Do you often compliant of cold and cough every changing season?
What causes the symptoms to arrive?
Is surgery the only option for getting relief from sinusitis symptoms?
Seasonal variability has the potential to significantly negatively affect the health directly impacting well-being of an individual. These changes hamper the smooth functioning of the bodily systems and make them more prone to get affected or infected by the causal of the diseases. Cold and cough when experienced more often is not to be neglected and must be taken into consideration and subsequently managed under the supervision of the experts. Your dripping nose accompanied by nasal congestion and blockages are the warning sign for the emergence of serious respiratory diseases. If not treated can affect the lungs and hinder the breathing process which directly impacts the daily routine activities.
Sinusitis in recent times emerged as a medical condition that remarkably affected almost 1/4th of the population globally. The earlier symptoms are often neglected or overshadowed as normal cold and cough as a part of seasonal allergies but this with time could later lead to unmanageable health issues. Sinusitis these days has emerged as a disease that causes inflammation, or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. These are four paired cavities in the head that are connected through narrow thin channels. As a normal process, sinuses are filled with air but on contrary, a blocked nasal is the sign of infection that may be caused due to bacteria, viruses, and fungi resulting in nasal congestion accompanied by difficulty in breathing. In persistent and severe infection individuals experience extreme headache or pressure in the eyes, cheek area, and nose.
Sinusitis in Ayurveda is termed as “PINAS”. The spread of Sinusitis as the disease is on the verge and affected people of all ages and sex. Ayurveda strongly suggests that the lifestyle preferences that we choose so far have the potential to negatively impact the health status leading to develop the disease more often. It is important to understand the cause and symptoms which result in its occurrence and flare-up.
Sinusitis is classified into two types which are acute and chronic depending on the severity of the infection and its persistence. As soon as a person gets to experience visible symptoms such as runny, stuffy nose, headache, and sore throat they should consult a doctor to avoid complications and get rid of unwanted surgeries. Various studies and body investigations depicted that the major cause of disease emergence is a pre-existing viral infection, weak immune system, and abnormal sinus structure. The timely treatment is essential if not then they are associated with giving long-term complications which with passing time are unmanageable and difficult to reverse. Some of the serious health and risk factors concerned with the disease are asthma, persistent nasal blockage, and sensitivity to allergies.
Some of the frequently asked questions by patients suffering from Sinusitis are:
1. Can sinusitis be treated without surgery?
2. What is the main trigger of sinusitis infection to emerge?
3. Why Ayurvedic treatment for sinusitis is best over others?
- Safe and natural treatment
- Long term results
- No side effects
- Effective recovery
Treatment of Sinusitis in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic treatment for sinusitis helps to overcome symptoms of the disease through the root cause and specialized management of the symptoms. Ayurveda categorizes the disease as “Dushta Pratishyaya” where the dominating doshas are Vata and Kapha whose imbalance leads to the emergence of the disease. The treatment involves many perspectives of Ayurveda which is wholesome of different practices and implications of various approaches.
Panchakarma Therapy

It’s the ancient practice or can be stated as the basis of Ayurvedic treatment where there is the employment of the different procedures for detoxification and purification of the system to keep it disease-free. The major therapies include Nasyam, Lepanam, Thalam, Shirodhara, and Vamana which are processed and applied as per the predominance of the doshas.
The main panchakarma treatments are Nasya and Swedana which for a long time have given quite good results for treating sinusitis.
- Nasya Therapy- There is the employment of herbal medicated oils for detoxification of the nasal cavity. It is done so by pouring oil or juice through nostrils for clearing the aggravated predominant Kapha.
- Nasal steam inhalation- This technique involves the addition of a few drops of mixed camphor and menthol which should be inhaled twice a day for effective results.
Ayurveda claims that alone medications cannot heal a person but the mantra for sustaining a healthy and disease-free life is to essentially incorporate the habit of practicing yoga each day. Yoga for long is practiced for keeping the mind calm and stable which directly impacts the health status. Regular chanting of the mantra “OM” strengthens the mind. However not only does it provides formerly listed benefits but do also possesses properties that are known to ward off infection, especially for a person suffering from respiratory diseases. This is possible because chanting and humming the mantra encourages air to move back and forth between your sinus membranes and nasal passages. The purified air move and opens tiny ducts connecting the nose to your sinuses allowing sinuses to drain properly.
Some of the best and most incredible yoga asanas which help to recover from sinusitis are:
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)

It is one of the most effective asanas which improves blood circulation, the opening of the blocked nasal channels and thus relieves stress and calms the mind. It stretches the neck and strengthens the spinal cord and additionally relieves congested nose and instant relief from sinusitis.
Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder-Stand Pose)

It soothes the nerves and calms the mind. It is the best exercise for relieving sinusitis and also many other respiratory diseases. Additionally, it is known that it helps to reduce insomnia and irritability thus improving blood flow in the lungs and shielding it against infections.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

It helps to reduce weight and also opens up the lungs and revitalizes the smooth heart functioning. It’s a great pose for maintaining mental stability and stretching lungs thus aiding in effective recovery from sinusitis symptoms.
Ayurveda's perspective suggests that keeping a healthy diet is the principal motive for keeping illnesses at bay. By eating diet full of nutrition makes an individual energetic, improves health, and also boosts ups the mood. There is no doubt that good nutrition, physical activity, and maintained body weight are all needed to sustain healthy well-being.

