Insomnia Treatment in Ayurveda

Insomnia Treatment in Ayurveda

What is Insomnia (Nidranasha)?

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder which is known as “Andira” or “Nidranasha.” The patient diagnosed with insomnia mainly experiences difficulty with their sleeping patterns. Difficulty falling asleep, staying awake, and early waking are some complications associated with nighttime insomnia, whereas daytime insomnia may result in fatigue, impaired memory, irritability, and lethargies.

The patients with insomnia find it difficult to concentrate, thus stay bothered while performing any minor task. The acute episodes of sleeping difficulties may be accompanied by high stress levels or poor physical health and often get fine on their own. However, if the complications persist for more than a week/month, or severely affect your daily routine, Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia becomes necessary. 

Different individuals experience insomnia differently due to their mental-physical body mechanism, and unique body dosha. However, insomnia treatment in Ayurveda is a novel approach that is equivalently helpful for all patients suffering from andira, commonly termed insomnia. Certain healthy changes in form, lifestyle, and diet are suggested to the patients in Insomnia Ayurvedic Treatment, so that their inner health can be reclaimed, and sound sleeping patterns can be exercised. 

Types of Insomnia

primary insomnia

Primary Insomnia

The condition is linked with a decreased ability to fall asleep, along with interrelated complications such as mild fatigue, dozing off, and irritability. However, such sleeping difficulties are not linked to any health concern or disease.

secondary insomnia

Secondary Insomnia

The manifestation of secondary insomnia is often accompanied by certain neurological concerns such as depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, asthma, or excessive medications.

Causes of Insomnia

There is a huge list of factors that may contribute to the manifestation of Insomnia. Some of the most common causes of Insomnia are as follows:

  1. Excessive medications: Consumption of steroid-based medications for prolonged periods can result in insomnia. When such harmful medications are continued for prolonged periods, they deliver several adverse effects on the central nervous system, resulting in wakefulness, or tiredness.
  2. Disturbed sleeping schedules: Being directly linked with sleeping patterns, Insomnia may be accompanied by disturbed sleep. Staying awake late at night, and not taking a sound sleep for 7-8 hours, supports insomnia. 
  3. Chronic stress & anxiety: Being a psychological phenomenon, insomnia may also be accompanied by stress and anxiety. Hectic schedules, unhealthy relationships, or any past traumatic events such as the death of a beloved one, or divorce may be responsible for such distress. 
  4. Sedentary habits and routine: A sedentary lifestyle can also be responsible for insomnia occurrence. Being a couch potato 24*7, eating too much, or too less, not exercising, and excessive caffeine intake, especially at night, could easily lead to insomnia. 
  5. Dosha Imbalance: In Ayurvedic terminologies, there are mainly 3 Doshas inside the human body, responsible for several bodily functions including sleep. Whenever any of these Doshas run out of balance, health concerns may arise. An increase in Kapha Dosha causes sleepiness whereas aggravated Vata and Pitta Dosha are directly linked to mental exertion including insomnia. 
  6. Other Neurological Disorders: Insomnia can also originate from multiple neurological differences, and disorders such as Jet lag, Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's disease, or Neuromuscular disorders.

Symptoms of Insomnia

Often patients don’t know what are the symptoms of insomnia, and that’s why they don’t take timely medical action for it. But we request you not to repeat this mistake and opt for Ayurvedic treatment for Insomnia, in case you are experiencing any of the following signs:

  1. Sleeping difficulties: One of the key complication-cum-symptom of insomnia is sleeping difficulty. Often patients find it difficult to sleep properly and remain bothered by unwanted awakenings. 
  2. Loss of Consideration: Insomnia patients often face difficulty in concentration, and focus. Enduring inattentiveness and forgetfulness make it very cumbersome for the patients to perform any minor or major task. 
  3. Fatigue: Persisting fatigue is the most common complaint of insomnia patients. Such patients experience a constant headache, along with reduced energy, and motivation.
  4. Frequent mood swings: Lack of patience, easy irritability, and triggering behaviour are yet another significant indicators of insomnia. As the patients are already lacking energy due to compromised sleep, and when such individuals encounter any sort of hardship, they easily get triggered.
  5. Daytime tiredness: Complete exhaustion is noticed in patients dealing with insomnia as they lack the prime source of energy claim, which is to say sound sleep.
  6. Dark circles: Yet another common sign that you can witness among insomnia patients is dark circles. When your sleep is deprived, the blood vessels start to dilate in the eyes, eventually turning the skin dark, especially regions near the eyes.

Insomnia Ayurvedic Treatment

In the Ayurvedic realm, the philosophy of “individualized treatment” is followed. We believe every person is indifferent in terms of their own body Prakriti, and Dosha constitution, and therefore Ayurvedic treatment for Insomnia should also be given accordingly. A unique blend of many dietary alterations, meditation techniques, Panchakarma procedures, and home remedies for insomnia patients are advised so that they can be provided with relief.

