What happens if you leave anemia untreated for too long

Before proceeding to the topic ‘What Happens if Anemia is Left Untreated’, let’s first understand the term Anemia.

Basically, anemia is a blood disorder that grows in our body due to a low count of red blood cells or a drop in concentration of hemoglobin. This condition can lead to serious health complications. It is because, the basic function of RBCs is to supply oxygen to the body’s tissues and its low count means the organs will lack oxygen levels.

Now let’s understand this term from an Ayurvedic point of view. Anemia, in Ayurveda, is also known as ‘Pandu Roga’. According to its theory, anemia might result from improper nutrition, weak Agni (digestive fire), and poor digestion. Therefore, Its emergence is considered to be a cause of imbalance in Pitta Dosha, which is responsible for the metabolism and digestion of the body.

This condition is further classified into different types:

  • Anemia due to Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Anemia due to folic acid deficiency
  • Anemia due to iron deficiency
  • Anemia due to chronic disease
  • Hemolytic Anemia
  • Aplastic Anemia
  • Megaloblastic Anemia
  • Pernicious Anemia
  • Sickle cell Anemia
  • Thalassemia

Anemia due to Iron Deficiency is the most common out of all.

Let’s understand the anemia symptoms for better knowledge.

    • Feeling of tiredness or weakness
    • Breathlessness
    • Pale skin
    • Irregular heartbeat
    • Cold feet and hands
    • Chest pain

If someone experiences any of the above-written symptoms, it could be a result of an underlying condition i.e. low count of Red Blood Cells (RBCs). It is important to consult an expert immediately and get your body diagnosed. The most common test to detect anemia is CBC (Complete Blood Count). In this test, a complete count of all types of blood cells, hemoglobin, platelets, etc. is analyzed.

Suppose an individual does not take any action immediately and delays their test or further treatment. In that case, it can lead to serious complications such as angina, arrhythmias, cognitive impairment, and sometimes even organ-failure like heart or renal failure, which can occur in no time without a proper treatment.

Now a basic question arises: Which Treatment is Reliable for Anemia?
The most reliable approach as per several researches is "Ayurvedic Treatment for Anemia". As Ayurveda has gained enormous trust over the years with its myriad of positive results.

Unlike modern medication, Ayurveda does not suppress the symptoms of a disease with lab-formulated chemical medicines. On the contrary, it has been satisfying its patients with an ‘all-natural’ approach since ancient times. Its time-tested herbs and remedies are known for their truthful results.

The motive of an Ayurvedic treatment is not just to cure a disease, but also to heal and detoxify the body from within. So as, to provide it with a stronger immune system to prevent further recurrence of diseases.

The Natural Treatment for Anemia with Ayurveda

Wanna know the secret remedies for curbing Anemia? Here’s a list for you:

Additions to Diet

    • Amla Juice: Having some amla juice every day can totally change your iron game. If you're lacking in this super important mineral, then amla juice is highly recommended. Plus, it is great for boosting your immune system, improving digestion, and giving you that glowing skin and healthy hair.
    • Green Leafy Vegetables: These food items are great for boosting iron levels, making more red blood cells, and easing anemia symptoms. Also, green leafy veggies are super low in calories and fully packed with fiber. So, they are a really healthy and yummy choice for anemia patients.
    • Black Raisins: Raisins are a convenient and a tasty way to add more iron to your diet. They are a great snack option when eaten in moderation.
    • Citrus Fruits: It's important to get enough vitamin C to help your body with the proper iron absorption process. So, munching on fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons can help with a better iron absorption process. It also provides your body with what it needs for better production of RBCs and hemoglobin.
    • Black Sesame Seeds: Sesame seeds are full of iron, copper, zinc, vitamin E, and folate. Adding them to your diet regularly can help boost hemoglobin levels.
    • Methi Seeds: It was reported that methi seeds have a lot of iron, Vitamin A, B, and C present in them. Additionally, they are packed with protein and essential amino acids. Thus, helping in boosting blood hemoglobin levels.
    • Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of plant-based iron. This can help treat anemia or low hemoglobin levels.

Herbs & Spices

Using Herbs and Spices can actually be super beneficial for those dealing with anemia. As they are jam-packed with all sorts of nutrients, those are required to give a serious boost for better RBCs production in our body.

Some herbs and spices like Parsley, Thyme, and Nettle are packed with iron. Adding more of these to our diet can be really beneficial.
On the other hand, Ginger and Turmeric have compounds that can boost blood flow and make sure the oxygen is reaching every part of the body.

Just throw in some of these herbs or spices to your meals and you’ll be helping your body to fight anemia. The bonus point is, they’ll even make your food taste better!

Lifestyle Modifications:

Physical activity:

Exercise is like a savior for anemia patients. When you exercise, your heart pumps harder and faster, which makes the blood flow better. This really helps oxygen to move around your body efficiently.

With a proper workout, one can say goodbye to constant fatigue due to anemia as your body will stay more energized. In general, it is a beneficial point for such patients. Just start with small and easy steps such as half an hour of walking or jogging. Then gradually increase your activity. By following this step regularly, your body will thank you!

Usage of Copper vessel:

Using copper vessels can be really important for anemia patients. See, copper is like a superhero for your blood because it helps your body absorb iron better. And you know what iron does? It helps make those red blood cells that carry oxygen around your body. So, when you use copper vessels to store or cook your food, a little bit of that copper can leach into your food, giving you a dose of this really important mineral.

Think of it as a little boost for your body to fight off anemia. Just make sure you're using them safely and properly, and you might find that they become your new favorite kitchen tool overtime!

Quit Smoking:

If you have anemia, it is a good idea to quit smoking and reduce your alcohol intake. Here's why: smoking can make it harder for oxygen to flow smoothly through your body, especially with low blood cell count.And alcohol? It can interfere with your body's ability to absorb important nutrients like vitamins and minerals. So, kicking these habits can really help your body recover and produce more healthy red blood cells. It's like giving your body a chance to heal and become stronger overall.

Yoga and Breathing Exercises:

Yoga and Deep breathing exercises are really crucial for people dealing with anemia. An anemic patient does not get enough oxygen due to low blood cell count. Doing yoga poses and deep breathing can totally help improve with better blood flow and supply of oxygen throughout the body.
Think about it like this: yoga keeps your blood pumping and your heart working better. Poses such as Trikonasana, Halasana, and Shavasana can help stretch and flex your muscles. This further helps with better and free blood flow.
Plus, deep breathing exercises help you breathe-in more oxygen, ensuring your cells are getting what they need to stay healthy. So, by making these a part of your daily routine, you will feel more relaxed and relieve stress.

Read this blog for more detailed information on How to overcome Anemia using Ayurveda


The bottom line of the blog is, it’s crucial for individuals to never underestimate the signals their body is showing. It’s true that ‘Precaution is always better than cure’ but if someone is diagnosed with any of the health conditions, then its treatment on time is way more important. Our body is our asset, invest in it with the right choices.

Article By:

Dr. Sharda Ayurveda

At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.