Menopause is a biological process that every woman has to go through. A woman has to face several difficulties under this condition as it usually results in irregular menstruation, insomnia, sleeping difficulty, hair loss, and hot flashes.
But worry not! In this blog, we will provide you with detailed knowledge regarding this topic. From what menopause is, along with its causes and symptoms, at what age it occurs and what is the ideal menopause diet.
What is Menopause and when it occurs?
Firstly, let us be clear that menopause is a natural process, not a disease. It can be defined as a decline in the reproductive hormones of a woman that results in delayed menstruation and a lot of physical pain and psychological discomfort.
Generally, after the age of 40s or 50s such conditions start to arise. However, in certain cases, it could occur at a relatively early age like before 40 years which is termed premature menopause.
What does Ayurveda say about Menopause?
The condition of menopause is called Rajonivriti in Ayurveda which is a consequential result of aggravated Vata Dosha and Pitta Dosha. It leads to a situation of “Dhatu Kshaya” where the body tissues start declining.
Ayurvedic management for menopause is available that calms the aggravated Doshas inside the body. You can consult with our Ayurvedic practitioners if you want to handle this situation in an efficient manner.
What results in Menopause?
In the case of menopause, age is not just a number. As a woman crosses the age of 45-55 years, the signs of menopause start to appear. Thus aging is a primary factor contributing to menopause.
Aggravated Doshas
More precisely saying the Dosha of air & space (Vata Dosha) and the Dosha of fire & water (Pitta Dosha) are responsible for the occurrence of this type of condition.
Hormonal changes
Menopause is related to hormones. When the reproductive hormones start reducing or the ovaries stop releasing eggs then it can result in a disturbed menstruation process, which could lead to menopause.
Poor Diet
The food you consume also has an interlinking connection with menopause. The consumption of processed food, spicy dishes, junk items, non-vegetation meals, alcohol, and smoking can add to the discomforts of menopause or may result in early menopause.
Surgical removal of Ovaries
The chances of having menopause also rise if any ovaries surgery has been done or ovaries and surrounding tissues of the womb have been removed in case of DUB (Dysfunctional uterine bleeding), or Oophorectomy.
What does Menopause feel like?
There are some common symptoms that women face during menopause. However, these symptoms or difficulties can vary from one woman to another.
- Irregular periods.
- Dryness in vaginal areas.
- Hot flashes.
- Night sweats.
- Slowed metabolism.
- Excessive weight gain.
- Fatigue.
- Early awakening or sleeping difficulties.
- Hair loss.
- Mood swings.
- Dry or itchy skin.
- Anxiety, stress, and hypertension.
How Diet plays a crucial role in Menopause?
Due to menopause and aging, your body might tend to become weak or lack strength. Taking a proper diet for menopause is pivotally necessary in order to fulfill the requirements of calcium, vitamins, fiber, as well as other nutrients of the body.
Let us provide you with detailed guidance regarding the food that you should take in case of menopause.
See what Foods help to Manage Menopause?
Ayurveda says that the condition of menopause is completely manageable if a proper diet plan and good lifestyle habits are followed. The following are the 7 best foods for menopause that women can take for Vata-Pitta pacification.
Green lefty Vegetables
Surely add green lefty vegetables to your diet, if you want to get relief from menopause. The consumption of vegetables on daily basis would help in lowering estrogen levels caused by menopause.
Best Vegetables for Menopause:
Kale, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, watercress, romaine lettuce, and beetroot are some vegetables that you can consume to handle menstruation symptoms.
Fresh fruits
Tasty and yummy fruits are the powerhouse of vitamins, antioxidants, fibers, and minerals. To get rid of irregular menstruation, vaginal dryness or itchiness, hot flashes, or any other complications of menopause, then you can surely rely upon consuming fruits.
Best Fruits for Menopause:
Apples, berries, dates, oranges, kiwis, strawberries, avocados, pomegranates, and mangos are some fruits that women can take to avail relaxation.
For easy consumption, you can take these fruits & vegetables in form of salad, juices, smoothies, soups, or even sprouts. Try to do your breakfast with only vegetables or fruits. You must also take one plate of salad before having your lunch.
Cow’s Ghee and Takra (Buttermilk)
You can make buttermilk by adding curd and water together. Drinking this mixture will prevent dehydration and aid to balance the water content in the body. Hot flashes can also be eased if one glass of this takra is consumed every day.
In Ayurveda, cow’s desi ghee is considered the best remedy for providing women with relief from the problems of menopause. Cow’s desi ghee contains various healthy substances like vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids that will prove very beneficial for such women as it reduces the vasomotor symptoms of menopause.
Whole Grains
Surely add brown rice, finger millet, quinoa, and barley into your diet. Being rich in fiber, vitamin B, and other nutrient elements these grains reduce the chances of having diabetes or any heart-related disease.
You can make porridge (Dalia) of these whole grains and can also ginger, apricots, carrots, capsicum, or other vegetables into this. The porridge of Yava (Jau)is considered the best meal if you are having menopause.
High Calcium Foods
It is advised that you should take a diet that is high in calcium. It will make your bones strong and will reduce the chances of osteoporosis that are usually seen in ladies under this condition.
For fulfilling the calcium requirements of the body you can take some dairy products like milk, clarified butter, cheese, yogurt, and tofu. There are some herbs like Shatavari, Asthishrikhla, Shigru, Amla, Shilajit, Giloy, Ashwagandha, and Arjuna aid in maintaining calcium levels inside the body.
High-quality Protein Diet
Your body might have become weak by the constant complications of menopause. It is very necessary to have a diet that is high in protein.
Lentils, legumes, chickpeas, and soya beans are some sources of protein that you can take to relieve the symptoms of menopause as they are also high in phytoestrogens.
Nuts and Seeds
Almonds (badam), walnuts (akhrot), pistachios (pista), pine nuts (chilgoza), and seeds of pumpkin (kaddu), sunflower (sarso), and sesame (til) are little powerhouses that can be added to the ideal for menopause.
Being fully loaded with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, zinc, and calcium will ease the burdensome conditions caused by menopause. However, these nuts could be warm. Therefore it is advised that you should soak them in the water at night and consume them the next morning. It will provide your body strength to fight against the complications of climacteric events going on in your life.
As we clearly stated that menopause results in both- physical pain as well as psychological unrest. Thus, it is advised to adopt yoga, and meditation for reducing stress, anxiety, panic attacks, or hypertension accompanied by menopause.
In the end, all that we can conclude is that menopause is not a disorder but a natural process that every woman has to go through. Although you can’t avoid this, still you can manage the complications of this biological procedure by adding the foods discussed above to your daily diet.
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