life. 

Jaundice is mainly diagnosed when the skin, eyes, and mucous membrane starts to change its color to yellow. The main reason for this discoloration to happen is when the level of bilirubin in the blood rises. But what exactly is jaundice and what mainly causes it? Let’s dig deeper into this condition and also understand more about the types of jaundice. 

To understand more about jaundice, we first need to know 'what is bilirubin?' that causes jaundice to happen. Basically, bilirubin is a yellow-colored pigment that is produced when the RBCs naturally break down in the bloodstream. Normally, the liver processes this breakdown and removes the bilirubin. But when there’s an issue during this process, the bilirubin levels can rise. Thus, leading to jaundice. 

What does Ayurveda say about Jaundice?

According to Ayurvedic literature, jaundice is known as ‘Kamala’. It results from an imbalance in body doshas, particularly Pitta. It is because the common cause of jaundice is liver disease which hinders the ability of the liver to process bilirubin. And, pitta is mainly responsible for governing metabolism and digestion in the body.

Factors such as over consumption of spicy, oily, and fried foods, as well as emotional stress are thought to increase Pitta dosha. Thus, disrupting the functioning of the liver. However, under Ayurvedic Treatment for Jaundice, the main attention will be paid to balancing the Pitta dosha and detoxifying the liver. 

Symptoms of Jaundice 

Well, the symptoms of jaundice can vary. It depends on its underlying cause and how severe the condition is. But the most obvious symptoms can include: 

    1. Yellowing of skin and eyes
    2. Dark urine
    3. Pale stool
    4. Fatigue
    5. Nausea
    6. Abdominal pain

Types of Jaundice 

There are mainly 3 types of jaundice. Some people may get confused with the types. So to make it easier for you here we have explained the types with its symptoms.

Pre-hepatic Jaundice

As read above, the liver has to normally process the bilirubin and remove it from the body in the form of urine or stool. But in pre-hepatic jaundice, there is an increased breakdown of red blood cells than the liver can handle. This might happen because of certain conditions like hemolytic anemia or certain infections like malaria. So, this excess bilirubin starts to build up in the bloodstream, giving the skin and eyes a yellowish color.

The main signs that can be noticed during Pre-hepatic Jaundice include:

    •  Dark urine or Pale stool
    •  Skin Itching 
    •  Fever including chills or cold sweats
    •  Pain in abdomen
    •  Abnormal weight loss

Hepatic Jaundice

Hepatic jaundice happens when there's something wrong with the liver. That is, it becomes hard for it to process the yellow substance called bilirubin and get rid of it. Such a situation mainly takes place when the liver is damaged or dysfunctional. 

Since, the yellow substance can’t be filtered for removal, it starts to build up in high levels in the bloodstream. This can be caused by liver infections, liver diseases like hepatitis or cirrhosis.

The main signs that can be noticed during Hepatic Jaundice include:

    • Loss of appetite
    • Bleeding nose
    • Itching on skin
    • Fever and weakness
    • Weight loss
    • Swelling in your abdomen or legs
    • Pain in your muscles or joints
    • Dark urine or pale stool

Post-hepatic Jaundice

Post-hepatic jaundice happens when the bile doesn’t pass through properly from the body due to blocked bile ducts. Bile ducts are the tiny tubes that carry bile from the liver to the intestines. And, bile is a yellow-green fluid that helps with digestion and gives the stool a brown color. It, in turn, keeps on building in the liver and bloodstream. Thus, causing the change in color of skin and eyes.

The most common causes of post-hepatic jaundice include gallstones and tumors near the bile ducts. It also includes inflammation or infection of the bile ducts or narrowing of it due to certain injury. 

The main signs that can be noticed during Post-hepatic Jaundice include:

    • Abnormal weight loss
    • Abdominal swelling and pain
    • Feeling sick
    • Itchy skin
    • Throwing up
    • Dark urine or pale stool
    • Diarrhea

Jaundice and its Ayurvedic Treatment

There are various medications and treatments available for jaundice. But you already know how to show love towards your body, right? There’s no better option than choosing Ayurvedic treatment for jaundice over any other treatment. As, it not only heals the disease but will also give a boost to the body by powering its immune system. 

Below are some of the easy yet effective remedies for jaundice. 

Herbal Remedies

Some of us remain unaware of how the spices available in our homes can work as magic on our health. They are like a natural medicine for jaundice. Many of them have special properties that support the liver, which is the main player in jaundice. 

    • When someone has jaundice, their liver gets swollen and irritated. So, spices and herbs like turmeric and ginger can help calm down the inflammation. By this, they will make it easier for the liver to perform its job well. 
    • Then, there are spices and herbs rich in antioxidants, like cinnamon and cloves. Antioxidants are like bodyguards for the liver. It protects the liver from any damage caused by harmful stuff in the body. 
    • Some herbs such as dandelion and milk thistle, are known as liver tonics. That means they can give a good boost to the liver. Dandelion, for example. May help increase bile production, which aids in digestion and getting rid of waste from the body. 
    • Also, do not forget about the spices like cumin and coriander. They are superbly great for digestion. When the liver is not functioning well because of jaundice, it can affect digestion too. These spices can help soothe the stomach and make it easier for the body to process food. 

So, in simple terms, spices and herbs can help heal jaundice by reducing inflammation in the liver, protecting it from damage with antioxidants, boosting its function with liver tonics, and aiding in digestion to keep everything running smoothly. If you want to know more about home remedies for jaundice, do visit our blog - Home Remedies to Manage Jaundice


Here’s a short recap of what jaundice patients should add or avoid to their diet. 

What to add to diet? 

    • You can guilt-freely add plenty of vegetables and lean proteins to your diet. This will be beneficial in supporting the healing process of jaundice. This nutrient-rich diet will boost the liver functioning and help improve digestion. 
    • Veggies such as sprouts, broccoli, olives, beets, and spinach are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support liver health.
    • Lean proteins such as tofu, beans, and lentils are important for rebuilding and repairing liver cells. Additionally, lean proteins are easier for the liver to process compared to fatty or processed meats. 
    • It's also important to stay hydrated when dealing with jaundice. Drinking plenty of water helps the body to flush out the toxins and keeps the liver functioning well. For better results, you can also squeeze a lemon in water. It will act as an additional dosage of antioxidants. 
    • Coconut water is also a healthy option for jaundice patients. The plenty of nutrients enriched in it are super beneficial for the liver. It is also a good source of antioxidants which help in fighting the free radicals that can damage your system. Thus, it will not only boost your immune power but will also prevent the recurrence of jaundice. 

What to avoid? 

    • You must strongly say no to Alcohol consumption. As it might worsen the condition and lead to several other health problems. 
    • Try to reduce the intake of sugary items, and fatty or fried food. It is because such food items can put a strain on your liver, which is already working hard to recover. 
    • Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt contain lactose which is a type of sugar that requires the enzyme- lactase to break down and digest properly. If the liver is not functioning at its best already, it may produce less lactase, leading to difficult digestion. This can result in bloating, gas, and diarrhea, which can further stress the liver and slow down the healing process of jaundice.

The Bottom Line

The ending of the blog suggests the reader to not overlook the tiny indicators of any illness. As, if any of it is left untreated can take a toll on our health. So, make sure to take care of yourself and your loved ones, just the way Ayurveda takes ours. 

By understanding the causes, Ayurveda gently treats it with its suggested powerful herbs. In addition to properly guiding us towards the right and healthy choices of life. Which will not only curb the illness but also provide us with a disease-free, active, and healthy body. 

Article By:

Dr. Sharda Ayurveda

At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.