Fungal Infection treatment

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Fungal Infection

Today over 300 million population worldwide is affected with the skin fungal infection. In Ayurveda, the skin disorder is known as the Kushtha and the fungal infection is classified as Dadru. In humans, the prevalence of fungal infections occurs when the fungus invades the body and thereby takes over it. The most affected area includes feet, groin, and folds of skin. The infection causes rashes on the scalp or discoloration of the skin and this will overall cause itchiness. This correspondingly leads to a decrease in the immune system. The main causative agents are the micro-organism which is fungi. Fungal infection is an inflammatory condition that is caused by the fungus. These are characterized by a substance in their cell walls called chitin. The infection when mild shows superficial symptoms but when it affects internally it can become chronic.

We come across several people who are dependent on ointments and what not to treat their infection but the results they get are temporary as for the period they are good applying creams they get the results and as soon as they quit they can see the infection coming again which is a cause for concern. But Ayurvedic treatment for fungal infection of the skin is proven to provide effective results as it is a root cause, systematic treatment not symptomatic. Our changing lifestyle is the major cause of these skin infections which can be treated naturally through antifungal herbs. Fungal infection treatment in Ayurveda is a safe and effective way to treat the fungus without causing any side effects.

Types of Fungal Infection

Athlete’s foot

It mainly affects the foot area like fingers, toes, or even soles of the feet. It can cause itchiness and redness along with a burning feeling. The skin can become so dry that it can start falling off as flakes. It is very common out of all skin fungal infection types.

Jock itch

Whenever there is a fungal infection, around the genitals like the groin or upper thighs it is known as jock itch. Their skin becomes cracked and flaky. Also, the skin around the rashes can become slightly raised and darker. Any physical activity can increase the problem even more due to skin rubbing against each other.

Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is a very common type of infection. It is commonly present in the body or floating in the environment, but whenever they multiply in numbers it can cause skin problems. It causes acne-like bumps around the rashes.


It is a fungal infection of the nail, which can affect both feet or hands. There are patches on the nails that are flaky and they often cause pits on the nails. It can cause pain and itching, and the color of the nail can become pale or yellow.

Causes of Fungal Infection

  • Weak Immune System- The immune system of a person plays a crucial role therefore a weak immune system would allow various pathogens to enter our body and can hinder various major activities of the body. It is found in almost every age group and also due to pre-existing health conditions.
  • Stress - Stress affects your immune system to a greater extend. Due to this an individual sympathetic nervous system is triggered as a result immune system releases signal that redirects nutrients to major organs of our body. Therefore, increase in blood sugar level can lead to bacterial growth leading to fungal infection.
  • Obesity- An obese person is likely to sweat more, especially in the crease of your skin which can act as a medium for the growth of fungus and bacteria. Obesity can also be linked to our immune system.
  • Continuous Intake of Several Medications- Some antibiotics can make you more prone to fungal skin infection by attacking the bacterial of the gut, which in response regulates the population of Candida yeast.
  • Poor Nutritional Diet- Nutritional diet is essential for maintaining a healthy life. But lack of nutritional diet or consumption more of sugar can lead to activation of bacteria in our gut which thereby provides the home for fungal reproduction.

Symptoms of Fungal Infection

  • Fungal Eye Infection- Redness or pain in the eyes and sometimes even watery discharge eyes. If not treated can even lead to blurring of the eyesight.
  • Fungus On Scalp- The common symptoms associated with it is bald patches and black spots on the scalp these, in turn, can cause itchiness. The serious condition is when pus-filled sores starts appearing.
  • Oral Cavity Patches- The reddish-white patches over the tongue or buccal mucosa can also be a visible sign of fungal infection.
  • Itchiness and Irritation- Over the affected dark-colored area on the skin, a person experiences itchiness and irritation.
  • Genital Area Infection- It is one of the most common signs where individual experiences red, itchy, and white discharge from the area commonly in females. It is associated with a lack of personal hygiene.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Fungal Infection

  • Vamana, a part of Panchkarma uses herbs that would help in cleansing the stomach and eliminate toxins from the body which will prevent fungal growth.
  • Turmeric is highly recommended as it has antiseptic and antifungal properties. It can be applied as a mixture of turmeric with water/lemon juice in the form of paste once or twice a day.
  • Herbs like Neem and Tulsi also work wonder for preventing fungal infection as they both have anti-inflammation and wound healing property.
  •  A nutrition-rich diet followed by Exercise and Yoga is also beneficial as it increases the immune system which in turn would not allow fungus growth.
  • Ayurvedic ingredients have proven to be effective against preventing fungal infection as these are rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties which are mostly found in black seed oil.

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What are the symptoms of fungal infection in the body?

The symptoms of fungal infection in the body can be:

  • Itching and swelling around the affected area.
  • Redness and soreness around intimate area.
  • Oral thrush.
  • Patches on nails and skin.
What are the symptoms of fungal infection in the body?

The invasion of fungus into our body depends upon the body's immune system. If a person's immunity is low it can act as a ground for the growth of the fungal infection and mostly affected parts are the nails. The fungus enters our body through wounds and cuts.

How can Ayurveda help prevent fungal infection?

Many Ayurvedic herbs are found to be effective for treating fungal infections. They include Neem, Tulsi, Ashwagandha, and Haridra as they have antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties respectively.

What lifestyle changes can help in avoiding fungal infection?

The following lifestyle change can help avoid infection:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes.
  • Maintain personal hygiene.
  • Wear clean clothes and change your clothes twice a day
Which food items should be avoided during fungal infection?

The food items which should not be consumed in fungal infection are:

  • Dairy products.
  • Bread and cakes.
  • High sugar content products.
  • Beverages.
  • Dry fruits.
  • Potatoes.
Can one consume milk while having fungal infection?

No, it is suggested that one should avoid consuming dairy products if having fungal infection.

Can fungal infections be cured completely with Ayurvedic Treatment?

Yes, it can be treated completely with Ayurvedic Treatment. Ayurveda provides the best Treatment which can prevent the reoccurrence of the infection.

What can happen if the fungal infection is left untreated?

Fungal infection usually begins affecting smaller areas of the body but if left untreated it can easily spread itself in a fast motion affecting other parts too of the body. The complications of fungal infection can be many but the main cause is that it can affect our heart, blood, brain, and bones. Ayurveda provides the best treatment for preventing fungal infection safely and effectively.

Can garlic be consumed if a person is having fungal infection?

Yes, garlic can be consumed in fungal infection as it has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which help in healing the infection. One can consume garlic with warm water daily to get effective results.

Can one prevent ringworm infection through Ayurveda?

Yes, it can be prevented through Ayurvedic treatment. It is a contagious disease that is spreadable. The herbs which can be used for getting relief are Butea, Cassia, and Coriander, etc.

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