Womanhood is all about transitions. In the life span of women, hormonal changes occur throughout their lifetime. People have also attached social stigma to the problems related to women. As they are kept under wraps; a lot of misinformation surrounds them. The lack of conversation means a lack of education. So, to heal a disorder one must be aware of what actually they are going through!
You might have heard about PCOS/PCOD, people often interchangeably use these two terms but both of these disorders are actually different. Although their symptoms are similar they do have different causes.
Before coming to the differences part, let’s know what actually is PCOS and PCOD. What really happens in these disorders? And how Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD is beneficial.
Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD)
Basically, in a normal menstrual cycle, both ovaries alternately release the eggs. In the case of PCOD-affected females, the ovaries will either release immature or partially immature eggs. This results in the development of cysts which are little sacs filled with liquid.
The ovaries become enlarged because of swelling. Along with this, the androgens (male hormone) which are produced normally in less quantity are produced in excess. Due to hormonal imbalance, weight gain, irregular periods, and male pattern hair loss can be seen.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
The endocrine system is involved in PCOS, which results in the production of excess androgens. This further leads to eggs turning into cysts. However, the eggs aren’t released in this case and they are built up in the ovaries.
Since ovulation does not occur, the uterus's lining builds up every month and increases the risk of endometrial cancer. PCOS is much more serious than PCOD because the former is a disorder of the endocrine system.
An Ayurvedic Viewpoint on PCOD/PCOS
Basically, all three Doshas are responsible for menstruation. Vata Dosha is responsible for the movement of follicles, Pitta Dosha manages the functions of hormones, and Kapha Dosha provides nutrition to the follicles.
In the female body, Arthava Dhatu is the tissue that is responsible for the proper functioning of the reproductive system. The channel which carries the reproductive fluid is referred to as Artavavaha Srota. According to Ayurveda, PCOS, and PCOD are caused due to imbalance in Kapha Dosha.
The Kapha blocks the channel and disrupts the functions of the reproductive organ. Cysts are formed due to the accumulation of toxins in the Rasa & Raktadhatu.
Manage PCOS symptoms with natural ayurvedic herbs which involves a holistic approach to healing physical as well as mental health in females.
Infertility and PCOS/PCOD
Both of these conditions share Infertility as a serious complication. But what varies is the extent.
In PCOD, dietary, lifestyle changes, and extra precautions can make pregnancy possible but PCOS-affected females have imbalanced hormones to another level, which makes it very difficult for a conception to occur.
But, Ayurveda believes in healing every disorder from its root cause, and PCOD treatment in Ayurveda is possible with its healing powers. So, adopt Ayurvedic Treatment for infertility in males and females.
Both disorders have almost the same symptoms and causes which are listed below:
Symptoms of PCOS/PCOD
- Irregular periods: The periods are irregular and due to the presence of male hormones female experiences missed periods. Menstruation can also cause heavy bleeding because of an extra build of the uterine wall.
- Enlarged ovaries: At times, the size of the ovaries is also increased which is caused due to loss in the normal functioning of the reproductive organs.
- Presence of cysts: Due to the prevention of release in the mature eggs, cysts are formed, which are fluid-filled sacs.
- Hirsutism: Facial hair and excess body hair ( chest, stomach, back, armpits) are also seen in women who are diagnosed with PCOD.
- Weight gain: Gaining extra kilos are common among females who have PCOS. They become obese due to all the changes happening inside their bodies.
- Acne: The hormonal imbalance leads to the secretion of oil which clogs the pores and acne breakout occurs.
- Male pattern baldness: Hair thinning leads to crown baldness. In serious cases, excessive hair fall and complete hair loss are seen.
Causes of PCOS/PCOD
- Diet: If you are into a diet that rather than providing a nutritional content actually harms the body it will lead to you being diagnosed with PCOD/ PCOS.
- Lifestyle: The way you practice your daily routine actually defines your health condition. If you follow a sedentary life that has a passive schedule it will make your condition worse.
