Allergic Rhinitis Treatment in Ayurveda and tips for Relief (Pratishyaya Roga)

Allergic rhinitis (AR) is an immune system-related respiratory disease with the symptoms of nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, and snoring. It is majorly caused by environmental triggers i.e., allergens (pollen, dust mites, mold spores, and pet dander), and is believed to be one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases on a global scale. There are various other reasons (causes) for the disease symptoms to emerge are seasonal temperature changes, hormonal changes, and pre-existing viral and bacterial infections. Earlier was categorized as the nasal affected disease, but many recent studies believe that allergic rhinitis is the component of allergic responses which is additionally associated with other chronic diseases such as asthma and dermatitis. 

The early signs are considered a minor nuisance that is often neglected under the name of seasonal variability. But in no time these little health changes can lead to the emergence of serious respiratory diseases. And today allergic rhinitis is recognized and considered to be a legitimate health concern. Therefore, early diagnosis of the symptoms and treating them effectively through the right medications can provide relief from the discomfort. For this, Ayurveda for Allergic Rhinitis is considered to be the best and most effective way to get relief from the discomforting symptoms. Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis in Ayurveda includes the involvement of three basic things that is herbal medications, diet, and lifestyle which gives positive results.

For this, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda for Allergic Rhinitis is the best option to choose as they provide root cause and specialized treatment for long-term, persistent and effective recovery.

Dr. Mukesh Sharda suggests some of the best Ayurvedic treatments and tips which will help in effective recovery from allergic rhinitis symptoms through the natural and authentic approach of Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Rhinitis

Allergic Rhinitis Treatment in Ayurveda follows a different pattern which completely varies from other medical practices. Ayurveda characterizes the six main symptoms of allergic rhinitis. These symptoms are sneezing, nasal congestion, headaches, breathlessness, itching in the nasal & throat region, and nasal discharge. It is believed that the emergence of the symptoms is the result of the accumulation of toxins or “Ama” in the body which directly accounts for the weak digestive and immune system. The aggravation of the Kapha dosha is the main cause of developing allergic rhinitis symptoms and is the response of hypersensitivity of the nervous system.

Panchakarma therapy

Panchakarma therapy for Allergic Rhinitis involves three major steps or procedures i.e., clearing of sinus nasal, expelling out of phlegm, and detoxification which is implemented as per the predominant body dosha. 



In this treatment procedure, medicated oil is evenly poured on the forehead followed by a light massage. It is suggested to be practiced for straight 7 days to get relief.



Medicated oil massage on the forehead and neck for about 10 minutes. Thereafter, steam therapy with aromatic oils enhances the feeling of relaxation. And consecutively pouring oil in nasal channels.


The purgative therapy which helps remove toxins from your body and specifically balance the Pitta dosha


The incorporation of herbs in the diet works as the natural medicines which help reduce allergic symptoms and additionally prevent their reappearance altogether. They strengthen the body's tissues and organs, thus improving the overall health of an individual. Here are some of the herbs which are best suited for treating respiratory issues.

herbs for allergic rhinitis

Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)

It is the most effective herbal treatment for allergic rhinitis. This herb possesses antioxidant, astringent, antimicrobial, and analgesic properties that help reduce allergy-related inflammation without producing any side effects.

Korean perilla (Perilla frutescens)

It is the best herb useful for treating nasal congestion, sinusitis, and allergic asthma. The essential oils found in Perilla contain antidepressant effects and boost serotonin levels in the brain. Additionally reduces inflammation, and improves mood.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is safe and a highly effective herb for reducing inflammation. The properties it possesses make it an essential herb to improve digestion and circulation. Ginger works as a natural antihistamine, antiviral, and immunity booster.

Butterbur (Petasites hybridus)

The herb was traditionally used for treating joint pain, headaches, fever, digestive, and urinary tract infections. But with advancement and studies, it is shown that it is also essential for treating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. This herb should not be consumed in raw form as it contains certain alkaloids which are of no medicinal use. 

Old man's pepper (Achillea millefolium)

The perennial herb is used for treating multiple diseases. It essential possess antiseptic, stomachic, antispasmodic, astringent, and diaphoretic properties which altogether make this herb best recommended for treating rhinitis. But the presence of anti-microbial and anti-catarrhal actions makes this herb ideal for getting relief from allergic rhinitis symptoms. 

Ayurvedic Tips


Diet plays a major role in sustaining healthy and disease-free living. Some of the best dietary tips which are to be followed with effective rhinitis Ayurvedic treatment are listed down below. 

    • Avoid intake of spicy foods in the diet. 
    • Adopt a Mediterranean diet (fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and sesame oil) which helps recover from respiratory allergies, including rhinitis. 
    • Avoid having salty food. 


The adoption of a healthy lifestyle will benefit in reducing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and prevent the emergence of future health complications. Some expert suggested lifestyle modifications are stated below.

    • Have juices like grapes, carrot and warm soups.
    • During seasonal changes avoid exposure to outside allergens.
    • Have sunbathing.
    • Have plain steam in the night followed by nasal drop of cow’s ghee in nose.


With changing seasons, some people get more prone to develop allergic reactions. Allergic rhinitis is a common allergic medical condition that happens when a person is exposed to certain foreign allergens. This leads to the emergence of discomforting symptoms. When the body gets exposed to foreign antigens the body's immune system will generate responses and histamine for protection. But to recover naturally, the adoption of traditional practice will potentially enhance immune system functioning and keep allergies away.

Yoga is the practice that offers a natural and authentic solution to almost all conditions. The described yoga poses when practiced daily effectively improves the breathing process and immunizes the body against allergies. It additionally strengthens the lung muscles and enhances mental status.

yoga for allergic rhinitis

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Vrikshasana helps in balancing mental health. It gives a good stretch from head to toe and thereby calms the nervous system by keeping you focused. 

Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose)

This pose specifically stretches your neck, shoulders, chest, and lungs and thereby promotes strengthening of the back muscles. The pose energizes your entire body and improves the respiration process. 

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

This half-moon pose when practiced promote the opening of your chest and shoulders. It strengthens the spine and helps reduce back pain. Additionally helpful in releasing stress and improves body coordination.

Matsya Asana (Fish Pose)

The pose is also called “Destroyer of all diseases” which essentially promotes deep breathing by stretching and strengthening the muscles of the lungs. It supports body balance and thereby helps in better circulation. It is an important pose recommended for relieving allergic conditions and promotes overall immunity.

Do Pranayama daily for better results.

See How Patient Cures His Allergic Rhinitis By Using Ayurveda



The above suggested Ayurvedic treatment and tips are proven to be effective for treating allergic rhinitis. Rhinitis symptoms can cause extreme discomfort and therefore its early management is essentially important to avoid the risk of developing serious respiratory diseases. The Rhinitis Ayurvedic treatment should be wholesome of medications along with the adoption of healthy diet and lifestyle which will help in long-term recovery from the disease.

Article By:

Dr Sharda Ayurveda

At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.