The year 2019- India recorded the highest number of kidney stone cases around 25,291,359, after China and Russia - Report of National Institute of Health (NCBI)
And that's not it. This count is increasing day by day. The obvious reasons behind such widespread problems are poor dietary choices, inadequate fluid intake, obesity, or excessive stress and medication.
Generally, patients do not give any specific attention when they start to experience initial symptoms of kidney stones such as lower abdominal pain, smelly urine, burning sensation while urinating, nausea, vomiting, etc. Such prolonged negligence makes the condition worse and eventually their kidney stone pain turns intolerable.
To help patients with kidney stones at a large scale, the experts at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda have shared certain amazing ways through which one can get rid of kidney stone pain naturally. But before jumping directly to knowing the best way to get rid of kidney stones, let’s have a quick discussion about why kidney stones mainly arise.
Causes of kidney stones
- Dehydration: Your body requires an adequate amount of water/fluids to eliminate the waste, or harmful toxins throughout your body. But if you are not drinking the required amount of fluids, these toxins will accumulate inside your system, supporting kidney stone formation.
- Faulty diet: High intake of animal protein, calcium-rich diet, oxalates-containing items, processed, and fatty foods contain compounds that support the formation of kidney stones, once they get inside your body.
- Pre-existing medical conditions: If you are already suffering from any medical conditions such as hyperparathyroidism, uric acid, gout, diabetes, and urinary tract infection, then you are more prone to kidney-related problems including stones.
- Excessive stress: Under the state of stress, your body releases hormones such as cortisol, vasopressin, and ACTH that mainly function to increase calcium levels in the body. On the other hand, stress also leads to dehydration, and decreased urine volume, which are further significant causative factors of kidney stones.
- Prolonged medications: When the consumption of certain medications such as calcium supplements, diabetes pills, Vitamin-C capsules, antacids, etc is done for a prolonged period, then it starts affecting the functioning of the kidneys, and may even cause kidney stones.
Possible Risk Factors
- Obesity: Excessive weight increases the risk of kidney stones through insulin resistance and other metabolic factors. That’s why the patients complaining of kidney problems are often obese.
- Heredity: We have also seen instances where this condition runs in the family. The children also experience kidney problems if parents are suffering from some sort of kidney concerns. However, it is not always necessary.
- Irregular bowel conditions: The waste materials if not eliminated throughout the body can support stone formation. Additionally, indigestion and chronic diarrhea cause dehydration in the body which is a prime factor responsible for kidney stones.
Relieve Kidney Stone Pain Naturally at home
The good news for all the patients dealing with kidney stones is that if you follow some dietary precautions and tips to pass kidney stones, then you can make the process of passing a kidney stone quite easy. Some of these natural measures to pass kidney stones and relieve the pain are as follows:
1. Have some lemons
Lemons are considered to be the best for kidney stone patients as they contain citrate, which helps to break down the calcium deposits and reduce the pain, and growth of kidney stones.
Just sip a full glass of lemon juice on a routine basis, especially when you feel any pain or discomfort in your abdomen. Otherwise, you may also opt for lemon water. Just make sure you are drinking it pure, and try not to add any sugar-added lemon drinks as they may aggravate your stone pain.
2. Sip wheatgrass juice
Wheatgrass juice has several compounds that can help you. Firstly, its consumption helps to increase your urine flow which is necessary for stones to be passed. On the other hand, it will also help to reduce urinary inflammation and infections.
Additionally, its high nutrients and healthy antioxidant content make it further an efficient option for rejuvenating kidneys and urinary tracts.
3. Try heat pads
Kidney stone pain treatment also involves the use of heat therapy. For this, you don’t necessarily have to visit a physiotherapist, or healthcare expert. In the market, several electronic, or warm water heating pads are available, and you can use them.
Just place them on the pain areas on your abdomen, mainly below your ribs where the kidneys are actually located. Also, make sure to flip these heating pads after a few minutes.
4. Apple cider vinegar
It is the best stone diluter available that can help you a lot in passing a kidney stone. Its consumption makes it possible to naturally dissolve the stone.
For this, just simply add one or two tablespoons of ACV into a glass of water and stir it well. Now, just drink this mixture, it will surely help you with your kidney stone problem.
5. Bathe with warm Epsom salt water
Taking a bath with lukewarm water can also help you a lot to attain relief from kidney stones. Epsom salt has a rich content of magnesium that is considered to be best for relieving muscle tensions, and spasms often observed in kidney stones patients.
Add around 2 cups of Epsom salt into your bathtub filled with lukewarm water, else if using a bucket, reduce the ratio to 1 cup. Now, dip into this water, and stay in a relaxing position for the next few minutes.
Although it is not a permanent solution for your kidney stones, it can help you alleviate the shooting abdominal pain temporarily.
6. Drink parsley juice
If we are talking about kidney stone pain treatment, then we can’t exclude this potent herb, named parsley. Besides being a natural diuretic agent, it also works well to manage BP and digestive concerns such as bloating, gas, and constipation.
You can simply chew fresh leaves of parsley, else you may make a juice of them and drink it. Some people also use it for garnishing their meals.
Its routine consumption will surely help you to cleanse your kidneys and reduce the strain laid down by kidney stones.
7. Herbal tea
That’s also a wonderful option that is often suggested in Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones. Herbs such as Punarnava, Gokshura, Tulsi, Neem, and Varuna are some potent herbs that can provide you with relief from kidney stone pain.
Just simply add these herbs either in exact form, or extract form into the boiling water. After a few minutes when the water absorbs all the nutrients and starts to change its color, turn off the gas.
Now, let the water cool down naturally, and when it is in lukewarm form, sip it slowly.
8. Take Celery juice
This green veggie also holds immense power to fight against kidney concerns. If you drink its juice, then it will increase your urine flow, which is a favorable condition for passing a kidney stone.
Besides just helping with kidney problems, celery is equally beneficial for managing blood pressure, excessive weight, urinary infections, and even jaundice.
9. Prepare kidney bean broth
Rajma! Yes, often one of the favorite dishes of Indians. These tiny beans can also be used as a natural measure to resolve kidney stones, and urinary infections.
After boiling the beans, strain the seeds out and pour the liquid into a glass/bowl. Now, let it cool down a little. Once it hits the lukewarm temperature, you can sip it.
Remember, not all kidney stones necessarily require operations. In Ayurveda, there are thousands of home remedies for cure kidney stones available, through which you can dilute these stones, and pass them quite easily.
But yes, make sure to consult an Ayurveda practitioner, or physician before opting for these remedies, and natural measures so that they can devise your ideal dosage, and usage as per your body-Prakriti and medical condition.
Still, if you have any doubts, want to get more insights, or want to pursue natural medications for kidney stones, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda is always there to help you.
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