How to get rid of Yeast Infection naturally with Ayurveda?

Several health concerns are becoming more and more common among women due to increased pollution, hormonal fluctuations, poor hygiene management, and distress. Often women hesitate to take medical action and even avoid talking about it.
One of these issues is- Yeast infection, also known as Vaginal candidiasis. It affects around 30-50% of women all over the world. There is a need to be extra cautious while dealing with yeast infections because, unlike other skin diseases, they are contagious. 
Worry not!
Reading this blog will help you to have a clear understanding of the term Yeast infection, along with its symptoms and causes. You will also come to know how relief can be ensured against this unpleasant disorder with the help of Yeast infection Ayurvedic treatment.

What is a Yeast Infection?

It is a type of fungal infection that mainly affects the Vagina and associated parts of the genitalia. It causes extreme pain, itchiness, and discomfort. 
If left untreated, it can also lead to several complications such as a burning sensation while urinating.

What causes Vaginal candidiasis?

There could be several factors responsible for the development and growth of yeast infections. A brief of these causative factors is as follows:


Yeast infection is mainly caused by a yeast, called candida. Yeast is a special type of fungus, whereas candida is a subtype of yeast. Generally, it is found on the skin, or inside the body such as the mouth, gut, throat, or vagina, and causes no harm. 
In certain cases, the yeast (candida) gets imbalanced and starts to grow rapidly, ultimately leading to yeast infections. 

Uncontrolled diabetes

One of the prominent factors contributing to yeast infection is diabetes. High sugar levels in your blood support bacteria to grow more rapidly, consequently resulting in yeast, (fungal) infections. 

Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal fluctuations can also fuel yeast infections. Any imbalance in the levels of estrogen, or progesterone upsets the natural balance of the body. It also stimulates the bacteria that is responsible for keeping everything under control in the vagina. It creates a space for candida to flourish. 

Antibiotic use

Broad-spectrum antibiotics kill the bacteria without differentiating whether it is healthy, or not, as a result, the harmonious balance of yeast and bacteria in the vagina gets delicate. Such circumstances provide a favourable condition for candida to multiply. 

Risk factors of yeast infections

There are certain things that can make you vulnerable to vaginal yeast infections, such as:


Unhealthy diet

Yeast infections might be accompanied by a faulty diet. Foods that are high in sugar, gluten, and artificial nutrients can worsen the condition. Excessive dairy products, Non-vegetarian food, alcohol, and even certain sugar-rich fruits such as bananas, dates, raisins, grapes, and prunes can trigger yeast fungal infection. 

Weekend immune system

It is very bothersome for a compromised immune system to fight against viruses and bacterial infections. You are more prone to yeast infections if you are already suffering from any auto-immune disease such as Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or inflammatory bowel disease. 

Lack of personal hygiene

Fungi require a humid and moist environment to grow. Unhygienic habits such as not taking a shower after a workout, not cleaning the genital areas, and wearing tight or dirty undergarments for extended periods push your steps forward toward concerns such as urinary tract infections or yeast development. 

Chemical-based products

Avoid using chemical-based or other harmful substances-containing products on the skin, especially the sensitive areas. These products disturb the pH levels of the skin and cause problems such as itching, burning sensation, and pain while peeing or intercourse. 
However, yeast infections are seen in women more, but it does not mean they have nothing to do with men. In case of high sugar levels, weakened immune system, distress, or absence of hygiene, they can affect males equivalently. 

What are the symptoms of Vaginal candidiasis?

For yeast infections, the symptoms may vary from patient to patient depending upon their immunity power, intensity of infections, and body Prakriti. Certain complications that patients complain the most are as below: 


Vaginal discharge

A whitish-yellowish discoloured discharge can flow from the vagina. It could be watery, or a little thick like curdled milk with little lumps, doubtlessly very discomforting.

Itchiness and Redness

Yeast infections make the vulva- the outside areas of the vagina itchy, rash, and red. While urinating, or performing sexual activities extreme pain is experienced by the patient. 

Pain & Inflammation

Swelling of the vulva and vagina is yet another considerable symptom of these fungal infections. Urine does not pass through these swollen paths, and as a result, the patient experiences pain. 

Difficult Urinating

Due to swelling of the vulva and itchiness, it becomes very difficult for a patient to urinate. The patient experiences a burning sensation while peeing. 
If you are experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms, do not neglect them and opt for yeast infection treatment. 

Preventions for Yeast Infection

You are familiar with the term- “Prevention is better than cure” 
Then why are we not implementing it? 
Below are some natural ways through which you can prevent and protect yourself from these discomforting fungal infections. 


Hygiene management

Hygiene is a necessity for keeping diseases at bay. It is highly recommended to keep the genitals clean and dry, especially after excrement. It is pivotal to mention that yeast infections aren’t caused by poor hygiene directly, but they can support fungi growth, making conditions more distressing. 

