The seasonal allergy symptoms are coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion.
Are you experiencing any of these described symptoms?
Then, you are the one who is caught by seasonal allergies, if the signs are more recurrent and discomforting. But unfortunately, many of us feel helpless and even after searching the various options couldn’t find a way to overcome them effectively. Allergies are the major cause of many serious ailments and these all are associated with the ill-functioning of the immune system. The reason is that the immune system is unable to generate an efficient response against the foreign antigens or allergens to suppress their activity. Allergens are substances that can trigger hypersensitivity in a major sector of the population. A person can be allergic to food, environmental allergens (dust, pollens, and mold spores), certain medications, and even the changing weather. If an immune system performs its function effectively, then it would release a chemical called histamine as a response to an allergic reaction.
There are many ways of treatment for allergies that can provide good results. The spring and the autumns are a self-invitation for allergic diseases and the purpose of Ayurvedic treatment for allergies has emerged out as the most trusted and successful natural healing approach. Allergies as per Ayurveda are mainly linked with the pre-dominant “Prakriti” of the body system. Each individual has different dominance of the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) which are interconnected to one another leading to a flare-up of diseases that are mainly caused due to allergies. The allergies are described according to Prakriti as:
- VATA is the principle of air and ether. It is more dominant during fall and early winter. These are mainly characterized by symptoms such as dry cough, wheezing, sneezing, bloating, and restlessness.
- PITTA is the principle of fire and water. It is more dominant during summer and essentially linked to metabolism. An imbalanced Pitta often results in allergic reactions including rhinitis. Ayurveda recommends incorporating a Pitta-pacifying diet mainly comprising cooling herbs like coriander, mint, or cilantro.
- KAPHA is the principle of earth and water. The energy is stated as cohesion which is more dominant during late winter and spring. The major signs that confer for this doshic disease are cough, headache, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, and runny nose.
Ayurveda believes that the primary cause of allergies is an accumulation of Ama (toxins) which lowers the functioning of the immune system (Vyadhikshamatwam). This disease is contributed by genetics, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unhealthy diet. In Ayurveda, attempts are to treat the disease from its root cause by applying holistic and natural approach to prevent the recurrence of symptoms. Seasonal allergies Ayurvedic treatment involves procedures for effective management of allergic symptoms by stabilizing and restoring body balance by strengthening the immune system.
The following are the best and most effective Ayurvedic remedies and tips suggested by Dr. Mukesh Sharda, founder of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda, which will surely help combat allergies and subsequently provide positive results.
Ayurvedic remedies for seasonal allergies
These easy yet effective natural home remedies suggested by the experts are proven to be a boon to your health that strengthens the immune system to battle against environmental infections.
- By having daily a refreshing citrus drink can provide relief from the majority of the allergies. The summer signifies scorching heat that makes it harder for people to pass each day. Thereby, it is always recommended to keep yourself well hydrated and to binge over refreshing fruits and vegetable drinks. The citrus fruit being high in vitamin C keeps you energized and subsequently help fight allergies by boosting the immune system.
- Presence of certain water-soluble chemical compounds makes spinach, broccoli, and spring onion the best valuable ingredients to combat seasonal allergies. The presence of quercetin is known to lessen the amount of histamine in the body which significantly reduces the discomforting signs of allergy. When attacked by foreign antigens the body's immune system immediately releases antibodies in response. Onion is known as an anti-histamine and bronchodilator that effectively open nasal airways channel and promotes healthy breathing. They additionally possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
- Peppermint is a natural and authentic remedy for fighting pollen, dust, and mold spore allergies. The plant is high in flavonoid content one of which is luteolin-7-0-rutinoside that essentially helps in inhibiting the activity of the allergens. Additionally contain anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial compounds that significantly reduce the flare-up of infection. Recipe: Add peppermint leaves in a glass of water and boil them. When the drink becomes lukewarm, strain the solution and drink this twice a day for positive results.
- The butterbur plant, Petasites hybridus is essentially known to provide marvelous results in fighting environmental allergens. This is so due to the presence of certain chemical compounds like petasin and isopetasin that helps relieve nasal congestion and reduce spasms and inflammation. The action of these chemicals gives butterbur its health benefits. Used since middle age times to treat a range of serious ailments including wounds, coughs, and asthma. Today, its application is employed commonly to cure allergic infections. It is administrated orally or in the form of oil extract.
- Must include hot and spicy foods in the diet as it tends to make the nasal mucus secretion thin, which significantly helps in clearing the nasal passage. This subsequently enables one to breathe freely and efficiently. By having spicy food, your body would naturally be able to loosen mucus and phlegm that are mainly responsible for clogging. But remember, excess of anything is bad for your health that same implies to these foods. Some best foods are soup, curries, chili pepper, and horseradish.
- Late winter or spring or even fall summer is an invitation for allergies, which can significantly compromise respiratory health. But worry not; essential oil application can be a boon to your respiratory health that aid in battling against these allergens. These are natural plant-based extracts that can be used in varietal ways. You can add a few drops of oils example- Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea tree, Frankincense oil, etc to the water, boil them, and inhale them in the form of steam. It helps in opening sinuses and nasal passages. Additionally, act as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial that fight against perennial allergic rhinitis.
Know the 3 Best Effective Home Remedies for Rhinitis Suggested By Dr. Mukesh Sharda
Ayurvedic approaches/tips for seasonal allergies
By following these described tips one would get positive results without a doubt. These tried and tested tips are suggested by experts who are experienced in the Ayurveda fields which are listed down below.
Keep your body fully hydrated
Practice yoga and meditation
Yoga help stabilizes the body's defense system. It shields overall health to fight seasonal variants and improves the resistance of respiratory passage. Yoga is an effective stress management technique that relaxes and controls the mind and emotions. The best poses are Halasana and Matsyasana.
Use Neti pot
This is an ancient and traditional yogic nasal cleansing system that is known as “Jalneti”. This self-practice technique specifically balances the Kapha energies of the body i.e., the main reason for respiratory disorders. For this, take a miniature-sized teapot with a long spout and add saltwater to it for clearing the nasal passage. This regulates pressure in the head and should be practiced in the morning before breathing exercises like pranayama to get effective results.
Eat well
Most specifically during allergy season try to avoid having foods and drinks that can worsen the symptoms including nasal blockage, runny nose, and constant coughing and sneezing. These foods include cold, heavy, dairy, refined, sugary, processed, and full of artificial ingredients which all can adversely impact digestive and respiratory health. Instead, expert suggests that opt for pungent foods like leafy greens, legumes, and lemon.
Ghee to the rescue
The respiratory passages are open to dust and other environmental allergen thereby minimizing its negative effect on health, ghee is shown to be effective. Lubricating the nasal mucous membrane with regular application of ghee will significantly prevent contact of allergens with the mucous membrane.
The above suggested Ayurvedic home remedies and tips will surely provide positive results. If these all expert suggested guidelines are followed religiously along with taking regular Ayurvedic treatment for allergy from Dr. Sharda Ayurveda will provide the best and most effective relief from discomforting symptoms of seasonal allergies and can save you from getting infected with serious respiratory ailments. The Ayurveda applies a systematic and holistic treatment approach that provides long-term results and as the medications are plant-based therefore would not give any side effects.
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