The problem of kidney stones is quite common all over the world. If we talk particularly about India, then it holds around 12% of this global prevalence.

Often people neglect this condition during the initial stages- which is the biggest mistake they ever make. If one detects kidney stones in their early stages and takes medical action for the same, then it is comparatively easy to pass them. Otherwise, the condition may become intense and the size of these kidneys may increase and grow rapidly. In certain circumstances, even surgery may be required.

But why wait for such serious complications when you can treat it very easily? Kidney stone treatment in Ayurveda has been proven the most effective approach through which countless patients have succeeded in passing their kidney stones easily with effective Ayurvedic treatment.


Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

There exists a number of symptoms that a patient with kidney stones may experience. Some of these symptoms are as below:

  • Sharp lower back pain: Patients often experience a shooting pain in their lower back, under the ribs. It is basically the area where the kidneys are located. However, such pain mainly occurs on one side of the back only.
  • Stomach ache: In addition to lower back pain, stomach ache is also common during kidney stones. Such pain can be both- continuous, or come and go from time to time. With time, it is also possible that such pain may move to the groin area.
  • Bloody urine, or discoloration: The patient may also experience discoloration of the urine such as brown, or red. In certain intense cases, there is also a possibility that your urine may contain blood.
  • Nausea, headaches, and vomiting: Well, digestive health also gets adversely affected during kidney-related issues. The patient often complains that they feel dizzy, nauseous, and an urge to vomit. Some of such individuals also experience a headache that could be both shooting and mild.
  • Fever and hot flashes: A persistent feverish feeling accompanied by excessive sweating and hot flashes is also seen among kidney stone patients which is mainly induced by improper digestion, and accumulation of waste products in the system.
  • Urinary problems: The patient often pees very frequently but in very small quantities. Also, the urine observed among such patients is blurred and of bad odor. Certain patients also encounter a burning sensation while urinating.


Causes Of Kidney Stones:

Well, there are a number of factors that may result, in or support the formation of kidney stones, some of which are as follows:

    • The dietary choices you make

The food you consume has a direct effect on your overall health. If your diet contains high levels of salt, sugar, sodium, or iron levels, then there are likely chances that you may experience kidney stones.

    • Lifestyle you follow

A sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to the formation of kidney stones to a great extent. Eating and lying down just after that, not doing any physical activity, or exercises results in the accumulation of harmful toxins in your body, eventually supporting kidney stone formation in the long run.

    • Excessive intake of alcohol

Alcohol contains very high levels of purines, which is a chemical compound responsible for forming uric acid kidney stones. When such a harmful beverage is infused for a prolonged time period, it makes the kidney unable to filter the bloodstream and function properly.

    • Less water consumption

The most common, and obvious reason for experiencing kidney stones is less water intake. The water is needed by your body, to stay hydrated and eliminate the waste products through the medium of urine.

But if you don’t drink the required amount of water throughout the day, the waste products will stay inside your body for extended periods, resulting in kidney stones, or dehydration.

    • Your Previous medical history

Besides all your present mistakes related to diet, and lifestyle, your past medical history also plays a crucial role here. There are certain health conditions that are directly associated with your kidney health, and functioning.

Mainly saying the diseases that increase the risk of kidney stones are diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, Cystic fibrosis, gout, and obesity.

    • Modern medications

Well, medicines help, but not always. Western medications often contain a number of chemicals that are detrimental to your health. The prolonged consumption of these medicines adversely affects the functioning of your kidneys, and often supports the formation of kidney stones.

Role of Diet for Renal Health

No matter what the condition is, whether you are dealing with some sort of kidney concern, digestive problem, respiratory dysfunction, etc, or even if you are looking for a simple way to keep your kidneys healthy, and strong,

Diet is something that can not be left behind.

Whereas consumption of a healthy and wholesome diet can help you add race to your kidney stone treatment, on the other hand, the intake of an unhealthy diet can affect your kidneys in multiple ways.

Now, you might have already assumed that an unhealthy diet means food items that are processed, oily, heavy, or processed.

Well, you are right here but not completely!
Apart from these, there are even certain healthy foods that are not advised for kidney stone patients. Many people assume these so-called healthy foods are good for the renal and can be taken along with their kidney stone treatment. As a result, the size of their kidney stones starts to get bigger, and bigger.

Wanna know the names of these healthy but unhealthy foods?
Then continue your reading till the end…..

Foods To Avoid With Kidney Stones


7 Foods to avoid in kidney stone


    This green veggie is a powerhouse of oxalate and iron that can support the development of kidney stones to a great extent. It does not mean that spinach is unhealthy, in fact, it is beneficial for several purposes. Right from maintaining good vision to helping fight against cancer, it has multiple antioxidant properties that can be utilized for achieving optimal health.

    No matter whether you are using spinach as a main meal, or adding it as a supplementary ingredient in your diet, just stop, especially if you are already dealing with kidney concerns.

    Dry Fruits

      Well, the consumption of dry fruits is often suggested by physicians, and doctors but never to kidney stone patients. Fully loaded with minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and so on, the intake of dry fruits can support the formation of kidney stones.

      Thus, it’s on a high note, to completely avoid all types of dry fruits including almonds, cashews, pistachios, nuts, peanuts, walnuts, dates, prunes, and raisins.

      Wheat Bran

        Wheat bran can be defined as that outer, and hard layer of the wheat grain that we commonly call “Chokar” in Hindi. Normally, it is advised for patients who are dealing with constipation, hernia, increased high cholesterol, or colon-related diseases as it is a rich source of fiber and healthy nutrients.

        Apart from containing healthy antioxidants, it is also listed on the priority list while discussing what foods cause kidney stones. It is enriched in oxalates which increases the risk of stone formation in the kidneys.


          Best for blood, beets are another item that can be included in the list of foods that cause kidney stones. It is one of the richest sources of oxalates that works as a strong stone-forming agent when consumed, especially when consumed on a routine basis and in high quantity.

          Often people start drinking its juice or consuming it in the form of salads during kidney stone problems mistakenly assuming it to be beneficial.


            Veggie is quite common especially in India. It is also known as eggplant, and in Hindi “baingan.” The oxalate levels are very high in this vegetable making it one of the worst dietary choices for a patient with kidney stones.

            Besides causing kidney troubles, certain people start to experience certain allergic reactions such as sore throat, skin rashes, itchiness, and sometimes indigestion, and nausea.


              Balance of both- crunch, and soft, soya is one of the priorities when it comes to taste. Not only the taste, but the consumption of soya can also be pleasing for your overall health, and well-being. Being the ultimate powerhouse of protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, oxidants, and phytoestrogens, it is also the best choice for gym freaks.

              Unfortunately, for patients with kidney diseases, specifically with stones, consuming soya can not be a pleasant experience. High levels of stone-forming agents, mainly oxalates, are found in soya that can support the development of the stones, or increase the size of existing ones.


                Okra is the fancy name of your so-called and favorite lady finger. Particularly, talking about India, it is one of the most common meals due to its delicious nature, and health-optimizing qualities. Although it has multiple healthy antioxidants, we still don’t consider Okra (lady finger) a healthy choice for kidney stone patients.

                The enriched content of oxalates present in Okra supports the development of kidney stones and triggers their complications including abdominal pain, vomiting, indigestion, and painful urination.


                So, these are the 7 foods suggested to avoid by the experts. If you know more about such foods to avoid or want to get an ideal diet chart that can help you pass kidney stones naturally, then you can consult the experts at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda.

                Article By:

                Dr Sharda Ayurveda

                At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.

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