Complete Guidance of Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

Are you not happy with your personal and sexual life? Has premature ejaculation disorder made you hopeless, and you are unable to conceive? 

Do not worry, because Ayurveda is here and it will help you in effectively managing this disorder.

Premature ejaculation is also known as rapid ejaculation, premature climax, and early ejaculation. In this condition, there is a lack of control over ejaculation and it happens sooner than it is required. It causes distress and tension between the couple.

If you are occasionally experiencing this issue, it is normal. It becomes a sexual disorder when it occurs frequently.

Premature Ejaculation is Classified Into 2 Categories

  1. Primary (Lifelong): This type of condition has been seen almost every time since the beginning of sexual activity.
  2. Secondary (Acquired): This type usually develops later in the stage and where previous sexual experiences did not have any problem.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

The causes of premature ejaculation are categorized below:

1. Biological

  • Irregular levels of hormones
  • Family history
  • Infection or swelling of the urethra or prostate

2. Psychological

  • Sexual abuse
  • Early experiences related to sexual activity
  • Poor body image
  • Stress & depression
  • Anxiety and negative thoughts
  • Overthinking this condition

3. Lifestyle

  • A poor diet that includes unhealthy food consumption.
  • An inactive schedule that has no physical workout routine.

4. Other

  • Relationship problems
  • Erectile dysfunction

Complications of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation may result in relationship stress and cause issues in personal life. The second thing can be fertility. A couple may not be able to conceive because of this disorder as ejaculation might not occur in the vaginal region.

Natural Treatment For Premature Ejaculation

Ayurveda is an ancient science that deals with any disease to remove its root cause so that the disorder does not appear again. Ayurvedic treatment for premature ejaculation works with a purely natural approach and gives no side effects. The Ayurvedic treatment involves the consumption of natural herbs, spices, and modification in diet & lifestyle.

Ayurvedic Herbs For Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Ayurvedic herbs to cure premature ejaculation


It is an Ayurvedic herb that is used to heal many health conditions. It helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It also deals with infertility and maintaining hormonal levels in the body.


  • It boosts testosterone levels in the body and also regulates the levels of other sex hormones.
  • The stress-related issues are also managed excellently with this herb.
  • This herb is used for inflammation and other skin issues like dark spots, wrinkles, fine lines, and blemishes.


It is used as a health tonic and helps in treating sexual dysfunctions in men.


  • It calms the mood, helps in boosting desire, and enhances energy levels.

  • It also prevents premature ejaculation and helps in sustaining the erection.


It is also known as nutmeg. Due to the presence of certain constituents, it has nervous system-stimulating properties.


  • It is beneficial in managing sexual desire and increases potency in men.
  • It improves the sexual life of the couple.
  • It helps in the successful management of Premature ejaculation.

Ginger & Honey

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. It is beneficial for the body as it boosts immunity and also helps with the symptoms of premature ejaculation.


  • It can increase the blood flow to the penile muscles and also helps in the enhancement of ejaculation.
  • It also helps with heating up the body, to retain the erection.
  • Honey increases the potency of the ginger. Mixing ginger and honey will be highly beneficial to the males.


Also known as Indian gooseberry. It is rich in vitamin C and will help in reducing the symptoms of premature ejaculation.


  • It improves the quality of the semen.
  • It is also known to increase sperm count and motility.


This herb promotes fertility. It is also known as Asparagus racemosus.


  • It boosts the immunity system.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties and also maintains blood sugar levels.
  • It helps in treating anxiety, depression, and stress.


It is commonly called licorice. It is very beneficial in treating premature ejaculation.


  • It helps in improving the blood flow which manages erectile dysfunction.
  • It also helps with testosterone levels which enhances sexual life.
  • It is known to improve and enhance libido. 

Safed Musli

It works as an excellent aphrodisiac. It is also an adaptogen that works in resisting stress.


  • It helps in increasing libido and also increases the sperm count.
  • It helps with stress and anxiety. It is also seen to curb depression.
  • It has shown wonderful results in the treatment of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Gokhshura Powder

It is also known as Tribulus terrestris. It is well known for its immunity-boosting properties as well as aphrodisiac and rejuvenating properties.


  • It helps in strengthening the penile tissue and enhances the erection, thus managing any kind of dysfunction.
  • It also increases sexual desire in men.
  • It helps to prevent and manage prostate gland disorders.
  • It also boosts the energy level.

Kaunch Powder

It is known as Cowhage. For its multitude of benefits, it is commonly known as the magic velvet bean.


  • The consumption of Kaunch beej increases sexual desires (libido).
  • It also helps with improving sperm count and motility.
  • Further, it improves sexual performance by delaying the ejaculation time in males.


This herb has excellent spermatogenic properties. It increases the quantity and quality of semen in men.


  • It helps in promoting strength.
  • Due to the property of Vajikarna, it helps in maintaining healthy sexual life and reduces sexual weakness. 

Yoga & Meditation For Premature Ejaculation

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)


This asana helps in stimulating the reproductive organs. It also helps in improving the flexibility of the back muscles.

Further, it is known to improve the functioning of abdominal muscles and kidneys. By reducing the effect of fatigue and managing stress, this asana is helpful in the treatment of premature ejaculation.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)


It is the simplest form and gives the most effective results for premature ejaculation patients. This asana helps in relieving stress and stimulates the proper functioning of the kidneys, liver, and digestive system.

It can help to maintain erections by strengthening the peroneal muscles.

Mayurasana (Peacock Pose)


It looks complicated but is easy to perform when practiced daily and done with the right technique.

Doing this asana will provide your body with the ability to promote blood flow to the groin region. It also helps to manage performance anxiety before and is a great asana for stress.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)


This pose is known to improve posture and helps in strengthening the neck and upper back muscles.

It also helps in maintaining sexual health by stretching the hips and abdominal region.  The organs are stimulated so that they work properly. This asana helps with Premature Ejaculation Ayurvedic Treatment.

Ashwini Mudra (Horse Stance)

Ashwini mudra

This asana is known to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. If you will regularly perform this pose, this might help you in enhancing the activity of the anal muscles.

Moreover, this asana is best for toning and relaxing the back, neck,  and shoulder muscles.

Meditation For Premature Ejaculation

Meditation is a wonderful technique that helps with stress-related issues. Meditation helps with keeping negative thoughts away and is also useful in providing peace to the mind.

The body, mind, and soul are rejuvenated which helps the body immensely. One should practice meditation on a daily basis. Even five-ten minutes of this technique will enrich the body with the potential to heal the body.

Do not lose hope and get disheartened. Adopt Ayurvedic treatment and naturally nourish your body.

Article By:

Dr Sharda Ayurveda

At Dr. Sharda Ayurveda emphasis is made on treating the patients with the power of Ayurveda and traveling along with them in the path of natural and safe healing. The satisfaction and recovery of our patients is our utmost priority.