Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis

SKIN-VEST-MENT It is going to be with you for life time

What is Psoriasis?

According to the World Psoriasis Day consortium, 125 million people worldwide, i.e., 2 to 4 percent of the total population is diagnosed with psoriasis in different races.In India, the prevalence is around 1-2%. Psoriasis is well-known as (Kiṭibha) as per Ayurvedic terminology. Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis is the most effective one as it is an auto immune disorder which requires a special care.

People often ignore Psoriasis assuming it is a normal Infection of the Skin. The adverse impact of Psoriasis even causes all the Skin cells of the body to shed off.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune, non-contagious, chronic disease of the skin.It is a skin problem that causes skin cells to increase up to multiple times quicker than ordinary. Psoriasis makes the skin build up into uneven red patches covered with white scales. In Psoriasis, the production of skin cells occurs in 3-4 days instead of 30 days hence, causing shedding of skin. They can grow anywhere, but psoriasis on scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back appears mostly.

Psoriasis can't be spread from person to person. It sometimes happens in Individuals from a similar family.

Psoriasis usually appears in early adulthood. In some cases, it affects just a few areas. Psoriasis can sometimes cover large parts of the body too. In some cases, the patches healand then later come back throughout a person's life.

Types of Psoriasis

inverse psoriasis

Inverse Psoriasis

As the name suggests, inverse psoriasis is the one that affects the inward areas or folds of the skin, like the elbow or knee folds, or genital areas. It causes redness and itchiness, and the problem increases when there is friction or sweating in the affected area. Any type of chemicals, if applied can damage the skin and the patient must choose an inverse psoriasis treatment plan wisely.

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Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular psoriasis is a very uncommon type of psoriasis, they are seen on hands and feet. It can be caused by a severe deficiency of vitamin D and the presence of a triggering agent. It is best to use natural ingredients instead of chemical-based medicines.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis is not a common type and it affects the whole body. The skin starts shedding or peeling off from the affected area and there can be itchiness or burning sensation. It can cause loss of water and raised temperature in the body.

nail psoriasis

Nail Psoriasis

Nail Psoriasis causes damage to the nails of the body. The nails become pale or yellowish and the nail can even crumble or break. In extreme cases, the nail may even fall off. However, the root cause of the problem is not the nails, but the immune disorder of the body.

psoriatic arthritis on hand

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis with a skin rash. It mainly affects the skin, but is an autoimmune disorder which means the body has started to damage itself and is killing the healthy cells. When this disorder begins to affect the joints of the body, then it is known as psoriatic arthritis.

plaque psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis

7 out of 10 patients suffer from plaque psoriasis. In Plaque Psoriasis, rashes are seen in red color on the body, inflamed in nature, and sometimes whitish silvery scales are found on elbows, knees, and the scalp.

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guttate psoriasis

Guttate Psoriasis

It is usually provoked by pharyngitis or perianal (bacterial) infections. In Guttate Psoriasis, pink and small spot-like rashes develop over the arms, legs or abdominal regions. This type of Psoriasis is mostly seen in children.

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Psoriasis Causes

Although, the faulty auto-immune response is the major factor responsible for this discomforting skin disorder. Still, below are some other significant environmental causes that may act as psoriasis causes in certain instances:

  • Excessive Intake of Alcohol- High consumption of alcohol causes psoriasis to take birth.
  • Stress- A person who is staying under stress all day long is prone to be affected with psoriasis.
  • Changing Weather Conditions- Changing weather i.e. - chilly cold and dry weather also causes psoriasis.
  • Injury to Skin- An injury caused to the skin such as a cut or scrape, a bug bite.
  • Medications- Certain medications are considered as psoriasis trigger for example- High dose of medicines for blood pressure and antimalarial medications.

Psoriasis Symptoms

The symptoms of psoriasis can vary a lot or a little. This depends on how severe the condition is and your skin type. However, some signs that indicate psoriasis are as follows

  • Discomforting patches: Red and raised patches, often called plagues are seen on the skin mainly on the elbows, knees, palms, scalp, and trunk. Such patches display silvery-white scales, which makes them discomforting to even look at.
  • Skin dryness: The skin of a psoriasis patient becomes extremely dry. The cracks on such dried start to arise which sometimes even result in bleeding and skin peeling off.
  • Intense itching: Psoriasis patients often complain of having intense itching and a sense of burning sensation. Such itching becomes way more intolerable with sweating.
  • Pitted Nails: Pale and yellow nails are yet another sign of psoriasis. Besides, discoloration, nail pitting, small dents, and notches can also be seen. Sometimes, the condition may worsen this much that nails start to fall off.
  • Joint pain and swelling: Being an auto-immune condition it could also affect your joint health where possibly, your joints may turn painful, stiff, and inflamed, commonly called psoriatic arthritis.