  1. Insomnia Treatment in Ayurveda mainly emphasizes timely, and wholesome nutrition. Intake of caffeine, non-vegetarian, and all other Tamsik Ahaara is varjit (prohibited), especially before going to bed.
  2. Shirodhara- a vital branch of Panchakarma is advised for Anidra patients, where medicated oil (taila) is poured on the forehead of the patient to eliminate all physical, and mental toxins clustered. 
  3. Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Jatamansi, Vacha, and Shankhapushpi are some brain-friendly herbs that help the patients potentially in improving mind functioning, and channelizing sound sleep. 
  4. To pluck insomnia from the root, several stress-management techniques are advised for insomnia patients, such as routine meditation, and mindfulness. 
  5. Care matters and words also heal. That’s why Insomnia treatment in Ayurveda also incorporates verbal therapy sessions for the patients. So that an in-depth knowledge of triggers can be obtained, and treatment can be done accordingly.

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Mrs. Seema

I was suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) from the past 10 years. I took western medicines for more than 8 years but got no relief. Then I got to know about Dr. Sharda Ayurveda and visited their Ludhiana clinic. They got my various blood investigation done and my RA was positive. In July 2019 I started their course of treatment.

Manjindar Kaur

Myself Manjindar Kaur from Rupnagar. I was suffering from Asthma. I was totally dependent on inhalers and had breathing issues in winters. But after treatment from Dr. Sharda Ayurveda Ludhiana from Dr. Mukesh Sharda, I was fully satisfied with their treatment. Within 7 months of treatment.

Raj Kumar

I was suffering from Knee Pain for many years. I took treatment from various hospitals but of no use. Then somebody advised me to take treatment from Dr. Sharda Ayurveda clinic and after taking treatment from there I was almost free from knee pain within 6 months. I have stop my medicines and feeling no pain.

Arminder Kaur Gill

I Arminder Kaur Gill for the last 5-6 years was suffering from diabetes, weather allergy, and unexplained weight gain. Even after consulting various renowned Ayurvedic Doctors in Toronto. My health condition was progressively declining and imagining a day without taking medicines and inhalers was impossible.


How long does insomnia last?

The condition varies from person to person. Acute insomnia lasts for a day or a few weeks but when the situation becomes chronic the attack may persist for months.

Is insomnia treatable through Ayurvedic treatment?

Sleep disorders treatment in Ayurveda is safe and effective. Dr. Sharda's Ayurveda insomnia Ayurvedic treatment has proven to provide positive results. The root cause management with the suggestion of certain lifestyle and dietary changes can help you get recover well from the disorder naturally.

Can insomnia be treated without the intake of sleeping pills?

Yes, it can be treated by adopting a healthy lifestyle and diet. Some of the best-recommended changes that must be adopted are:

  • Avoid day sleeping and short naps.
  • Never skip a day without a physical workout
  • Diet rich in selenium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, and Omega.
  • Practice yoga and meditation daily.
What home remedies can help overcome insomnia?

Some of the best home remedies that help overcome insomnia are :

  • Consume warm milk daily before bedtime as it is rich in melatonin and tryptophan.
  • Regular oil massage can help reduce pain and release anxiety and depression. Example – lavender oil
  • Must have a magnesium-rich diet as it relaxes muscles and reduces stress which would directly promote healthy sleeping.
  • It is always advisable to consult experts before following any of these remedies.
What is the role of stress is insomnia?

It is mainly related to having a disturbed mind that hampers the brain's functioning. Stress can also cause sleep deprivation that can significantly impair physical and mental health.

Why do women suffer from insomnia compared to men?

Women are likely to suffer from insomnia compare to men because of hormonal changes during the menstruation cycle, menopause, and pregnancy. They are also more likely to develop neurological medical conditions which lead to the emergence of this sleeping disorder.

How Ayurvedic treatment helps overcome insomnia?

Ayurvedic treatment helps in early recovery from insomnia naturally and effectively. Some best Ayurvedic recommendations that show positive and successful recovery of insomnia are:

  • Panchakarma therapy
  • Oil massaging
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Having a nutrient-rich diet
What food items should be included in the diet to treat insomnia?

The food items to be included in the diet to have peaceful sleep are:

  • Banana
  • Basil
  • Walnuts
What are the risk factors of insomnia?

The risk factors of insomnia are:

  • Mental health condition
  • Irregular sleeping schedules
  • Age
  • Lack of physical activity
What food items should be eliminated from the diet to overcome insomnia?

The foods that should be eliminated from the diet to overcome insomnia are:

  • Caffeinated products
  • High sugar items
  • Spicy food
  • Processed food

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