मनः प्रशमनोपायो योग
इत्यभिधीयते ॥
means yoga is the recourse to pacify the mind. Each step, or stretch of yoga unlocks a different treasure towards the well-being of your mind, body, and soul.
Often people confuse that stretching the body or performing yoga is not beneficial for people with arthritis. We are delighted to clear this conception.
In fact, performing yoga is immensely helpful for joint problems such as arthritis. The blog covers detailed information regarding what exactly arthritis is, its causes, its symptoms, and why choosing yoga for arthritis is a wise choice.
What is Arthritis
In medical terminologies, Itis means inflammation. As the name clears itself it's an inflammatory disorder. It causes tenderness and swelling to the joints such as fingers, wrists, knees, hips, neck, toes, ankles, shoulders, and the back.
You might be shocked to know that there are more than 100 types of arthritis. Out of these, the most common types are Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Psoriatic arthritis, Reactive arthritis, Juvenile arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Lumbar spondylitis, gout, and Fibromyalgia.
Ayurvedic Perspective
It is believed that the human body has 3 prime forces namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Dosha. Whenever any of these forces or Doshas get imbalanced inside the body, it triggers the smooth functioning of the body. As a result, the toxins (ama) do not get eliminated through the body and cause problems.
Factors Responsible for the occurrence of Arthritis
There is not one single specific cause that leads to arthritis. Unhealthy dietary choices such as junk, oily, fried, processed, stale, under or overcooked, and even excessive dairy and non-vegetarian products can lead to arthritis. Immobility, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, and distress are some other causes that contribute to the development of arthritis.
Signs of Arthritis:
Based on the common health complaints of arthritis patients, the symptoms of this inflammatory disease are:
- Joint pain, stiffness, and swelling
- Redness, or burning sensation
- Difficulty while moving
- Body weakness
- Physical deformity (In rare cases)
- Fatigue or sleeping difficulty
What is Yoga?
Yoga has been derived from the word “Yuj” which is a Sanskrit word indicating “To join”, or “To unite”. It is a holistic approach that aims to unite human consciousness with the infinite universal consciousness. It is a key to restore balance & inner peace of your mind and body.
How Yoga is Beneficial For Arthritis Patients?
There is a beneficiary linkage between yoga and arthritis. The intense exercises and movements might not be comfortable for arthritis patients.
In such a condition, the most satisfactory approach is opting yoga asanas for arthritis. It involves little stretching and mobility of the joints which helps in enhancing the flexibility of the body. Apart from physical pain, yoga has also proved beneficial for patients with hypertension, anxiety, and depression.
Benefits of Yoga
There are numerous health benefits that have been hidden inside yoga. When practised mindfully and under the guidance of a qualified instructor, or yoga expert, it can help alleviate symptoms of all types of joint, digestive, skin, urinary, sexual, and physiological disorders. The main aim of yoga is to provide the patient with long-term and permanent relief rather than just reducing the pain for a limited period. Below are some of the key benefits of yoga for arthritis patients:
- It is a wise choice to choose yoga for joint pain and stiffness. It will not only enhance the flexibility of the joints but will also reduce the inflammation, and redness of the joints.
- It restricts the accumulation of toxins (Ama) inside the body, thereby preventing innumerable health concerns.
- Yoga promotes awareness of body alignment and posture, which leads to improved body mechanics and reduced strain on joints.
- Blood circulation is also enhanced by performing yoga. It delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the joints, eventually encouraging the body's internal healing process.
- If you are obese, your joints (especially knees) have to bear extra pressure or weight, resulting in pain and swelling. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for arthritis patients. Practicing yoga on a regular basis supports weight loss in a natural way.
- Practicing yoga has also been proven advantageous for heart health.
- It also relieves stress, which is one of the exacerbating factors of arthritis.
- Certain yoga poses build muscle strength, which can help support and stabilize arthritic joints, reducing the risk of injury.
- Yoga also contributes significantly to improving sleep quality, which is essential for overall health and managing arthritis symptoms.
- Yoga's combination of physical postures, breathing techniques, and relaxation can help manage pain associated with arthritis by reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation.
Which Yoga Asanas are Best for Arthritis Patients?
Performing trikonasana significantly helps in reducing anxiety, depression, stress, and hypertension. It is also helpful during menstruation, metabolic syndrome, and neurodegenerative disorders. It is advised for arthritis patients because of its digestion-improving and joint pain-reducing capabilities.