The topic of the importance of a nutritious diet for children is a question been highlighted the most and frequently asked. The answer is yes having a nutritious and healthy diet which Ayurveda believes is not to only be prioritized for adults but the children's need is especially more. This is because they are prone to several growth and development till adulthood. Some of the chronic and unmanageable health issues regarding lack of a balanced diet are heart disease, respiratory, joint pain, and diabetes.
Some key diet improvement highlighters for managing and controlling the early symptoms of sinusitis are:
- Balance the body pH
- Drink lukewarm water; a good hydrated body prevents sinuses to dry and mucus formation.
- Increased toxin levels in the body can cause inflammation of sinuses muscles. To prevent pineapple is the best fruit to reduce swelling as rich in antioxidants.
- Intake of food with anti-inflammatory properties is preferred for cleansing sinuses by increasing the flow of mucus. For example- peppers and garlic reduce inflammation and pain caused due to nasal congestion.
The food that should be avoided when suffering from sinusitis are:
- Avoid more dietary products as they promote the thickening of the mucus and increase chances of microbial growth in the body.
- Avoid caffeine-based beverages as they weaken the adrenal gland.
- Completely skip on processed sugar and refined food.
- Ward off fermented food and beverages as it imbalances the normal body pH.
Our lifestyle preferences have a great impact on healthy well-being. It is essential to factor that promotes or encourages health. Even though modernization has given many advantages in the medical sector but if the whole studies are implemented it is noted that it does have negatively impacted the health status. Unhealthy behavior leads to illness, and lifetime disabilities. It has increased the rise in serious health-related issues like metabolic, joint, cardiovascular, and neurological diseases.
Enormous lifestyle changes have a great impact on health and some of them are listed down are:
Lack of sleep

It is suggested that for a healthy and fresh mind one should at least take 5-6 hours of good and undisturbed sleep. Deprived sleep prevents the strength of the immune system to produce cytokines to fight against the infection depicting the lower recovery of the individual from illness and increasing the risk of serious complications.
Lack of physical activity

The most important criteria for maintaining healthy and disease-free life. Due to advancement in technology has increased in inactive modes of transport and people have neglected their health up to an expanded state. The best way to overcome is to practice regular exercise.
Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurvedic herbs are recognized for their valuable properties for a long time and are the main elements that are found in every house kitchen proven to give instant results. They not only provide you benefits but additionally also are natural and safe mean to improve health. Some of the best herbs which promote healthy digestion are turmeric, ginger, apple cider vinegar, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus oil/leaves and peppermint oil.
The above-listed Ayurveda recommended treatment and tips for effective recovery from Sinusitis have proven to provide the best outcomes even people who were suffering from chronic respiratory conditions. Sinusitis is a respiratory disease that emerged as the most common illness in the past few years. Initially symptoms like cold and cough become prevalent which are ignored by the majority of individuals but when the situation gets worst is not detected. Therefore, early management through effective Ayurvedic medications accompanied with certain diet and lifestyle modifications helps in early and long-term recovery. It is believed that our diet and lifestyle have significant potential and play a vital role in healthy functioning and its ill maintenance can cost with disease emergence and prevalence.
How to get rid of a sinus headache instantly?
One of the most discomforting symptoms of sinusitis is a headache. Sinuses are air-filled hollow spaces in the skull that secrete mucus to prevent infection, and also humidify the air you inhale. Under the condition of Sinusitis, inflammation, and irritation start arising in these regions which eventually results in headaches. Such pain may be both shooting or dull.
Although, there are quite a few methods available through which you can get rid of this headache naturally, and effectively such as;
- Take a cloth and dip it in lukewarm water. Now apply it on your face to compress the painful areas.
- Pour 1-2 drops of Cow’s desi ghee into both of your nasals. If cow’s ghee is not available, then you can also use almond oil (Badam Rogan).
- Sip hot ginger tea. Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory gingerol, through which swelling in your mucus membranes is reduced, and headache is eased.
- Lastly, take steam, preferably herbal. Inhalation of steam will open your blocked nasal paths, and relieve sinus pressure. Just simply, boil some water, and add herbs like tulsi, ginger, or haldi into this water. Your herbal steam is ready, lean a few inches above the water container, while covering your head with a towel.
Ayurveda has emerged as the best solution for you with its plant, herbs, and shrubs-based Ayurvedic medicines are proven to provide the best results for treating sinusitis and other respiratory diseases thereby giving long-term recovery results. Dr. Sharda Ayurveda for sinusitis treats the patients by implying an authentic and holistic approach.
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