Avoid douching

It is highly recommended to avoid douching as it pushes the bacteria and causes infection up into the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Apart from imbalancing the levels of yeast in the vagina, it can also lead to many adverse effects such as cervical cancer, low birth weight, STDs, Ectopic pregnancy, infertility, or pelvic inflammatory disease. 

Say no to tight clothes

Wearing clothes that are tight, or made of certain specific fabric such as nylon can trap heat and moisture, providing a safe space for yeast infections to grow.

Avoid chemical-based products

Say a big no to all types of chemical-based beauty products such as soaps, creams, moisturizers, and serums. They can trigger the pH levels of your sensitive skin and may result in rashes, acne, pimples, or inflammation. 

Ayurveda- A concept of holistic healing

In Ayurveda, this disease is considered “Krimi Roga '' which comes under the category of Dardu Kushta (Fungal infection). If the digestive fire is mand (deficient) then it causes indigestion. As a result, the food remains undigested in the intestines for extended periods and provides fertile conditions for yeast to develop and spread. 
In severe cases, the yeast can even enter the bloodstream through the intestinal cycle, creating problems such as low immunity, sleeping difficulty, fatigue, and low energy. 

Ayurvedic treatment for Yeast infections

Doubtlessly, yeast infections are extremely painful and discomforting but can be cured with certain natural measures. However, several other ways are available for treating vaginal yeast infection but Ayurveda is the best. It is a natural therapy that causes no harm to the body and yields only fruitful results. Yeast Infection Ayurvedic Treatment mainly includes:


Herbal remedies

Herbs can act as a panacea for yeast infections. Being nature-derived they are free from side effects and cause no harm to the body. Herbs such as Garlic, Ginger, Neem, Oregano, Turmeric, Guduchi, Clove, Lavender, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Basil, and Aloe vera are fully loaded with anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. 
These herbs can be taken in a powder form along with lukewarm water. You can also add these herbs to your foods as most of them are regular ingredients in your daily meals. 

Dietary transitions

Yeast Infection Ayurvedic Treatment also recommends certain dietary modifications to be taken in your daily life. The food you consume acts as a fuel for the body and keeps it functioning and growing. If the intake is not satisfactory, nothing can be done. It is pivotal to make certain healthy choices and say goodbye to detrimental foods such as junk, oily, processed, frozen, under, or overcooked. 
Take fresh and water-content-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet. It will not only provide the body with adequate strength but will also aid in the elimination of toxins from the body via sweat and urine. 

  • Best Fruits for Yeast Infections

          Avocados, Blackberries, Strawberries, Apples, Guava, Raspberries, Olives, Pears, Cherries,

          Plums, Melon, Papaya, Watermelon, and Kiwi. 

  • Best Vegetables for Yeast Infections

         Cucumber, Broccoli, Kale, Eggplant, Zucchini, Onion, Cabbage, Pointed Gourd, Turnip,

         Spinach, and Mushroom. 

You can take them in salad form or may make their soups, juices, or smoothies. 
Isn’t it tempting? 
Tasty and healthy both. Then, do not delay further and modify your diet now.

Gentle massaging 

Yeast fungal infection can also be treated using certain nature-derived ointments and pastes. Coconut oil, Cow’s ghee, Lavender oil, almond oil, tea tree oil, and sesame oil are considered to be the most effective ointments for yeast infections. Being derived from mother nature, these substances are absolutely free from side effects and will cleanse the body from outside and within.
A gentle massage with these oils will help restore a healthy balance of yeast and bacteria in the vagina. Apart from these ointments, you can also take a bath with buttermilk, or curd to nurture and nourish your body.

Yoga and meditation

If you are assuming that Vaginal yeast infection is only physically painful and awful, then please clear your misconception. Apart from being physical pain, it is equivalently psychological discomforting. 
In Ayurveda, We believe that a sound body and mind are the mere pillars of a healthy body. Whatever encounter by the body, will eventually affect the mind consciously, or unconsciously and vice versa. 
It is highly recommended to add yoga and meditation to your routine. It will not only provide your body with the strength to fight against bacterial infections, but will also make your mind calm, and peaceful. In fact, it works as a natural candida albicans treatment. 


How to identify yeast infection?

Vaginal Pain, itchiness, redness, inflammation, or a thin discharge from the vagina, or Vulva are some common signs that indicate yeast infections. You may also experience a burning sensation during intercourse, or urinating. 

Can yeast infections go away on their own? 

If the yeast infections are not that severe, they may get fine on their own, but such chances are very rare. Candida, once it enters the vaginal region starts multiplying itself causing more harm to the body. 

What is the main cause of vaginal yeast infection?

A specific type of fungi, called Candida is the main cause for the development of yeast infection. The overgrowth of candida disturbs the healthy balance of yeast and bacteria, resulting in problems such as vaginal discharge, pain, and itchiness. 

What are the dangers of a yeast infection?

Certain endangers that make you prone to being infected by candida yeast infection are poor hygiene, use of chemical-based products, poor immune system, wrong dietary choices, hormonal imbalance, and untreated endocrine diseases. 

Article By:

Dr Sharda Ayurveda

At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.