How pollution contributes to Asthma attacks? How can it be prevented? Is there a permanent cure for asthma in Ayurveda?
We are going to cover all these questions for you in this blog!
Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that is known to affect millions of people worldwide. It results in inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to breathing difficulties.
One of the major triggers is Air pollution which has a significant impact on Asthma. Both indoor and outdoor pollution worsens the symptoms of asthma and causes asthma attacks. As per the studies, Air pollution and asthma have a strong association as poor quality of air increases the incidence of the disease. Basically, the pollutants irritate the lining of the tract, and the narrowing of the passage is because of inflammation which makes it difficult for people to breathe.
According to Ayurveda, it is referred to as Pranavaha Sroto Vikara which is caused due to imbalance in Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha. Ayurveda has healing powers and in this blog, we will cover how Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma helps with managing this respiratory disorder.
How asthma is affected by air pollution?
Air pollution primarily affects asthmatic patients. The pollutants in the air, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust, and other particles irritate the air passage and cause discomforting symptoms.
Outdoor air pollution and asthma have been linked to the severity of the condition if there is a long- term exposure. Additionally, leading to permanent damage as the patients become sensitive to these pollutants.
Can Ayurveda really help? Yes! Ayurveda with its purely natural approach gives long-term relief and no side effects. The holistic approach aims to end suffering by removing the root cause of the disease.
Ayurvedic Ways to Manage Asthma
Ayurveda is an ancient science that derives its power from nature. The Ayurvedic treatment includes herbs, spices, changes in diet, and modifications in lifestyle to manage the health condition. Additionally, yoga & meditation equally aids in improving the signs that come up with the disorder.
To maintain the equilibrium of the tridoshas, Ayurveda wonderfully offers the following ways to help Asthma patients.
Ayurvedic Herbs
The herbs are natural and as they are plant-based they do not possess any side effects. Regular consumption of ginger, tulsi, and honey perfectly works in favor of Ayurvedic treatment for asthma. It has anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties which improve breathing in patients suffering from asthma.
Additionally, herbs like Vasaka, Licorice, Cumin, Manjistha, Boswelia, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Neem, Triphala, and Yashtimadhu have potential therapeutic effects which improve the symptoms related to asthma.
You can consume them in raw, powdered form. The leaves of tulsi can be put in the mouth or infused in water. Raw ginger can be chewed or can be consumed in powdered form with lukewarm water. The herbal decoction can be prepared known as Kadha for finding relief from the debilitating symptoms of the respiratory disorder.
Healthy diet
Food has an important role to play in keeping most diseases at bay. Adopting a Satvic diet will do wonders for the body and will focus to heal asthmatic symptoms.
- Eating raw and fresh food is suggested as per Ayurveda.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables are enriched with various nutrients, vitamins, and elements helpful for promoting cell repair in the body.
- Start using jaggery products and Sendha namak as a substitute for processed sugar and salt respectively.
- Avoid dairy products and limit their usage.
- Start adding salads to your diet. Add cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and broccoli to your meals.
- Drink warm soup which is freshly prepared. Prefer to prepare soup at home rather than packed one.
- Eat warm food, and do not consume cold and stale food items.
- Processed food, oily, spicy, and junk food items must be avoided as they flare up the condition.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Drink herbal tea and not coffee. Caffeine and carbonated drinks put you at risk for an asthma attack.
- You can eat dry fruits, but before consuming them soak them overnight in water and then consume them.
Active lifestyle
Living a sedentary lifestyle puts you at risk as a passive routine will aggravate the already existing symptoms. Sitting all day and not doing any physical activity will worsen the situation.
Start going out for a walk or jog. Prefer to go out in the morning. Practice a mild workout routine that does not strain your body. Physical activity is important for the body but make sure not to over-exert your body as it may induce an asthma attack.
Exercise, walking, jog will help in the proper circulation of blood in the body. It also improves the functions of the lungs. At the same time, your respiratory system will start thanking you for doing so.
Another fun activity that can be done is to inflate balloons which not only will increase lung capacity but will also make you happy.
Steam is a very simple and effective way to control congestion. Steam helps with the inflammation part as it clears the tract and opens up the passage. With steam, the person can alleviate the symptoms of asthma and provide relief to the patients. In the hot water add Tulsi leaves, mint leaves, Thyme, Eucalyptus, or Rosemary. These herbs will provide you relief and will help in managing the symptoms of asthma. These herbs are anti-inflammatory and calm the body.
Moreover, steam relaxes and increases the immunity of the body which fights infections and other pathogens. It promotes easy and healthy breathing.
Smoking aggravates the symptoms of asthma as it increases inflammation and produces an excess of mucus which hinders breathing. It acts as a trigger for asthma. Not only this, it makes the person susceptible to this respiratory disorder.
Active and Passive smoking, are not good for health as the fumes are dangerous and the chemical will irritate the lining of the respiratory passage.
Quit smoking if you are one of them and stay away from the people who smoke as long-term exposure will damage the tract.
Stress is clearly not good for health and it is a risk factor for asthma patients. Stress increases the sensitivity to the triggers which makes a patient more likely to have an asthma attack. It increases muscle tension and makes it difficult for a person to breathe properly.
Moreover, the immune function gets reduced and the person becomes more susceptible to respiratory infections which may induce asthma symptoms. Stress and anxiety also change the breathing pattern. Rapid to shallow breathing is seen which may hamper the normal condition and cause a person to have asthma attacks.
Stress can be easily managed with the help of Yoga and Meditation. Yoga asanas help in reducing physical as well as mental stress. Perform Pranayama, Kapal bhati, and Brahmari for proper circulation of oxygen in the blood. Meditation refreshes the body, mind, and soul. Regular practice will enhance the way you live!
Cow’s ghee
Cow’s ghee holds a significant value in Ayurvedic science. It has calming and nourishing effects and is wonderfully used as a natural remedy for asthma. It has therapeutic effects and works as an elixir for treating various disorders.
It lubricates the airways and reduces inflammation and irritation. By boosting immunity, it helps in putting up a great fight against foreign pathogens. Cow’s ghee has a calming effect and reduces stress and anxiety.
You can put a few drops of the desi ghee in your nostrils and can also massage the chest region for its benefits. In the night before sleeping, use ghee for finding relief from asthma.
Does clean air help asthma?
Air pollution and asthma are connected to each other and clean, purified air plays a vital role in providing relief for asthmatic attacks.
Avoiding exposure to pollutants to breathe healthily is much needed. Avoid being near a smoker and quit smoking at all costs. It is only worsening the symptoms and not helping you.
What should I avoid if I have asthma?
If you already have asthma you must avoid polluted areas as it can trigger an asthma attack. Tobacco smoke, pet dander, pollen, and mold are common allergens. Stay away from them!
It is also advised to avoid cold, stale, processed, dairy, and spicy food products. Manage your diet and stop living a sedentary life!
Is steam good for asthma?
Steam is really good for patients suffering from Asthma as it can help clear out congestion and reduce inflammation. Moreover, the respiratory tract opens up and helps in easy breathing.
You can take steam by adding mint or tulsi leaves to the water to see the results.
In conclusion, Asthma can be managed really effectively with the help of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic treatment works in favor of balancing the Doshas and also eradicates the root cause of the disease by providing personalized treatment depending on the Prakriti of the patient. It provides long-term effects and since it is chemical-free, it gives no side effects. You can consult our experts for any kind of health guidance and remember Ayurveda is there for you and so are we!
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