- Insulin resistance: If there is excess production of insulin, it leads to the production of male hormones. The androgen could hinder the normal process of ovulation. At the same time, too much testosterone levels interfere with the proper development of follicles.
- Obesity: Gaining extra kilos will take you closer to the malfunctioning of the reproductive system. Additionally, it can also lead to the production of insulin which directly can be a trigger for PCOS.
- Hormonal imbalance: Testosterone, androgen, luteinizing hormone, hormone-binding globulin, and prolactin are in an imbalanced state. This abnormal range can result in improper functioning of the ovaries.
Do’s and Don’ts for PCOS/PCOD
What are the do’s and don’ts which will help you live a happy and healthy life? Let’s proceed further to know more!
Do’s for PCOS/PCOD
- Ayurvedic herbs and spices which are present in the kitchen are instilled with healing powers. They act as a shield against various disorders and boost the immunity. Some of the herbs which will help you are Cinnamon, Tulsi, Turmeric, Ashwagandha, Fenugreek, Fennel, Shatavari, and Ginger.
- First of all, start following a healthy diet which includes fresh fruits. Have a full bowl of fresh fruits in the morning as it will enrich the body with the required amount of fiber, minerals, and vitamins. You can make fruit smoothies which will help the digestive system to function well and promote a healthy metabolism.
- Green leafy vegetables will provide the body with the elements like potassium, iron, magnesium, and sodium. Some trace amounts of calcium are also instilled in them which will help in nourishing the body. You can also make fresh vegetable soups which will help you in being fit and healthy. Start adding sprouts to your meal schedule, but make sure the sprouts are of vegetable seeds and not pulses.
- Hydrate your body. Drink plenty amounts of water. You can infuse the water with herbs like ginger, lemon, mint leaves, and tulsi. Along with this, you can also drink fresh fruit juices, coconut water, coconut milk, smoothies, and buttermilk. Try adding jaggery and Rock salt (sendha namak) as a substitute in your drinks.
- Go out for a walk or jog. Practice a mild workout routine and do not overstrain your body. You can also join dance or Zumba classes which will not only elevate your mood but will also help in shedding those extra kilos.
- To manage stress, or any other negative feeling start doing yoga and meditation. Yoga asanas help with releasing physical as well as mental stress. Some of the yoga asanas which will help in soothing the body are Malasana, Suryanamaskara, Bhujangasana, Naukasana, and Shavasana. Meditation will rejuvenate the body, boost the activity in the mind, and help with spiritual awakening.
- Start adding Cow’s desi ghee to your meals. According to Ayurveda, cow’s desi ghee is considered miraculous and has immense healing powers. Taking 2-3 tsp. of ghee works wonders in Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS.
Don’ts for PCOS/PCOD
- Stop the munching! Do not consume foods that are excessively oily and are processed. Junk food items will only make your situation worse as they will not only cause acne breakouts but will also lead to weight gain.
- Refined food products should be avoided. Pulses, refined grains, processed sugar, and processed salt must not be consumed. Dairy products must be avoided at all costs, they cause inflammation and may also lead to lactose intolerance.
- Sitting all day and doing nothing will make the situation worse as the passive lifestyle will act as a trigger and can make the situation worse. Don’t just sit all day on the sofas, and become a couch potato!
- Caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol, other drugs, and smoking should be avoided. They act in a destructive manner and aggravate the already existing condition.
- Do not neglect your mental health. Your emotions and mood swings are normal. Start managing your emotions rather than suppressing them, because if mental health is disrupted it will not help in PCOD ayurvedic treatment.
- Do not skip your meals and mess up your sleeping schedule. Your routine will define you and your health. Make a routine to stay fresh, healthy, and disease free.
- Don’t compromise your personal hygiene. Avoid wearing the same clothes, wet clothes, and make sure during periods the vaginal area is cleaned.
We hope this blog was helpful to you! Now, do not worry because Ayurveda is here for you and so are we! If you need any kind of assistance related to your health condition then consult our experts. Also, don’t think your health condition is taboo! Let us help you throughout your journey and let Ayurveda heal you with its powers so that you emerge as a fierce woman!
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