How to Perform Trikonasana:
- Step 1. Firstly, stand straight and extend your arms in such a manner that they are parallel to the ground.
- Step 2. Now inhale and lift your right hand upwards. Then slowly bend the torso at the waist, towards the left side, and exhale.
- Step 3. Bring your left arm to your left foot while and bend. Meanwhile, slowly hold your ankle and make sure to keep your right hand upward, above the shoulder.
- Step 4. Now, turn your head up and look in the direction of the ceiling, ensuring keeping the shoulders aligned. Hold for 30 seconds and then return to the standing position.
- Step 5. Repeat the similar process on the other side.
This yoga asana is very helpful for arthritis patients as it helps to relieve joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation. It also helps in weight management, thus reducing extra pressure on joints, especially knees. Apart from this, blood circulation is also improved by performing Paschimottanasana.
How to Perform Paschimottanasana:
- Step 1. Firstly, take a seat on a comfortable mat with your legs stretched out straight in front of you. Make sure your toes are flexed toward you and the spine is erect.
- Step 2. Take a deep breath and move both of your arms above your head.
- Step 3. Now bend yourself from the hip joints and exhale. Grab hold of your big toes. Try to touch your forehead either onto your knees without forcing.
- Step 4. Try to get your elbows toward the floor.
- Step 5. Stay in this position for around 20-30 seconds.
- Step 6. Now inhale and come back to normal position, straightening your spine and placing palms on the floor.
- Step 7. Do a similar process for 2 or 3 times.
As the name itself is clear, the posture simulates a tree. It is an easy yoga asana for arthritis, that brings a harmonious balance to your body as well as the mind. It is a wonderful arthritis yoga exercise that provides relief from several inflammatory and joint disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Reactive arthritis, Cervical spondylitis, or Ankylosing spondylitis.
How to Perform Vrikshasana:
- Step 1. Firstly, stand still on your feet. Keep a distance of 2 inches between your feets.
- Step 2. Start to inhale. Bend your right leg and place your right foot high up to your left thigh. You will be in a position, where your right heel will be touching the perineum.
- Step 3. Raise your arms to adjoin your palms above your head, to be in a Namaskar Mudra.
- Step 4. Stay still for 10 to 30 seconds, or as per your balancing capacity while ensuring a straight spine.
- Step 5. Slowly slowly bring your arms down and breathe out.
- Step 6. Now it is time to repeat this process using your left leg.
In English, this asana is known as Cobra pose because when you perform it, the posture reflects a cobra who has raised his hood. In addition to arthritis management, it has also been proven effective in handling digestive, respiratory, and kidney-related disorders.
How to Perform Bhujangasana:
- Step 1. Firstly, lie down flat on your abdomen and relax. Place your legs together where the heels and feets are touching each other slightly.
- Step 2. Fold and place your arms in such a way that your palms are close to your shoulders on the floor.
- Step 3. Now, inhale deeply and raise your upper body off the floor. The pressure of your upper body will be on your palms.
- Step 4. After that try to raise your torso off the floor. Do it as per the flexibility of your body only, do not force your joints to any extent.
- Step 5. Stay still for 4-5 breaths.
- Step 6. Now exhale and gently come back to the normal position, bringing the abdomen, chest, and head back to the floor.
Padmasana is also known as “Lotus pose” as the posture symbolizes a lotus (Kamal). It provides numerous benefits to the body such as improved digestion, a better respiratory system, increased blood circulation, and compressed menstruation difficulties.
How to Perform Padmasana:
- Step 1. Firstly, sit on the floor comfortably with your legs stretched. Make sure your spine is erect.
- Step 2. Bend your right leg to place the right foot on your left thigh. Similarly, bend your other leg also. The feels will be opposite to each other and will be pressing down on the other side of the groin.
- Step 3. Place your hands on the knees and create a “Mudra posture”.
- Step 4. Keep your neck, shoulders, head, and spine straight.
- Step 5. Now take deep breaths and exhale gently for the next 2 to 5 minutes.
It is pivotal to mention that these yoga asanas are mere guidelines that have been considered beneficial to arthritis patients. The patients are advised to consult a physician or healthcare professional before performing any of these asanas.
Strictly avoid these, if you are pregnant, have undergone any surgery, or suffering from any abdominal issue such as hernia peptic ulcers.
Nothing is permanent, so why shouldn't pain? Choose these yoga asanas for arthritis and make your joints more flexible, strong, and healthy.
Now what are you waiting for?
Roll out your mat and start your journey for an optimistic & healthy living.
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