In the era of this smart world, many of us have forgotten to take care of our health. With our hectic schedules, we try our best to complete our pending tasks and give the majority of time to our work but we forget to make some time for a healthy living. In the end, this negligence is gonna provide us with no benefit. We all have heard of how health is our wealth. It is not just a line for articles and blogs, rather one needs to understand its deep meaning and think of their health as a priority.

With rapid increase in the lifestyle of this fast-moving modern world, the readings on our health indicators are also swiftly rising. Similarly, one of the health conditions commonly found not only among adults but also now among teenagers is Blood Pressure.

Blood pressure is not just a number on a health device rather it’s an essential indicator of our health. Both its types i.e. Hypertension and Hypotension are quite dangerous as they can silently damage the organs of our body with time, leading to serious health concerns like Heart problems i.e. Coronary Artery Disease.

A very common question arises with that: what is blood pressure and what’s its normal range? Basically, Blood Pressure is noted as the pressure of blood flowing in the arteries. It shows two readings. The top reading is known as systolic pressure and the bottom reading is known as diastolic pressure.

Therefore in adults, the normal blood pressure level ranges from 120/80 mm Hg. If two or more readings decrease to 90/60 mm Hg then it is considered as low blood pressure. And, if the reading reaches to or above 140/90 mm Hg then it is considered as high blood pressure.

Symptoms of Blood Pressure

Here are the symptoms of Hypertension and Hypotension:

High Blood Pressure

Well, it has been seen that patients with high BP do not show any major signs of it, even if the readings touched an alarming level. But here are a few high blood pressure symptoms that one can notice to recognize the rise in BP levels:

    • Headaches
    • Breathlessness
    • Irregular heartbeat
    • Sweating
    • Chest pain
    • Bleeding from nose

Low Blood Pressure

When the levels of Blood Pressure drops, the body automatically shows a sign of it, such as:

    • Dizziness
    • Weakness
    • Pale skin
    • Nausea
    • Blurred Vision
    • Lack of concentration

Causes of fluctuation in Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

The risk factors that mainly contribute to Hypertension are:

    • Increase of age
    • Poor diet
    • Overweight
    • Family history
    • Consumption of alcohol

Low Blood Pressure

The risk factors that mainly contribute to Hypotension are:

    • Body position
    • Stress
    • Breathing rhythm
    • Poor diet


To overcome the problem of abnormal levels of blood pressure, the most reliable treatment that offers an all-natural holistic approach is Ayurvedic treatment.
The best way to treat or prevent any health condition is by looking after what goes inside your body i.e. one’s daily diet. With a few corrections in nutritional adjustments in addition to healthy habits, one can increase the numbers of their age for this lifetime.

How Ayurveda can Reduce High Blood Pressure?

Everyone wonders how Ayurveda can manage our blood pressure levels? No doubt there are a number of Western medicines available in the market to treat blood pressure, but those lab-formulated medicines will just suppress the symptoms for a short span of time and will leave with chronic side effects as a return gift.
That is where Ayurveda plays a role. Ayurveda provides a guaranteed treatment that only includes a healthy way of living. So, on a wider picture, Ayurveda is not in support of chemically formulated medicines rather it promotes a healthy lifestyle to prevent or manage any of your health conditions. With which one does not need to stay dependent on medicines for their good health.So, here are some Tips for Patients with High Blood Pressure

Diet and Nutrition for Patients with High BP

The correct diet for hypertension patients is the DASH diet. This means a Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension.

What foods to eat and avoid when your blood pressure is high

What to Eat in High Blood Pressure?

    • The DASH diet helps create a heart-healthy eating style for hypertension patients for life. This diet includes food items such as Citrus fruits, as they are rich in Vitamin C which aids in reducing the risk of elevated blood pressure.
    • Pumpkin seeds and Sweet Potatoes are good sources of Magnesium, which helps in managing the sodium levels in our body, thus, reducing the BP.
    • Bananas are said to be very beneficial for such patients as they are rich in Potassium and Fiber.
    • Eating more Fiber has been linked to a lower risk of heart and circulatory diseases. So, whole grains such as Brown Rice, Wholemeal Bread and Oats are suggested.

What to Avoid in High Blood Pressure?

    • Hypertension patients need to keep in mind that there are certain food items that need to be strictly avoided.
    • Individuals need to keep a check on their salt intake. Therefore, excess salty food items must be avoided.
    • Sugary and fatty foods do not have a direct link to Blood Pressure, but they can lead to weight gain which is a contributing factor to hypertension.
    • Excess Intake of Alcohol can damage the liver and lead to weight gain, thus, a rise in BP.
    • Overconsumption of caffeine can affect the blood pressure in our body.

Natural Herbs for High BP

Herbal medicines such as Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Garlic, Arjuna, Amla, and Jatamansi have proven to be very effective in regulating normal blood pressure in the body. One can rely on these herbs with the consultation of their expert doctors.

These herbs are supposed to have anti-hypertensive and calming properties that will soothe our minds. This will help reduce stress, the main contributor to increased blood pressure.

Yoga Asanas for High BP

Yoga or meditation is not just for refreshing the mind. Its effect on our body is a very vast concept. One can find their inner self by meditating with full concentration.

The same way Yoga asanas to manage High Blood Pressure such as Balasana, Sukhasana, Shavasana, and

Bhujangasana can refresh our mind and help our body with proper regulation of blood pressure and healthy circulatory system.

How Ayurveda helps to Control Low Blood Pressure?

After understanding the concept of hypertension and how Ayurveda provides support in managing proper regulation of Blood Pressure, It’s time to know more about hypotension management So, here are some Tips for Patients with Low Blood Pressure.

Diet and Nutrition to Control Low Blood Pressure

Like other cute ailments, low blood pressure can be managed through the right diet. Here’s what hypotension patients can add or remove from their plate for a healthy heart and an increase in blood pressureBelow is a glimpse of the food items that can be beneficial and the one’s need to be avoided.

What foods to eat and avoid when your blood pressure is low

What to eat in Low BP?

    • Coffee promotes an instant spike in blood pressure. So, it can prove to be an ideal superfood to boost the level of BP.
    • A limited usage of Pink Salt or Rock Salt can do wonders for you.
    • Nutrients such as Folate, Iron, and Potassium are found in abundant amounts in nuts. This helps in raising blood pressure.
    • A group of Green Leafy Vegetables such as Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, and Cauliflower are a great source of Iron. Thus, improving blood pressure.

What to avoid in Low BP?

    • Dehydration can be a cause of low blood pressure. So intake of alcohol should be avoided as it dehydrates the body.
    • Large portions of meals containing excessive carbs can further decline the level of BP in the body.

Natural Herbs for Low Blood Pressure

Herbal plants with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties might be beneficial for the health of hypotension patients. Herbs with such properties include Licorice, Tulsi, Brahmi, and Shankhpushpi.

Yoga Asanas for Low BP Patients

Dedicating a few minutes to regular yoga can provide noticeable results in our health. A few yoga poses to manage low blood pressure are Sukhasana, Vajrasana, and Malasana.


The motive of the above blog was to provide a detailed description of both types of blood pressure. So, the awareness of such acute illness must come to the attention of the majority of people and everyone must look after their health for a better well-being.

Article By:

Dr. Sharda Ayurveda

At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.