Symptoms may vary if one has a less common type of psoriasis.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis

  • Ayurveda works on treating the disease from its root cause.
  •  Ayurveda does not work on treating symptoms, it heals an individual within.
  •  Psoriasis can never be cured with Steroid-based creams. It demands a proper Ayurvedic treatment for lifelong healing as part of a comprehensive psoriasis skin disease treatment.
  •  Rasayanachikitsa (immunomodulation) is advised for boosting immunity.
  •  Garlic and Onions are used to purify the blood.

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Can I live a normal life with psoriasis?

Psoriasis can have a major impact on an individual's quality of life they live. This problem hampers the physical and emotional well-being and their daily activities. For the masses that are most affected, may even hamper one’s personal and professional life.

Is psoriasis dangerous?

Psoriasis is not contagious. However, it can become a serious condition if not treated for a long time. Dry, itchy, and rough skin can lead to serious problems. These include psoriatic arthritis, blood vessel damage, or permanent skin marks.

Is there any dietary restrictions for a psoriasis diet?

Yes, sour, salty, and other food items like pepper, curd, milk, sugar, meat or nonveg, sesame seeds, and black gram are contraindications for remedies for psoriasis. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks, packed food, and junk food are to be avoided.

Is psoriasis serious?

Ayurveda, the ancient medical system, believes that skin disorders like psoriasis mainly occur because of two reasons. The first major concern is the imbalance in the body's main energies, known as Doshas. Imbalance occurring in two of the Doshas, namely Vata and Kapha can cause the symptoms of psoriasis. Vata causes scaling of the skin and joint pain.

Which is the best herb for psoriasis?

Turmeric is part of the same family as the ginger plant. Its active ingredient is called curcumin. Turmeric has unique anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which have led scientists to study it as a ayurvedic medicine for psoriasis.

How to cure psoriasis permanently?

Well, there exists no single specific way that can cure psoriasis completely, or instantly. But yes, by making wise dietary choices, following a healthy lifestyle, applying herbal ointments, along with proper medication, one can manage this skin disease quite easily.

Is Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis effective?

Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis is quite effective as Ayurveda has various Herbs that help fight psoriasis.

How long does Ayurvedic treatment last for psoriasis?

Ayurvedic Psoriasis treatment is never the same for 2 human beings. It varies according to Dosha. So the time for treatment also varies according to individuals and their type of disease.

What is the root cause of psoriasis?

Ill eating habits, overeating, and undigested food can lead to psoriasis. Some people who intake sour things with milk are more prone to have psoriasis.

Can psoriasis be cured?

As per Ayurveda, there are several methods that focus on managing the root cause not only the symptoms. Psoriasis treatment in Ayurveda is effective and helpful in handling chronic cases So with Ayurveda, one wisely manages the problem and provides relief.

Can psoriasis cause cancer?

No! Psoriasis itself does not cause cancer. Yes! Patients with psoriasis have a slightly higher risk of developing some cancers. These include lymphoma, nonmelanoma skin cancer, and lung cancer.

What organs does psoriasis affect?

Well, psoriasis mainly affects the largest organ of your body which is the skin. But yes, if left untreated it can also adversely affect other organs such as eyes, nails, digestion, heart, kidneys, and lungs.

What is the Dosha of psoriasis in Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, the aggravation of all three doshas is believed to be the cause of skin problems. But if talking particularly about psoriasis, the major two doshas involved are Vata and Kapha dosha.

Which treatment is better for psoriasis homeopathy or allopathy or Ayurvedic?

Well, both the treatment options solely aim at curing psoriasis following authentic measures. But among psoriasis patients, Ayurveda has shown way more wonderful results which eventually makes it a better option.

Can psoriasis patient donate blood?

Yes! Patients with mild psoriasis symptoms can donate blood. But if their condition is severe, or they are taking any sort of oral medications for the same, they should avoid donating the blood.

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